by Dick Bryant
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GHQ has brought out a new line of 10 mm ACW figures called RebellionMiniatures. These are supplied in packs containing 24 soldiers in 4 different advancing poses with an officer, standard bearer, and drummer, for $5.95. The infantry are available in either shell jacket or sack coat, each with either forage cap or slouch hat. Artillery packs contain two gun carriages, two 6-man crews, and a selection of 5 types of barrels. Crew are in shell jackets with either slouch hats or kepis. There are also command packs, stone walls, split rail fences, and metal stands. Limbers, caissons, towed guns, cavalry, and skirmishers are promised soon. GHQ, 2634 Bryant Ave South, Minneapolis, MN55408, credit card orders (800)-BUY-1945. Quality Castings has released a number of new and reworked 15mm WWII items.These include a new German Krupp "Boxer" 6x4 It truck and Sdkfz 10 1 -ton half track prime mover, a Japanese 47 mm model 1941 AT gun, and a British Bedford 1500 cwt It truck. There are redone versions of the US M8 armored car and the Russian T34/85 turret, and tank crews for both British and Russians. AUS armored infantry platoon set is now available, containing 4 M3A1 halftracks with drivers, vehicle MGs, and gunners plus 32 infantry figures. QC has also begun to cater to Command Decision players with 450 units, mostly company- and battalion- sized available as sets (send $2.50 for the 18-page list). PO Box1 1714, Alexandria, VA. They Died for Glory, a set of Franco-Prussian rules first published in The Courier, is being published in a revised edition, complete with optional rules, histroical background, tables of organization, and 11 scenarios. The price is $20, plus $2.50 shipping, from Quantum Printing Co, 437 West 16th St, 4FI, NewYork, NY 10011. TACTICA Medieval Book is a stand-alone rulebook which contains 26 medieval armies which are smaller - and more affordable - than those in the Ancients rules. There are special rules and a siege supplement, but the mechanics are the same as the original Tactica. Available for $22.50, plus $2.50 shipping, from Quantum Printing Co, 437 West 16th St, 4Ff, New York, NY1 0011. Wargames Foundry continues to churn out masses of new 25 mm figures. Among the more recent releases are figures for the Mexican Wars of 1861- 1867. These include more than four dozen infantry and 16 cavalry figures. Combined with the large number of appropriate figures from the extant Crimean and Franco-Prussian lines, there are more than enough figures to build large armies. The French Napoleonic Line Infantry line now has some 78 figures covering both the 1807-1812 and post-1812 periods. For Napoleonics across the waters, there are a dozen new British/Canadian artillerists, infantry, and command figures, along with 6 American Riflemen. Several lines have been rounded out: there are 5 new British infantry and an officer for the Boer War, the Zulu War line has added 5 Highlanders, 5 Artillerists, 3 Natal Mounted Police, Natalese with assegai and shield, and a lonely British infantry picket in greatcoat. There are 3 Turkish Regular cavalry and 3 Bashi-Bazouk cavalry for the Crimea, and the WWI line has a variety of new figures, bringing the total to something near 80, plus machine guns and field pieces. The Chinese 1839-1900 line has been augmented with 10 British infantry in shell jackets and 4 artillerists, along with a dozen new Taiping Infantry. Figures of Frederick Ward and "Chinese" Gordon are now available with 4 infantry of their Ever Victorious Army. There are also major additions to the Armies and Enemies of Rome (Spanish, Carthaginians, Celts, and Romans), and the 40 mm ACW line, as well as assorted new artillery pieces ranging from the War of the Roses to WWI. Catalogs and figures are available from Pendragon Miniatures, 1549 Marview Dr, Westlake, Ohio 44145. Mind Games has produced a series of ship charts for use with the Age of Iron Expansion Rules 1865-1890. Sets available include Great Britain Basic, Great Britain Expansion Set 1, Russian Basic Set, Turkish Fleet, Austrian Fleet, Italian Fleet, German Fleet, and USA Basic Set. Each set has 30 ships, variants and upgrades included, and are priced at $5.00 per set from Tactical Conflict Systems, Suite 155, 545 Newport Ave, Pawtucket, RI 02861. Soldiers and Swords produces Medieval miniatures; current releases are Hundred Years War armies in both 15 mm and 25 mm. In 25 mm, there are 15 portrait foot figures, 10 portrait mounted figures, and individual mounted French and English knights with lance, halberd, or sword. These single figures are priced at $1.25 for foot, $2.25 mounted. There are 9 8-figure foot packs available for either French or English, including a variety of men-atarms, knights, archers, and infantry, along with four foot commands packs and one of casualties. Mounted 4- figure packs of knights with hand weapons, bills/halberds, or lances, one of archers, and four command groups are available. These packs are all priced at $8.00. In 15 mm, foot figures are packed in groups of 24 for $6.50, mounted in groups of 16 for $8.50, with a similar variety of figures, except for the portrait figures. Soldiers & Swords, 25 Fayette St, Binghamton, NY 13901, tel(607) 723- 4556. Panzerschiffe has released 11 new ships, bringing their line to a total of 558 different ships. The new ships are all from the Sino-Japanese war of 1894, and include the Fuso, Chiyoda, Kongo, Chen Yuen, Ting Yuen, King Luen, Nan Thin,Chih Yuan, Ping Yuen, Chao Yung, and Chi Yuan. Houston's Ships has produced more 1:1100 ships for the SpanishAmerican War. These include US Torpedo boats, McCulloch (cutter), Petrel and Yorktown (patrol gunboats), Raleigh, Baltimore, and Montgomery (cruisers); and Spanish destroyers, Vizcaya, Velasco, Alfonso XII, and Aragon (cruisers). There are also new 1/1200 flag sets for China, Turkey, Denmark/Sweden/Finland, Argentina/Brazil, and Chile/Peru. Available from Lyzard's Grin, PO Box 14522,Oklahoma City, OK 73113. Greenwald Enterprises: offers Amphibious Landing Vehicle Kits in 1/72nd and 15mm(1/104th) scales. Each cut-out and assemble kit makes two vehicles out of sturdy cardboard stock. LCV and LCM include balsa wood parts. Painting required. The vehicles available are: 15mm LVT, 15mm LCV and 15mm LCM ($3 ea.) and 1/72 LVT ($4 ea.); 1/72 LCV and 1/72 LCM (5$ ea.). They also offer a very nice 3-D Flight Stand for air combat gaming The 3-D Flight Stand is a handcrafted machine. The wooden base measures 3 by 3 inches square and is weighted for stability. The metal thumb-screw adjustment clip allows the aircraft to be held in any attitude and elevation with adjustable altitude, pitch, roll and yaw. A clip-on centimeter/inch rule is provided for easy reading of altitude. The brass upright shaft is designed in two 12 inch sections for easy removal and storage. Extra aircraft mounting struts are available for quick change of aircraft. Ideal for 1/144th scale planes. Flight Stand $15, extra struts $1. Also offered are 15mm Cardstock Cutout Tents - Printed on 60 pound cardstock, each 8.5 by 11.0 sheet makes four tents. $1.00 per sheet. Available are Medieval, Roman, Nomadic and WWII tents. Coloring with wash or highlight markers required. Excellent for DBA camps! and finally a set of rules - WWII Wargaming for Young and Old Second Edition which expands the rules to include indirect fire, amphibious landings, aircraft and gliders, parachute drops scenarios. $10. All shipments subject to postage and handling charges. Greenwald Enterprises, 49c Amherst Street, Milford, NH. 03055 PublicationsArsenal is a new magazine, published in Russia. Although it looks good enough to make me willing to try to use my badly decayed undergrad Russian to decipher it, it comes complete with good English translations. Devoted to uniforms, arms, and military history, primarily Russian, it is filled with color plates, printed on heavy uncoated paper. This issue articles on the 1380 battle of Kulikovo between the Russians and the Golden Horde, uniforms of Russian Generals and Admirals from 1745 to 1764, dress and arms of the Moscow Streltzy of the 17th century,.a look at Russian Hussar unifiorms of 1812-1816 using newly found archival material, descriptions of uniforms of Russian aviators in WWI, the GPU and OGPU from 1922 to 1934, and White Guard units of 1918-1920, and an account of the use of berets in the Soviet armed forces. There is also an article on the attack of the Polish 18th Pomor Lancer Regiment during the 1939 invasion, told from the Polish point of view, with lots of operational detail. No subscription is available, as exchange rates and shipping costs are too unstable, but this issue is priced at $10, including the 48 page original and a 40 page translation, also nicely printed. A similar effort, the Eagle, which concentrates more on history than uniforms, should be available soon, with a first issue devoted to the Napoleonic period. Both of these are are exciting new sources of information and look to be good value. They are available from Xenophon, c/o John Sloan, 5218 Landgrave Ln, Springfield, VA22151. The Seven Years War Association Journal has changed editors, with Jim Purky stepping in to take the place vacated by Bill Protz, and will be going to a quarterly, rather than semi-annual schedule. The first issue of volume VI will be out in September, focussing on the First Silesian War. In the meantime, Jim points out that membership and a subscription will cost just $20, and should now be sent to him at 9415 Drake Ave, Evanston, IL 60203. Canadian Wargamers Journal is devoted primarily to boardgames, but has some coverage of miniatures. The Spring issue has a review of Battles for Empire, along with a response from the designer. Board game coverage includes variants and additional scenarios for published games. 48 pp, $12.50 US/4 issues from Canadian Wargamers Group, 207 Bernard Dr NW, Calgary, AlbertaT3K. The Zouave has acquired a new editor, David Reynolds. The Spring issue seems a tad lighter than its predecessors, with a short article on Grant's first battle (Belmont, Miss in 1861), a brigade-level scenario based on a collision at Allatoona Pass, Ga, in 1864, descriptions of several Minnesota flags, a figure review, some thoughts on ACW cavalry, and a book review, along with a page of paper log cabins. 16 pp, $14/4 issues from The Zouave, 563 Elkins Lake, Huntsville, TX 77340. L'Armee Francaise is an illustrated history of the French Army, 1790-1885, by Edouard Detaille. Originally published in 1883 in two volumes, it is being republished in a 336-page single-volume English translation, with the original artwork and an additional color section containing other works by Detaille. Published by Waxtel and Hasenaur, it is available for $45.95, plus $3.50 shipping, from Quantum Printing Co, 437 West 16th St 4Fl, New York, NY 10011. Frei Korps announces that they are now represented by RAFM of Canada, 20 Parkhill road, E., Cambridge, Ont., N1R 1P2 Canada. Rafm has the Plain Wars range in stock now and will have the ACW range soon. Frei Korps itself has released a range of 15mm Hellenistic Greeks containing some 28 figures. Frei Korps is at 25 Princetown Rd, Bangor, Co. Down BT20 3TA Northern Ireland. CATALOGS RECEIVEDQuality Castings - 15mm WWII sets for Command Decision rules. Each set is aunit in CID, mostly companies and battalions, for GErman, US, UK, Soviet,Japanese, and French forces. The catalog lists the composition of each unit,all 450 plus of them, with prices from $2.50 to $130. This catalog is availabfefor $2.50 . PO Box 11714, Alexandria, VA 22312. Editions Brokaw Product Guide - Figures for the War of the Spanish Succession, Great Northern War, War of the League of Augsberg. Available from Pat Condray,8234 King's Arm Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308. Courier Dispatch News About the Hobby.
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