by Bob Coggins and Craig Taylor
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(3) ALLIED ARMY (AA):Wellesley: 17"G(10)+3D PA. Cotton may be used to command any Allied cavalry units. (1) THIRD DIVISION (3): Picton: 5"E(8)+2 [2F]
(1) FIFTH DIVISION (5): Leith 3"A(6)+O [2F]
(1) LIGHT DIVISION (L): Alten: 4"G(6)+1 [1 F]
CAVALRY RESERVE (C): Cotton: 7"E(7)+2 [1 F]
*This brigade is actually part of the Cavalry Reserve, but ordered to operate under Picton. (3) FRENCH ARMY OF PORTUGAL(FA): Marmont: 14"G(10)+1 PM] (2) I CORPS (I): Clausel: 6"G(6)+1 [3F] 05(1) FIRST DIVISION (1/I): Foy: 4"E(8)+2
05(1) SECOND DIVISION (2/I): Sarrut: 4"G(6)+O
05(l) LIGHT CAVALRY BRIGADE (C/1): Curto: 3"A(5)+O
05 CORPS ARTILLERY (1): 1: Fr4# (2) II CORPS (II): Brenier: 6"E(6)+l [3F] 05(1) FIRST DIVISION (1/II): Maucune: 4"A(5)+0
05(1) SECOND DIVISION (2/11): Thomieres: 3"G(6)+O
05(1) LIGHT CAVALRY BRIGADE (C/II): Soult 2: 4"A(6)+l
05(1) DRAGOON BRIGADE (D/II): Boyer 1: 3"A(6)+O
05CORPS ARTILLERY (II): II: Fr12# KeyGENERALS: Generals Follow this format:
COMBAT UNITS: Combat units are listed under the name of their division and divisional commander,
following this format:
Figure or Gun Type Abbreviation (see sidebar 1)
SPECIAL RULES FOR VILLA COSTA1. Game Length/Sequence: 1200-1800 hours (14 Turns). The French are the First Side. 2. Arrival Times: All units arrive on the 1200 hours Turn.
French: Remainder I & II: Deployed in E3, E4, E5, E6, E7, and/or E8 table edge areas. 3. Unknown Terrain (Optional for Umpired Games): An umpire should secretly determine the locations of the following terrain features, which are unknown to the players: two sections, each one foot long, of hillside designated as too steep for movement through by cavalry, artillery, and wagons/pack trains, and which counts as a strip of rough terrain for infantry and generals; one "muddy" area no more than one foot square that counts as rough terrain for all purposes for artillery and wagon units, and as rough terrain for all other units, except for making about faces or formation changes; and one "drainage ditch" area, also no more than one foot square, that is impassable to artillery and wagon/pack train units and counts as rough terrain for all other units, automatically disordering cavalry units that move through it for any part of their movement. The locations of these terrain features are revealed only when a unit reaches them. 4. Marsh Terrain: The marsh terrain counts as rough terrain for movement.Treat units in marsh terrain the same as if they were fording. Artillery fire directed at units in marsh terrain uses a "-2" firing modifier at ranges exceeding two inches. 5. Options: The French start with the initiative. Both sides get 5 free rolls. 6. Victory Points: The buildings of Garcia Villa are worth 40/56 each, the buildings of Villa Costa are worth 25/35 each, the Cerro Pecho is worth 25/35, and the Cerro Murillo is worth 40/56 French/Allied victory points. No objectives are controlled by either side at the game's Stan. Information Chart
NOTES: a. For infantry in square, use the "OT" ("Other") modifier if vs. any infantry. For infantry not in square, use the "OT" modifier if vs. anyattacking cavalry, and not in a town, woods, entrenched, or with friendly cavalry in the same combat. Forattacking cavalry, use the "OT" modifier vs. infantry or artillery not in square and not in a town, woods, entrenched, or with friendly cavalry in the same combat. Use the current formation modifiers in all other combats. b. The" PSP" ("Response") number is used for cavalry recall (with a "-4" recall modifier for British cavalry, and a "-2" recall modifier for allother cavalry), rallying, and for infantry attempts to form square (with a "+1" column modifier and a"+ 1 "modifier for British infantry in line formation). General "RSP" modifiers are "-1 "if Poor, "+1" if Good and "+2" if excellent. The disorder modifier is "-3". A modified "RSP" number is also the withdrawal modifier. c. Routs: Infantry and gunners = 18", cavalry and limbered artillery = 27". Routing units always in column or Ii mbered formation. d. Subtract from the "LIN" or "ULM" speed. Also the cost to "about face". Cannot be used while within 1" of an enemy combat unit. e. Eliminated on a "1-3" when alone or when attached to arouted, dispersed or eliminated unit. f. Use the current formation modifier. g. May evade infantry (horse artillery limbers, if not so when contacted) unless disoredered or routed. Only reacting cavalry may evade enemycavalry. h. May dismount. j. Same as when mounted. k. 2 fire hits from one shot or 1 combat hit are required to eliminate an artillery crew figure (also disorders the unit). Any artillery unit is eliminated with 2 eliminated crew. l. Gunners without their gun lose their ability to fire. p. May not initiate combats. q. May initiate combats only if attached to infantry or cavalry. r. Rout number is "+1 "with 6 or more bases. s. Is skirmish infantry. LIM = Limbered; ULM = Unlimbered. Battle of Villa Costa 1812 Napoleon's Battles Scenario Back to Table of Contents -- Courier #55 To Courier List of Issues To MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1991 by The Courier Publishing Company. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |