Cacabellos - 1809 (The Generals)

by Mike Oliver


1 Lt. Gen Sir John Moore
bf16cacabmoore.jpg - 4.31 K Generally considered, at the time, to be the most able Lt.-Gen. in the Army. His reorganisation of light infantry tactics was university admired and he had achieved notable successes in Egypt, the Indies and the Netherlands. Determined, if a little cautions; tactically very sound; brave and careful of his men but with a high sense of his duty. Very good.

2 Lt.-Gen. Lord Henry Paget
bf16cacabpaget.jpg - 4.83 K Certainly the best British cavalry commander of the period Decisive and bold but not reckless. Retained control of his men even in the excitement of battle. Tactically brillant. Very good.

3 Lt.- Gen. Sir David Baird
Victorious in the action at Cape Town in 1806, Baird was a sound commander if not especially inspired. A little disillusioned over his treatment in India after being superseded by Sir A. Wellesley, he had upset Dundas and spoilt his chances of earlier independent command Brave, hardheaded and a disciplinarian. Good

4 Maj.-Gen. Edward Paget
Brother of Lord Henry. Showed initiative and competence at both Cacabellos and La Coruna. Good


1 Marshal "Nicolas" Jean-de-Dieu Soult Duke of Dalmatia
bf16cacabsoult.jpg - 4.76 K As sound a Marshal as Napoleon had in his army. Perhaps inferior only to Davout. Napoleon told him he accounted him the ablest tactician in his army. Distinguished himself at Austerlitz. Placed in overall command of the pursuit of Moore's army. Very good.

2 Marshal Michel Ney- Duke of Elchingen
bf16cacabney.jpg - 5.24 K Known as "Le plus brave des braves" (Bravest of the brave) Ney appeared utterly fearless. He achieved amazing feats as rearguard commander on the 1812 retreat from Moscow but, at other times, made elementary mistakes. Inconsistent and jealous of his position, he did not enjoy subservience to Soult. Average.

3 Gen. de Division Baron M. de Latour-Maubourg One of Napoleon's best cavalry generals. His part in the War was of a very high standard even when in independent command. Very good.

4 Gen. de Division Merle Chief-of-Staff to Soult in the German campaign of 1806, Merle was trusted by the Marshal and was a sound divisional commander. Average

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