Ocean Pond
The Battle of Olustee, Florida
20th February, 1864

Wargame Notes and Rules

by Paul Stevenson


The scene is now set for the wargame. The players know the background and setting for the battle but perhaps not the outcome. The forces are very well balanced and the game is anybody's. The forces are easily obtainable in 15mm scale but the scale of the game is ideally suited to a 25mm refight. The game is designed to be played to "Johnny Reb", my favourite (ACW) rules. Some explanation of the basics is therefore needed to make conversion to other rule sets in use. A ratio of one figure equals twenty men and one model gun to 2 actual ones is used. Each square of the game map is 500 yards on a side.

The game table should therefore measure four by three feet for 15mm and eight by six feet for 25mm figures. Each unit has a points value of 2 if infantry and cavalry and 1 if a section of artillery. Leaders have various points, usually 3 if a brigadier and 5 if a division commander. A 40% loss of points causes all units to cease offensive action. A 60% loss compels the army to retreat. Lost units and leaders are those that have been removed from the table due to enemy action. A game Turn is equivalent to 15 minutes actual time.



Avoid the Confederate victor conditions and inflict at least 40% losses on the Confederates by Turn 12.


Avoid the Union victory conditions and inflict 40% losses by Turn 12.

"It was a fair, square, standup fight in pine woods, just there not very thick, and having little undergrowth, save an occasional swampy hole. There was probably a difference of less than five hundred in the numbers engaged. The Confederates knew the ground and were formed for battle. We rushed in, not waiting for the full formation, and were fought in detail"

    --- Col. J. R. Hawley, U.S.A.


Most of the battlefield is covered with scattered pine with no underbrush. March columns can move without penalty but other formations treat the woods as broken terrain. Maximum visibility is 6 inches (250 yards) making the game ideal for hidden movement (see below). The area of cypress swamp is rough terrain and the small pond is impassable. The field is open. Roads are good. Movement along the railroad is done at broken terrain rates.



Deploy in any formation, the 7th Connecticut and Battery B, 1st U.S. anywhere at least 12 inches and not more than 18 inches in from the Union side's table edge in the two centre squares of the game map.

Seymour, and Hawley with the balance of his brigade, in any formation, enters the table edge on or between the two road exits on Turn 2.

Barton's brigade enters the table on or within six inches of the right'hand road from Turn 4. Montgomery's brigade enters the table on or within 6 inches of the left hand road also from Turn 4. The field artillery batteries may arrive with either or both of Barton's and Montgomery's brigades.

Henry may move with the advanced guard or may be placed with one of his mounted units. Mounted units remain off-table. Exception: If the 2nd Florida cavalry enters the table so too may the 1st Massachusetts cavalry. If the 4th Georgia cavalry enters the table so too may the 40th Massachusetts mounted infantry. Union mounted units must be accompanied by Henry to move onto the table and do so during the same Turn as Confederate ones. They may charge if required. The 1st Massachusetts can enter only from the corner square on the right flank and the 40th can only enter from the left flank corner square.


Deploy the 64th Georgia in any formation between the road and railroad at least 12 inches in from the Confederate table edge. The 4th Georgia cavalry may enter the corner and middle square of the Confederate left table edge from Turn 5. The 2nd Florida cavalry may enter the right corner square from Turn 2.

Colqiutt with the 6th, 19th and 28th Georgia plus a section of the Florida Light Artillery enter on Turn 1 via one or both road exits on the Confederate table edge.

Harrison with the balance of his brigade enters the table via the left road or within six inches of it on Turn 4. Finegan with the balance of Colquitt's brigade follows on and arrives from Turn 8.



One actual and one dummy marker may be used for each regiment, battery and officer.


Confederate units run out of ammunition on rolls of 4 or less. Confederate units can re-supply after one Turn out of ammunition, by rolling higher than their Basic Morale Points modified by an officer's benefit. Add 1 to the BMP if the resupplying unit is more than 12 inches from the railroad exit ie the railroad car with fresh supplies which had been brought up. (Note: an average unit has a BMP of 3, green unit 4).


Coloured units fought bravely enough but were often at a loss without their officers. To reflect this they must check for loss of officers during Phase 8 "Officer Casualties". If their commander suffers anything worse than a light wound the unit must make an immediate morale check. If not routed the unit must also go onto "Conditional Hold" during the next turn.

Ocean Pond The Battle of Olustee, Florida: 20th February, 1864

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