by Bob Carter
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Dateline: Glenmora, 0530 Hours Local Time, 29 March 3029 Shrieking hoverfans shattered the early morning stillness as Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Hovertank Regiment, Fifth Deneb Light Cavalry, came home after a night on the prowl. The unit is nicknamed the "Barracudas." Bravo Company hovertank in action Tonight the unit lived up to its nickname, for the hunting was good. Carbon scoring and numerous dents attested to heavy fighting but all the company's vehicles returned home intact. No casualties were reported among the crews, and the men were in high spirits. Several hovertanks sported kill rings and silhouettes, with new ones being painted on as we watched. After the unit bedded down for the night, I was able to interview the unit's commander. "Yeah, we caught 'em napping", stated Captain Lawrence Haik. "They're so busy stompin' around after the Dragoons that the Snakes aren't paying much attention to us small fry. Well we taught 'em a lesson in deep penetration raids tonight." While the Captain refused to go into the details of the raid, citing security concerns, it was clear from the information he did reveal that a major Kurita ammunition supply point has been destroyed, as well as the maintenance collection point for a 'Mech battalion. Several Kurita 'Mechs were destroyed, in addition to numerous vehicles, tons of ammunition, and other supplies. This raid is expected to stall this portion of the Kurita drive on Glenmora for at least two weeks. The Glenmora campaign began over six months ago with the arrival of Alpha Regiment, Wolf's Dragoons, in late August 3028. The regiment, like all the other units of that enigmatic mercenary outfit, has been incognito since leaving Harrow's Sun for Glenmora in mid-August. While the departure of the regiments to their assigned duty stations was highly publicized, their subsequent actions have been conducted under their usual veil of secrecy. No interviews have been allowed with unit personnel and all attempts at close range photography of the unit have been interfered with. Reports from other sources indicate that Alpha Regiment has been in combat with the Kurita troops since the Fifth Galedon Regulars landed on Glenmora on September 18,3028. Since early March, the campaign on Glenmora has evolved from full-scale pitched battles to a hit and run guerilla war. Colonel Wolf has broken his units down into company size or smaller teams. Alone or in conjunction with units of the Tenth Deneb Light Cavalry, these teams have played havoc with the slower and heavier Kurita units. A key part of this strategy has been to concentrate the attention of the Fifth and the Sixteenth Galedon Regulars on Wolf's Dragoons, allowing the units of the Tenth Deneb to raid the enemy's rear and flanks. So far the strategy seems to be working. The enemy has suffered heavy losses, although his ability and will to continue the campaign seem unchanged. So far all attempts at gaining interviews with Wolf's Dragoons personnel on the current status of operations have been unsuccessful. From what information we can gather, however, the Dragoons appear to be fighting hard, Heavy losses have been reported and battle damage is obvious on long-range photographs. But the unit's fighting spirit and almost demonic need for vengeance against their Kurita adversary seems unquenched. There are reports and allegations of atrocities on both sides. This appears to be a fight to the finish. Who the victor will be is not clear at the moment. As usual, there are numerous stories concerning the Black Widow, Captain Natasha Kerensky, and her infamous Black Widow Company. Earlier in the campaign, her unit was credited with destruction of a Mobile headquarters, along with the destruction of a company's worth of Combine 'Mechs. The Draconis Combine press liason officer on-planet strenuously denied these reports, calling them "base lies spread by an enemy who has no honor." The Black Widow Company's current whereabouts are unknown. It is said to be conducting one of its usual rear area rampages. Earlier this evening I was able to interview Colonel Carla Kearns, the commander of the First Hovertank Regiment, Tenth Deneb Light Cavalry. I asked Colonel Kearns to comment on the campaign in general and current operations in particular. "Well, as you know, Glenmora is a rather unique campaign. It's actually part of three separate battles going on on the planets of Harrow's Sun, Wapakoneta, and Glenmora. This campaign is more a blood feud between Wolf's Dragoons and Takashi Kurita than a fight between the Federated Suns and the Draconis Combine. I'm not sure of the details, but something happened in the Draconis Combine, something really bad. The Dragoon officers I talked with wouldn't comment on the incident except to say they were determined to carry the fight to the finish." "I've never seen two adversaries push themselves and each other so hard. They're totally committed to the other's annihilation and damn the cost, no matter how high. I'm just glad that it's the Kuritists they're mad at and not us." the Colonel said in a low voice. Then she shuddered. "It's almost spooky, this fight. I don't know how it'll end." The Colonel paused, reflecting for a moment, then moved to describe the current situation. "Now, as you know, I can't comment on specific unit deployments or other operational matters, but I can give your readers an overview of the current situation. The Tenth Deneb's arrival in mid-December changed the complexion of the Glenmora campaign. Previously, both sides had few conventional troops and were forced to conduct pure 'Mech operations. While relatively easy to plan and support, this type of combat places limits on a creative commander, especially one like Colonel Wolf." "Since assuming command of both units after the death of Marshal Sanders (Commander of the Tenth Deneb), Colonel Wolf has melded Alpha Regiment and the Tenth Deneb into an effective combined-arms team. In early March he implemented a plan to tie down large number of Combine 'Mechs while increasing the survivability of his own forces. Replacing standard company and battalion unit with mobile hunter-killer teams of 'Mechs, vehicles, and infantry, Colone Wolf has given us the creative tactical edge. We now have the means to combat the enemy in a variety of ways, on ground of our own choosing. "Mobile operations began on 5 March with the 1st and 2nd Hovertank Regiments conducting a large scale raid on the Kurita rear area. The destruction and confusion caused by this action marked the breakout of Wolf's Dragoons and the Tenth Deneb from the Tronka perimeter. Within the past month units have scattered across the entire face of the Hades continent. We are engaging the enemy whenever and wherever a favorable opportunity arises and we'll continue to do so for as long as necessary." I asked Colonel Kearns how long she expected this phase of the operation to last. She looked at the map and considered the question. "That depends on a number of factors. Provided no further reinforcements arrive for either side, this type of campaign could last for months. I can't see it lasting past the summer though, because by then both sides' vehicles and personnel will be too worn out to continue. But with this blood feud between Wolf's Dragoons and House Kurita, who can tell? I'll just be glad when it's over." Following that, the Colonel and I concluded the interview and I departed the regimental headquarters. While the Davion defenders appear to be holding their own at the moment, this campaign is unpredictable and anything could happen. The future will determine whether Glenmora will remain part of the Federated Suns, or fall under the iron yoke of the Dragon. As for Wolf's Dragoons, we can only hope they achieve their goals with a minimum of loss. This war has seen more than its share of casualties. News from the Front Back to BattleTechnology 8 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1989 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |