by Bob Carter
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Dateline: Vega -- November 10, 3028 On other worlds in the Draconis Combine, Theodore Kurita is known by the title, "Prince of Luthien". Here on Vega, they call him "The Colonel". No other officer will ever use that military title again to the Vegan civilians. Col Kurita has almost singlehandedly saved their world. After his daring escape from Marfik at the beginning of October, Col Kurita landed secretly on Vega with the remnants of the 11th Legion of Vega, the unit he built from the ragbag. Two of Vega's three continents had fallen to the Lyran invaders. The remaining troops, two regiments from the Legion of Vega, were disgruntled and out of supply. The Elite 14th Lyran Guards could be pardoned for thinking that pacification of the planet was a matter of days. Col Kurita rallied the planet's disorganized militia into partisan units. He organized small-unit lightning raids to take the Lyrans offbalance; the attack units had to be quickly broken down into the small units more effective against these light, quick enemy thrusts. He used civilian rumor and propaganda skillfully against the offworld invaders, He quickly saw that unless his forces could resupply themselves with parts, ammunition, fuel and foods, they had no hope of holding out, far less of winning. The main Lyran supply depot of Colchus was just over twenty klicks away. He could easily mount a destructive raid, and deny supplies to the LCAF forces, but that still would not give his troops enough to survive on. Two dozen partisan units and small strike lances went out on dive rsionary raids and skirmishes; most lost their lives in the effort, but these brave actions gave Col Kurita the time he needed to mount a major attack on the Steiner supply depot at Colchus. The surprise attack was a complete success; no alarm was raised as the Vegan hovercraft fleet converged on the depot, removing tons of supplies over a period of three days, before the surprised Lyrans could counterattack. Whatever the Vegans could not take, they destroyed. Now it was Col Kurita's forces that were in possession of ample stores of parts, fuel, ammunition, and food, while the invading forces suffered privation. Planetary morale completely restored, partisan forces on all three continents regrouped and began fighting anew. As of this report, there remains little doubt that the planet will be retaken shortly. Coordinator Takashi Kurita continues to concentrate his efforts on the Galedon Military District, on Glenmora, and the other planets defended by his nemesis Wolf's Dragoons. Dragoon casualties are estimated to have reached 60% of the unit. How long can they continue to fight? How long can Coordinator Kurita continue to ignore the rest of the Fourth Succession War? On Vega, Col Kurita continues to receive the best intel available on the front, due to the respectful friendship that he maintains with Subrash Indrahar, head of the ISF. Reports indicate that his father, the Coordinator, is completely ignoring Indrahar's work in his obsession with Wolf's Dragoons. News from the Front Back to BattleTechnology 7 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1988 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |