by William H. Keith, jr.
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The following is an edited communications transcript recorded aboard the 3rd Davion Guards DropShip Excelsior, an Overlord-class vessel designated as primary cornmand/control center for the Guards RCT during much of the battle. The transmissions were monitored during the 3rd Guards' AeroWing assault on the heavilydefended fighter bunkers and maintenance facilities early in the battle for Algol. This portion of the communications traffic involved the AeroWing's First Group, consisting of sixteen fighter bombers divided into Gold, Blue, Red, and Green Lances. "Gold Leader" is the commanding officer of the entire air group, the legendary Colonel Dale Randolph Harrison. "Pops" Harrison is perhaps best remembered for his part in the Baffle of David some fifteen years ago. Although retired since 3025, Harrison returned to the service at his own request, evidently to take part in the grand assault by his beloved 3rd Guards. "Jackpot" was the code phrase which was to be used to notify headquarters that the Capellan AeroSpace fighters had been caught while still on the ground. "Gold Leader to Group. Coming up on target in... mark... thirty seconds. All ships, arm your weapons. I say again, arm weapons! Lance leaders, check in." "Green Leader, all tight." "Red Leader, Red Lance set." "Blue Leader, yo!" "Ah... Gold Leader, this is Blue Two. I've got a lot of fire coming up from Hotel niner five. SAMs and heavy laser..." "This is Blue Four! I'm hit! I'm hit!" "Steady Blue Four. This is Blue Three, right behind you. Doesn't look bad. Looks like some damage to your belly and starboard wing. You're trailing some smoke..." "Roger that, Three. I've got overloads on the main accelerators, though. Picking up some vibration here..." "Gold Leader to Group! Heads up, everybody. I have the target in sight! Keep tight, keep low. Wingmen, stay on your leaders! Let's hit'ern low, fast, and hard!" "Copy, Gold Leader! Blue Lance... here we go! "WHEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOO!" "Red Lance, going in!" "Green Lance... copy! Here we go!" "Watch it, Group! This is Red Two, picking up fire at Echo One! Very heavy! Very heavy!" "Copy that, Red! There's fire coming off the tower at Sierra two! Watch it, Green Lance! You're bracketed!" "Gold Leader! Gold Leader! I've got the airfield! Good Lord... they're spread out three ways from Sunday! Jackpot! Jackpot!" "This is Gold Leader. Confirm that." "Gold Leader, Red Leader. I repeat... Jackpot! We have Liao ships on the ground! I see Transits... Transgressors... and Thrushes! Hell, they're all over the field, packed in wingtip to wingtip!" "Greatballs of fire ... we got 'em! We got 'em!" "This is Gold Leader. Hold the chatter, boys. Keep tight. Red Lance, you have the honors." "Red Leader, here. Thanks, Pops. C'mon, Reds! Let's show 'em how it's done!" "Strike Excelsior, this is Gold Leader. Jackpot. Jackpot." "Excelsior to Gold Leader. Jackpot confirmed. Good hunting." "Red Leader to Gold Leader! Bombs away! Wheeeooo! You shoulda seen those feathers fly!" "Affirm, Red Leader. Blue and Green Lances... your turn to dance!" "Green Two to Red Three! Pull up, Doug! That fireball nearly singed your tail!" "Affirm, Green Two! What a smoker!" "Red Leader, here! I've got a sneakaway at the north end of the main runway! Looks like a Thrush trying to get in on the fun!" "I'm on him, Red Leader. Steady... steady... Oh, Lordy! Did you see him cartwheel?" "Watch the fire from that tower!" "This is Gold Three. I'm on the tower. Stay clear! Stay clear! Heavy SAM fire, Hotel Three!" "This is Blue Four... calling Mayday! Mayday! Power out! I'm losing it!" "Blue Four, this is Blue Leader! Punch out, Slick! You're on fire!" "What... and walk back? Blast 'em for me, guys..." "Blue Four! Blue Fourl Pull out!" "Oh, malf! Did'ja see that? Right into the..." "Watch it! Those are high explosives going off!" "Great holy cosmos! Slick must've augured into a bomb dump in that hanger! That whole line of Transgressors went up like fireworks!" "This is Green Three! I'm losing the target. Too much smoke." "Affirm, Green Three... affirm. Swing wide and take 'em from the south." This is Red Three! I've got a Transit airborne... on my tail! Red Four, where are you? Get him off!" "Hold on, Three! Your Wingman went down with a SAM up the spout. Greens One and Two vectoring in..." "Oh, malf Where's Pops?" "Eleven o'clock high... tangling with a Thrush! There he goes!" "Look at that Cappy burn!" "Green Two to Gold Leader! Nice kill!" "Thank you, Green Two. Now haul back and break! Watch that ground fire! Group... reform! Let's hit 'em again! I think they still want to play ..." Of sixteen Davion fighters in the attack, three were destroyed during the battle, and another three failed to make it back to their DropShips. Five of the fighters were so badly damaged they would never fly again. Colonel Harrison counted 97 holes in his Corsair's tail assembly alone. In return, the Group was credited. with the destruction of at least 22 Capellan fighters, including four shot down in air-to-air combat For this action, the Group won the Silver Sun Unit Citation, while Colonel Harrison won the Golden Sunburst. AeroWarrior Linda "Slick" Evans was posthumously awarded the Diamond Sunburst. News from the Front
World Name: Aldebaran Death of a DropShip Davids Meet Goliaths on St. Andre's Rocky Plains World Name: St. Andre The Ivaar Goliath Mystery AeroSpace Fighter Strike on Algol World Name: Algol Strike Low, Strike Fast, Strike Hard! Back to BattleTechnology 6 Table of Contents Back to BattleTechnology List of Issues Back to MagWeb Magazine List © Copyright 1988 by Pacific Rim Publishing. This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |