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III. Duties and Powers of Officers A.The President 1. It is the President's responsibility to contact other organizations in general, the public, etc., and to advertise the SGS. No binding agree- ment may be made by the SGS without the approval of the Directorate. 2. The President shall report at least quarterly to the Directorate on projects and progress under his administration, including all areas under his jurisdiction. 3. All appointed officials other than the Elections Officer and his Assistant serve at the pleasure of the President and may be removed by him. Removing a Committee Chairman without reasonable cause is grounds for removal of the President from office under Article V of the constitution. The Directorate may reverse any Presidential appointment by majority vote. 4 If a Regional Director's post becomes vacant, the President shall appoint an acting chairman for that Region's Regional Activities Committee, to serve until a regular or special election fills the post. 5. If tile post of Vice President becomes vacant, the President shall appoint a person to perform all the duties of the Vice President other than voting in the Directorate. This person serves at tile pleasure of the President. 6. The President is responsible for arranging the SGS general membership meeting at Origins each year. 7. The President shall correspond with persons and organized groups who provide worthwhile services to the wargaming hobby, requesting reports on their activities suitable for publication in Strategist, and determining what assistance the SGS might be able to provide these persons or groups, as well as how members ofthe SGS might take advantage of the service. B. The Vice President 1. The Vice President shall edit and publish the Directorate Newsletter, which shall appear at least every six weeks, but not more often than monthly. 2. If a National elective office becomes vacant with less than six months remaining in the term of office, the Vice President is to perform the duties of that post for the remainder of the term. If more than six months remain, the Vice President will fill the post until a special election is completed. 3. It is thee duty of the Vice President to enforce the By-Laws of the SGS pertaining to tile operation of the Directorate. He may not rule motions out of order, fail to print motions of a Director, or postpone a vote on a motion, except by using his vote of Challenge". C. The Treasurer 1. The Treasurer and the President shall be signatories on the SGS bank account. The President may not draw on tile account, other than through the Treasurer, unless the Treasurer's post is vacant. 2. A list of new members, their addresses, and the names of all persons who have renewed their memberships shall be printed every month in Strategist. A complete membership list shall be printed very six months. 3. If the posts of President and Vice President shall both become vacant, the Treasurer assumes the duties of the President. 4. In the event that the SGS should cease to function, any remaining Treasury should first be used to pay any outstanding obligations of the SGS, and then shall be refunded to each member in proportion to that member's number of Strategist issues outstanding, less the costs of distributing the funds. This should not be construed to preclude the purchase of memberships in another recognized non-profit organization whose aims and goals are sufficiently similar to those of the SGS, as described by the Directorate at the time of cessation, except that each member must be given the option of a refund. D. Membership Secretary. 1. At least once a year the Membership Secretary shall contact eacf affiliate, requesting an update on the affiliate's activities. he shall not ask about the affiliate's finances. The affiliate's response is reported in the DN, with a summary sent to the Editor for Strategist. 2. The Membership Secretary acts as the internal information office the SGS, keeping the membership informed of activities and political developments within the SGS. 3. The Membership Secretary maintains the record of current SGS affiliates, and handles all details concerning orders of affiliation, including supervising other groups that they have been offered affiliation. 4. New members of the SGS shall be sent a current copy of the Constitution and By-Laws and information on current SGS projects and services. Current members requesting updated editions of the original membership packet may send a self'-addressed stamped envelope, business size with two first class stamps on it, to the Membership Secretary 5. If the Presidency and the Vice Presidency shall both become vacant the Membership Secretary is to assume the duties of tile Vice President E. The Editor 1. The Editor of Strategist is empowered to spend the funds necessary to print one copy of Strategist for each member, and to mail those is: to the membership. The Editor may print up to 50 additional copies each issue, plus such additional copies as are on hand for sample issues. Under no circumstances save explicit vote from the Directorate shall Editor be reimbursed from the Treasury for costs of printing and mailing an issue of Strategist, in excess of the costs of printing and mailing sample issues for which payment has already been received, plus $1 per member. 2. The Editor is authorized to trade advertising space with other magazines on an equitable basis. The per page advertising rate for Strategy shall be twice the cost, including postage, of printing that page and in mailing it to the members. This shall be determined by the Editor and reported in Strategist on a regular basis. Income from any advertising to be placed in the Treasury. 3. Back issues of Strategist shall be sold for $1.25 each. Persons wishing to distribute sample copies of Strategist, together with SGS recruiting fliers and the like, may have sample issues of the Editor's choosing sent to them for for the marginal cost of printing and mailing. 4. Calls for nominations, election announcements, and candidates' statements, as a body, shall appear on or begin on the first page of Strateist. 5. The Editor or Advertising Committee may distribute review and sample copies of Strategist to conventions or magazines without charging for them. F. Regional Directors. 1. Each Regional Director shall report at least once every six months the Directorate on wargaming activities and services in his region. 2. If offices are vacant such that the By-Laws do not specify who becomes President, the Regional Director with the most time in the Directorate shall become President. If similar circumstances exist for the Vice Presidency, tile Regional Director with the most seniority shall assume the duties of the Vice President. 3. If for any reason the President and Vice President are not publishing the Directorate Newsletter, it is the responsibility of the RD for the Region to publish it. If he does not do so, the duty passes to the RD of Region 2, and so on, so that the Directorate may continue to function. IV. Initiatives and Elections A. Initiatives and Referenda 1. A member may bring an initiative to vote by obtaining the written support of 5% of the membership or any four Directorate members. A member may send his proposed initiative directly to tile Editor for printing in Strategist; with this he asks for letters of support from the membership. 2. When the Editor received the initiative and the written support of enough sponsors, the proposal is printed in the Strategist (issue \#I). Opinions on the proposal are sent to the Editor, who is to print a fair sampling in the following issue of Strategist (issue #2) along with a bal- lot. It the author of the proposal submits a statement it must be given priority for publication. 3. Ballots on initiatives are to be sent to the Elections Officer, who tabulates the results and sends them to the Editor. Only ballots received by the elections Officer with 21 days of the mailing date of issue \#2 of Strategist are to be counter. 4. Results of the initiative are to be printed in Strategist as soon as possible. If approved, the initiative takes effect one week after the mailing date of that issue. B. National and Regional Elections 1. -File SGS is divided into eleven Regions. They are numbered ac- cording to the first digit of die ZIP code, except that NY and NJ are entirely within region 1, all points not elsewhere specified whose ZIP codes begin with 0 are in Region 10, and all members living outside the States and the Federal District of the United States, including those wit] APO/FPO addresses, are in Region 11. 2. Nominations for all officers shall be called in the September Strate- gist. Any member may nominate or run for National Office. Any member may nominate a Regional Director, but only persons who re- side in a Region for die majority of the year may run for its Regional Directorship. A person may nominate himself. 3. Nominations are due by the October Press date. Nominations are sent to tile Editor and announced in the October Strategist. Late norm nations received prior to publishing the November Strategist are valid. 4. Nominees have until the November Strategist, but at least two weeks from the mailing date of the October Strategist, to accept or decline nomination and send a campaign statement to the Editor. A campaign statement is a valid acceptance. 5. Endorsements for candidates may be sought and submitted to Strategist. Campaign statements may not exceed 500 words; endorsements longer than 100 words may be edited. All statements and a fair sampling of all endorsements, with the names of all endorsers, shall be printed in the November Strategist. The November issue will also in- clude the list of all candidates and the ballot. All SGS ballots shall in- clude instructions to send the ballot to the Elections Officer. 6. The deadline for the receipt of ballots by the Elections Officer is the day, at least three weeks after the mailing date of the November Strategist, before the Press date of the December Strategist, which date shall be announced in the November Strategist. 7. The Elections Officer shall tabulate all ballots and report the results to all candidates and present office holders. The Elections Officer win store all ballots for six months and then destroy them. Individual votes will be kept secret. 8. All members may vote for National Officers. Only residents of a Region may vote for its Regional Director. If a member votes more than once tile most recently postmarked ballot shall be valid. 9. The term of office for all Officers of the SGS runs from January 1 to December 31, or until elections for a replacement shall have been completed, if at a later date. 10. To effect the transfer of office, it is the duty of the former officer to send all office records to the new officer, acquaint the new officer with them, and inform the new officer of any systems he may have developed, new business, etc. 11. A special election is called for a vacant office, if more than six months remain remain in the term of the office, as soon as a candidate is nominated and accepts the nomination. C. Elections Irregularities. 1. If a person has elections problems lie should first contact the Elections Officer and then the Directorate. The Directorate (excluding members in the election in question) shall investigate the irregularity, The Directorate may order the Elections Officer to turn the ballots to the Vice President. 2. The Directorate my order the removal of the Elections Officer, the expulsion of members (by three-quarters vote), or (by three-quarters vote) may void the election and direct that a new election be held. D. Elections Officer 1. The President shall appoint an Elections Officer and an Assistant Elections Officer. There will be a two month delay between the announcements of the appointments to the Directorate and the earliest date on which the Elections Officer may assume his duties. 2. The Elections Officer may not be a candidate for office in all elections in which he is receiving ballots. The Elections Officer may be removed from office by membership initiative. A 1/3 vote is required for removal. The Elections Officer may also be removed from office by a vote of the Directorate. 3. The Assistant Elections Officer will assume tile duties of the Elections Officer when the Elections Officer is unable to perform them Assistant Elections Officer must have gone through his two-month warning period before lie may assume his duties. 4. The Elections Officer must use the current membership list to ensure that only current SGS members are allowed to vote. 5. The Elections Officer must do his best to ensure that the election is fair. If he believes that something is unfair lie may ask the Directorate (less the candidates involved) to take action. 6. When the Editor has the final list of candidates, he shall advise the Vice President, who is to send the most recent Directorate Newsletter each one. E. Ballots 1. All ballots for office will have a place for a write-in and for a 'No' vote. The candidate with a plurality of the votes is elected. If there is a tie for first place a run-off election is held between the leading candidates. If 'No' receives a plurality or ties the leading candidate, a non-election shall be called. 'No' votes do not count in second elections. zero votes are received for a post it becomes vacant and a special election is called. 2. In an election in which there is only one candidate, and that candidate is self-nominated, if no votes of 'No' or write-in votes are received, the candidate shall be declared elected. V. The Directorate A. The Directorate Newsletter (DN) 1. Directorate business is transacted by means of the Directorate Newsletter, published by the Vice President with necessary finds drawn from the Treasury. The Directorate Newsletter is distributed to Directors, Advisors, and Committee Chairmen, and at cost to other interested parties. 2. General material may be submitted to the Directorate Newsletter any Director, Committee Chairman, or other Member. Statements Directors will be published; other material may be printed at the discretion of the Vice President, who may edit all general material. 3. The Vice President shall send to each person newly elected to the rectorate the most recently published issue ofthe Directorate Newsletter. B. Directorate Votes 1. Any Director may place a motion before the Directorate, the text of which shall appear in the next Directorate Newsletter. To Be Continued Back to Strategist Vol. XXX No. 1 Table of Contents Back to Strategist List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1999 by George Phillies This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |