By Lawrence J. Albert
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The following is part I of a series on the design concepts and thery behind a game on trench warfare in the Great War. The game itself will follow as the final installment. Veteran gamers will no doubt find similarilities between TRE'NCHFOOT and other-games, and nitpicking technical experts will probably find factual errors (they always do). But the purpose of this series is NOT to present a spectacular new game full of original ideas (it DOES contain some new concepts, such as the gas attack rules); rather to detail the development of a game as a model of 'reality' from conception to playtest edition. The emphasis is on WHERE the game from, not on the game itself - a game which recreates battles in that most horrible of wars where a soldier's two constant ccmpanions were flying metal, and TRENCHFO0T. THE DESIGN CONCEPTS IN TRENCHFOOT The play of any game, the outcome of ary simulation, is dependent to an overwhelming degree on the design concepts and assumptions which went into it. This is relatively obvious when one looks back upon the history of the uses and abuses of games and simulations. But on the other hand, one cannot create a model without making assumptions. Thus any simulation is bound to have many assujmptions--both implicit and explicit. Simulations are generally created to mcdel complex situations Thus either the simulation itself prohlbitively complex (for our purposes) or many simplifying assumptions mist be made. But these assumptions mat be made with two factors in mind: historiccal accuracy and simplicity (otherwise known as "playability.") Simulations on this level at least nust be as simple as possible to allow two average individuals to understand it and be able to pIay it in a finite amount of time, maintaining their interest to the end. But the simulation loses its value as an educational tool (and as a model of accuracy not accurately reflect the model of reality). So, compromise must be reached. This is where Design Theory comes in. Many assumptions are made in designing Trenchfoct. All are evident to some degree in the play of the game. Many of the assumptions are interrelated and each was made to solve some specific "kink" in the model. Overt Assumptions: Restriction of the Model1. All nationalities will be treated identically. Except for the optional rule, there is no differentiation between nationalities in Trenchfoot. This in clearly an unrealistic assumption for each nation trained and equipped its soldiers differently, and each nation had a different motivation for fighting--along with its implicit amount of motivation (othervise known as morale). British troops were known to be able to absorb and inflict more punishment than their French Allies. German artillery van known to be more efficient, as was Gorman organization. But modellling this fact actually presents a very difficult task far out of proportion to the realign it adds. Few casualties were caused by Rifle fire. Most were caused by artillery and many by machine rune, All things taken together, there was very little effective difference between a French or British or German machinegun or by 1916, a French or British or German machinegunner. Presented with a target and with orders to fire, all reacted similarly -- artillery can also be similarly equallized. While German ammunition might have been better or Krupp guns more efficient, Allied armies might have more ammunition or puna to make up for it. The most realistic simplification of all In the Infantry. While the nationalities might vary in combat effectiveness. their use of the Infantryman essentially the same: as cannon fodder. 1n 1916 infantry training had been reduced to a minimum -- it was necessary only to carry a rifle, bayonet, and to charge the enemy trenches. The infantrymen was expendable. Differences in combat effectiveness could have been shown by varying the combat factors. But since these variations were usually not major, a now scale for combat factors would have to be introduced. For example, a scale from 1 to 10 could be used, with the German Assault Factor being 8, the Britich 7 and the French 6. But In the long run, this variation has little effect on the play of the game, (for the variation is too alight to affect the odds ratios), and the larger factors are unwieldy to handle. Thus, except for gross variations in combat effectiveness, which would show up in actual play of the game. It is unnecessary, and adds little to the model, to consider these other variations. 2. All units of the same type are the same In actuality, each unit of troops is heavily dependent on the men it is composed of. Some companies my have more group spirit than others. Some will be larger and others smaller. Some may be gifted with a larger than normal allotment of welltrained man. But again, in a war when man are used as cannon fodder, and in a simulation where there are many units on each side, such differentiation adds nothing at all to the modal. except needless complication. 3. Ammunition No provision was made in Trenchfoot for ammunition. It is assumed that resupply takes place automatically if it is needed. Once again, this is a reasonable assumption, for the typical Trenchfoot scenario covers only a few hours of real time, and units are not "firing" every turn. 4. Terrain It was assumed that there are really only seven types of terrain, and that they are (mostly) mutually exclusive. that is that there in only one type per hexagon. It was necessary to limit terrain to one type per hexagon to maintain simplicity. This actually involves minor distortion of geography to conform to the hexagonal grid. Limiting the number of types of terrain is only somewhat unrealistic, for other types of terrain can really be approximated by one (or more) of the types given. (Certain types of terrain such as marshes were excluded from this model to keep it simple.) 5. Exhaustion Because the simulation covers only a few hours of time, exhaustion is really not a crucial factor which occurs in this time interval. Actually, however, exhaustion was (believe it or not) built into the model. Exhaustion affects combat efficiencyand morale. It was assumed that exhaustion had already set in (as indeed by this phase of the offensive, after months in the line and several days of artillery bombardment would be the case), and thus units are reduced in efficiency by this effect. Further, the relative ease of 'eliminating' units is also due to the exhaustion of the men which reduces their resistance to disintegration due to panic and loss of morale. An optional rule permits relatively 'fresh' troops to be used. 6. The Grid System. For mapboard. simulations, there are two forms of movement possible: free movement and grid movement. Free movement involves the use of a map with no grid movement is done with a ruler, (which is also used to determine firing ranges and lines-of-sight). The Grid System involves the use of a grid to mature movement range, as in Chess. Free movement is usually preferred for the High Level Government and Military Simulations. for there in no distortion in movemant, and any nap of suitable scale can be used. This system, however, presents many problems to the amateur. and special problems in two player game design. Although the absence of a grid allows units to be moved in any direction without distortion at their exact speeds (to the "scale foot,* oven) it also allows a good many vague situations to air--units may be half in one type of terrain and half in another, for example. An argument over a sixteenth of an inch (in range or movement) often results when two players are deeply involved in the game. The Grid System, on the other hand, allows a more rigid net of rules, essential when two players compete, but at the expense of some realism. The nap may have to be distorted to conform to the grid, so that the terrain in each polygon Inexactly dotermined. Movemant in polygons is therefore restricted to multiples of the length of a polygon (20 motor polygons results in all movement as multiple of 20 motors, for example). And distortion results when moving from polygon to polygon for the route between two points my not be a straight path. Once the need for a grid system is established, the next problem to to determine the type, of grid (determined by its polygon). It is easily established that the grid pattern must consist of regular polygons. Consider one polygon. If the polygon to not regular then the distance across it in one direction will be greater than in a different direction. Since distance will be measured using 20 polygons as the distance of measure, it in important that x polygons represent the same distance regardless of how it is measured. Thus, if x polygons represent 1 kilometer, each polygon must be 1/x kilometer across since the same number of polygons must represent one kilometer in every direction, each polygon must be 1/x kilometer across in every direction. Thus, it must be a regular polygon. The simplest case is a two sided polygon. Since this just a line segment, it obviously cannot be used (it his no area). The next case is the equilateral triangle (sea Figure A). It can only be shown that this results in gross distortion. Let the height of each triangle be h. Then the length of any side is h [square root] 3 (or approximately 1.7 h). Allowing movement through the vertices, the distance from triangle A to triangle B is 2h through 1 and 4 to B, or 'three triangles". The distance from A to C is also 2h (proof left to reader) but to got from A to C a unit must move through triangles 1, 2, and 3. If diagonal movement (i.e. through the vertices) is not allowed, distortion is even worse, for the distance from A to B becomes 5 triangles, while the distance is still 2h. Further, the distance from the center of triangle 1 to the center of adjacent triangle 2 is h, but from the center of triangle 1 to the center of triangle 4 is 1.7 h, yet both are represented by one polygon (triangle) of movement. The square is the next case. As any checkers or chase fan 'knows, there is also distortion in this system. Moving diagonally, one can get from square A to square B through square 4 alone, while if diagonal movement in prohibited one want move through squares 1, 2, and 3. The distance from the center of square A to the distance of square 4 is 1.4s, while the distance from the center of square A to the center of 1 is s and both are represented by one polygon (square) of movement. What is essentially the problem is the difference in distance from side to side (of the polygon) versus from vertex to vertex; and the variation in "diameter". For a triangle it varies from h to 1.7h For a square the variation is from a to 1.4s. Thus the best polygon for a grid would be the one whose diameters are all equal (or, in other words words, the distance across the polygon in any direction is the same). This suggests circles, however, circles will not form a grid unless they are "squished" somewhat so that, no holes exists. Now we can eliminate those portions of the circles which overlap (since they are confusing anyway) and approximate the air by polygons. The result is a hexagonal pattern. An analysis similar to that done for the triangle and the square will show that there is almost no distortion at all, since no movement passes through a vertex. The distance from A to B through 1, is almost identical to, the distance from A to C through 1 with a distortion (from center to center) of less than 11%, far 1ess than the 40% using squares or the 70% using triangles. We thus adopt the hexagonal polygon for our grid, system. DESIGN THEORY AND IMPLICIT