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President: The Strategy Gaming Society is the best kept secret in the hobby. And that has got to change. The recent state of confusion concerning the Gamer's Choice Awards--the awards program of the Strategy Gaming Society--has been resolved. My understanding of the resolution of the issues is that: First, all interested parties agree that the Gamer's Choice Awards program is presented and administrated by the Strategy Gaming Society through its Awards Committee as governed by the SGS Constitution and By-Laws and as overseen by the SGS Directorate. Second, it is understood by all interested parties that the current Chairman of the SGS Awards Committee is John D. Burtt. And, third, the former Chairman of the SGS Award Committee has indicated that he may embark upon a new awards project that is in no way affiliated with the SGS or the Gamer's Choice Awards. In the resolution of this issue, the Society owes a great deal of thanks for the efforts of Allan Rothberg and Jeffry Tibbetts. Both of these men spent dozens of hours keeping this issue from spiraling out of control and worked tirelessly and without ego to keep the best interests of, not only the Strategy Gaming Society, but the hobby at large at the forefront of all negotiations. They both have my deepest thanks for their good efforts. I am also grateful for the support I received from the membership during this time, especially from Jason Graham and Patrick Kelley. I am happy to have this issue settled and look forward to giving Chairman Burtt all the support he requires so that the tradition of excellence that has marked the Gamer's Choice Awards can continue and expand. Approximately 175 recruitment letters were mailed last month to recently lapse or about to lapse members. I hope that this effort will expand the Society's membership rolls and purge our mailing lists of out of date addresses. Should any member wish to volunteer to serve as the Director of Regions One, Three, Four, Five, Six, or Eight, please contact the Editor or myself. The Society needs a volunteer to organize the SGS general membership meeting at this year's Origins convention. Again, contact me if you are interested. I have about a dozen items donated for the Society's fund raising auction but I need many more items if the auction is to be a success. Please send new, like-new, or collectable donations to me at 896 West San Fernando Street, San Jose, CA 95126. I will acknowledge return of donated items by return post. Items will be described in detail, assigned lot numbers. and listed in -S- with a minimum bid and an estimated postage cost. The names of those donating will also be acknowledged. Bids that stand for two consecutive issues will claim the item and will be sent upon receipt of funds. I f you have questions, please contact me; my phone is 408 289 8960. I hope to have enough items to begin the auction in the April issue of -S-. All donors have the Society's sincerest thanks. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any issue that you feel should be brought to the attention of the office of the President. I shall give any issue my best possible efforts. Membership Secretary As was noted in the SGS Directorate Newsletter, there actually is, already, a discussion forum about the SGS on Consimworld -- Brian Train started it some years back. I have taken up daily monitoring of this site. In addition, I have requested Consimworld to change the contact for the SGS to myself as Membership Secretary: Jeffry Tibbetts using SGS@justplain.com. As the SGS moves forward we will be able to post significant announcements in the Consimworld headlines. That may go far to help eliminate our position as The Best Kept Secret in Wargaming. Treasurer Mark and Jeff wrote a most excellent renewal letter; if you would like copies for your club, please contact them. And it worked. Renewals since the last issue include Svacek, Lagerquist, Davidson, Chambers, Lankford, van Loon, March, Jones, Comas, Boyd, Steinberg, Stuy, Mericli, Stanford, Whitmore, Smith, Parr, Cooper, and Garlit, bringing the Treasury to just over $3500. The Editor spent $131 to print and mail the last issue of Strategist. The Membership Secretary donated $62.39 to the Society, to pay for his expenses in preparing 167 renewal notices, on which Mark Kramer paid the postage. And the notices worked, generating so far over a 10% return. Editor With some regularity, I receive items that I think people would like to read, that are impossible to accommodate within the pages of Strategist. 40 page rules sets, Pimper's Volume 5, large board games... I have proposed to the Directorate creating a new magazine “American Wargamer” to accommodate this sort of material. I anticipate highly irregular publication frequency and length, so I propose taking subscriptions charged in dollars against costs. Back to Strategist 372 Table of Contents Back to Strategist List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2003 by SGS This article appears in MagWeb.com (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |