New CinC 1:4800
Task Force Set

Naval Miniatures

by Lou Coatney

One really neat thing about the CinC 1:4800s is that they sell them in balanced task force sets: you don't have to spend an arm and a leg just to get multiple classes.

If Randy and Brad are doing new sets, we might recommend the classes to go into them.

As much as people may want the Pacific, I'd suggest that (after finishing the Pacific sets already started) CinC do the Italians ... and another British ... since they've already got most of the Royal Navy, anyway, and I'd like to suggest 3 Italian and 1 British sets:

1. Littorio BB, Zara CA, D'Abruzzi CL (10-6"), Capitani DL (8-5.3"), 2 Navigatori DDs, 3 Soldati I DDs, 1 Soldati II DD

2. Duilio B, Cesare B, Trieste CA, Savoia CL, Attendolo CL, 3 Navigatori DDs, 2 Alfieri DDs, 1 Soldati 1 DD

3. Pola CA, Bolzano CA, Cadorna CL, 2 Barbiano CLs, 2 Navigatori DDs, 2 Dardo DDs, 3 Spica TBs

4. Barham B, Q. Elizabeth B, Warspite B, York CA, Dido CLAA, SYDNEY CL, 3 E-class DD, 2 I-class DD]

Buying 2 of each of the first 2 sets would give miniaturists almost the entire Italian fleet.

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