by George Phillies
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President: Statement by candidate Mark Kramer The SGS is the best kept secret in the hobby. That has to change. Over the past year, apathy in the President’s Office has contributed to an almost 2/3 loss in membership. Other factors, such as the past irregularity in the appearance of -S- and the fact that the Society’s Directorate were idled for the first half of the year due to key office vacancies, also played a part. The Society's Constitution, written 30 years ago, do not cover many circumstances that often occur in these modern times. This state has led to confusion and Society projects running at cross purposes. To paraphrase a better man than I: The quiet dogma of the tranquil past ill suits our needs in the stormy present. As our case is new, we must think anew and act anew. If entrusted with the office of President, I pledge to run a fair, honest, and direct administration that is dedicated to making membership in our Society the sine qua non of the Hobby. In order to achieve this goal, I will work to achieve the following: First, the behavior of all aspects of the Society will be in compliance with our Constitution and ByLaws. If our practice is at variance with the document, we shall alter our actions until we do comply or, if we find that the times require a new way of thinking, we shall make amendments until our needs are suited. We shall not allow our principles of governance and our means of implementation to remain in the dysfunctional state they find themselves in at present. Second, we shall expand the membership base of the Society. A concerted effort will be made to recover lapsed members. We will work to increase awareness of the Society through advertising, mail-list sharing, internet presence, and whatever other methods we can devise. Third, we shall increase the value of Society membership through more and better discounts from game manufacturers, timely production of -S-, and the aggressive exploration of all other options. Finally, we shall improve the Society’s financial situation. If we are to maintain the Gamer’s Choice Awards, advertise, and expand our presence on the Internet, we have to ensure the funding. I pledge to work closely with all members of the Directorate to bring these other other projects for the success of the Society to pass. I will make regular reports on our progress In closing, while you may not agree with my agenda, you cannot accuse me of not having one. I hope that you will find this a refreshing change and entrust me of with the office of President. Vice President The Vice President takes material from Directorate members and pastes them into the Directorate Newsletter. With computers, the DN plus Strategist is less work than Strategist by itself once was. If elected, I will serve. If someone else wants the job, please speak up. Treasurer: I was nominated. If elected, I will serve. Editor: I look forward to giving this job away. Soon. I will be delighted to serve as Publisher if someone else only wants to edit and produce the masters. Membership Secretary Edorsement for Jeffry Tibbetts by Mark Kramer: Jeff Tibbetts has brought the duties of the office current after months of neglect. He has served well in his role as internal information office of the SGS and has brought a renewed zeal to the retention of members. With the annual update of the Society’s By-Laws and a large spike of expiring memberships early in the new year, the SGS needs to retain this conscientious volunteer. I yurge the Membership to support Jeffry Tibbetts. Regional Directors Region 2: Patrick Kelley has stated that he would serve if elected. Region 10: Joe Minton has stated that he would serve if elected. Region 11: Brian Train has been nominated by John Kula. Ballot: The ballot is on page 11. Back to Strategist 368 Table of Contents Back to Strategist List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 2002 by SGS This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at |