Copyright 2002 by Louis R. Coatney
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COMBAT RESULTS TABLE Note: Attacks at less than 1:5 odds are not allowed. COMBAT RESULTS DEFINITIONS: BR = BREAKTHROUGH! During the "Prepared Attacks" phase only, all participating attacking units may tactically advance and attack (only) one more time (in conjunction with nonparticipating units which were about to attack, incidentally). During "Operational Attacks," a BR is simply read as a DE. DE = Defenders ELIMINATED. R2 = Defenders RETREATED 0-2 hexes as Attacker chooses and are Dispersed. Possible Armor Overrun. R1 = Defenders RETREATED 0-1 hexes as Attacker chooses are SPENT. Defender may then retreat them 1 (further) hex, but if he does so,they are then DISPERSED. - = No effect against either side. S = All Defending Units SPENT. Defenders MAY be voluntarily retreated as for R1, if Defender chooses. D = All Defending Units DISPERSED. Defenders MAY be voluntarily retreated as for R1, if Defender chooses. AD = Attackers (equal to defense factors) DISPERSED. AE = Attackers (equal to defense factors) ELIMINATED. AD for any surviving attackers. Important: All UnDispersed German armies and corps... adjacent to any Russian units attacking in a given phase ... must be attacked. SPENT units (faced toward opponent) may not move/attack for the rest of the turn. DISPERSED units (flipped upside-down) suffer the same and also are attacked one odds column higher. They lose ALL defensive advantages/bonuses from terrain. They remain dispersed until their special recovery phase. ARMOR OVERRUN: R2-DE and DE-BR, if attacking armor (minus defending armor)is 2 times the (terrain-modified) strength of defending infantry (or equal to that of Dispersed infantry) in Good (or Snow weather, for the Russians). Surrounded/Retreat Impossible/"No Retreat!" Orders: R1-D (and Exchange possible); R2-DE, DE-BR. EXCHANGE NOTES: Some or all defending units eliminated, if Attacker can lose factors equal to their factor-modified defense factors. (If not, the result becomes just an AE.) Defending German units may choose to take a R1 result instead, in Good or Mud weather. Defending Russian may similarly decline to be exchanged in Mud or Snow weather or in Forest hexes. Again, the result becomes the same as for an R1, for any attacking units,left over after the exchange. Armor/Mech Unit "Breakdown" from -- Dispersed by -- combat die roll of 1 for German 1-2 for Russian, when attacking in the second combat phase. RETREAT ROUTES must be away from attacked hex, and no closer to enemy units which attacked it. Defenders may not retreat into a hex adjacent to a hex from which they were attacked. TACTICAL ADVANCES (for attackers only) AFTER COMBAT, according to weather:In Good or Hard Frost weather, armored units may tactically advance up to 2 hexes as long as the first one is the defended/vacated hex. Russian armor may so advance in Snow as well. Tac advance after combat is limited to 1 hex for all other units ... and for ANY unit in Mud. In Snow, no German unit may advance more than 1 hex. Tactical advances after BREAKTHROUGH combat are limited to 1 for all units. After attacking units with factors equal to the terrain-modified factor(s) of the defending units have (mandatorily) advanced into the defended hex, other attackers which participated may advance into that hex OR into any empty hex adjacent to the defended one. "Zones Of Control:" Units are NOT required to stop when they enter or move through hexes adjacent to enemy units. However, supply or rail movement may not be traced through hexes adjacent to Undispersed enemy units, unless they're occupied by friendly units or screened by unfrozen lake hexsides. Movement Cost of Attacking: A prospective attack costs a unit 1 movement factor of its operational movement. AIR ATTACK: (Each unSpent unit in the target hex is attacked separately, from the top of the stack to its bottom.)
NOTE: Effects of German attacks against Russian units in Forest or on a major city or against Russian armor/tank units ANYWHERE are reduced by 1 on the die roll (or by 2 against Russian units in Moscow), but these effects are NOT cumulative. (Otherwise, terrain effects in this game ARE cumulative.) NOTE 2: German bombing raids on Moscow may be made during either the "Prepared Attacks" or "Operational ..." combat phase. Rolling a "6" can cause "PANIC!!," which raises the combat odds of every German attack by one column for the rest of that gameturn. If both German air units have been allocated to the attack,they are both considered used, even if the first unit rolls the "6." Russian ground units in Moscow are then bombed individually by each attacking air unit. (And ground units AIR COMBAT RESULTS DEFINITIONS:
See GROUND COMBAT RESULTS DEFINITIONS for explanations of D and S.(Attacked units may not move as a result, though.)
EAX = Enemy Aircraft unit successfully intercepted--prevented from completing its airstrike mission--and is knocked out of the game during the next gameturn.
Int = Enemy air unit successfully Intercepted.
- = No effect against either side.
AAc = Air unit fails in mission and cannot be used during the next game turn, if it was attacking a city.
AAg = Same as for AA if attacking any German army or armored group or corps.
German air units may bomb any hex up to 3 hexes away from a supplied German ground unit -- or Moscow at any range.
Russian front air units may attack any hex up to 2 hexes away from a supplied Russian ground unit or any Russian city not last occupied by German ground units. The 6th's interceptors only defend against bombing attacks on Moscow and are permanently eliminated if the city is taken. The Strategic Bombers have a bombing range of 6 hexes and a paradropping range of 4 hexes from whatever city or town they are based upon. They too are permanently destroyed if their base falls, and they may not shoot down German air units. They cannot be shot down by ground antiaircraft fire - only by Luftwaffe interception, but they may not shoot down those Luftwaffe interceptors. Like the German FLIEGERKORPS, Front air units do NOT have to be based on the map.
A parachute korps must be Undispersed and on the Bomber's base at the start of the turn, to be used in a paradrop at which time it is Dispersed. No more than 1 parachute korps may be dropped per gameturn. Air units may bomb only in the owning player's combat phase. They may intercept during the opposing player's combat or supply phase.
Special First Turn Air Rule: In the "Prepared Attacks" Phase of the first turn (only), Russian air units may not bomb/attack German ground units. They may only start going out on bombing missions with the "Operational ..." Phase.
TERRAIN EFFECTS On Combat and On Movement
Roads None. If moving road-to-road: Infantry units may move 1 additional hex. Armor units move 1 additional hex for each movement factor expended. Only the Smolensk-Moscow road is serviceable in Mud.
Railroads None. Undispersed/Unspent (or replacement) Russian units may move an unlimited number of hexes. They are Dispersed at the completion of their rail movement. No rail movement in 1st turn!
Across River, if unfrozen unless ANY attackers are on same side: German units' defense factors increased by a multiple
while the combat odds of German attacks against Russian units are reduced by one column. No effect.
Across Lake, if unfrozen: Only infantry, shock, and paras may attack -- at half-strength--across. If frozen, no effect. Movement limited to 1 hex, to cross, if unfrozen.
Forest: No Armor Overrun against UnDispersed units.German airstrikes penalized. None.
Defense/ Fortification Lines: +1 defense factor for Russian armies - unless flanked.Hex-EDGE terrain, only. None.
Moscow and Tula: Russian infantry, shock, and paras doubled on defense. Moscow also has intrinsic, additional defense factor of 1. No Armor Overrun. Always supplied. For Germans, same as for Major City. None.
Major City: +2 defense factors if matched by infantry/parachute units. Plus other terrain benefits. None.
City: +1 defense factor for 1 infantry, shock, and para units.
Plus other terrain benefits. "Clear terrain," unless other terrain present was nv.
Russian (only) Replacements/Reinforcements and Rail Movement"Prepared" Attacks Phase
Allocation of Russian Air Unit Operations Subphase: Flown to target hex or held on Interception Alert.
German Air Operations Subphase: German Interception of Russian Air Attacks, German Air Attacks (and Russian Interception), or German (Supply) Airdrops.
Execution of (surviving) Russian Air Attacks Subphase.
German "Prepared" Ground Attacks (and Tactical Advances) Subphase - and Russian Recovery from Dispersal (unless just
Dispersed again in this phase) - and Victory Determination. (Units used to attack are Spent status for the rest of the gameturn.)
Russian "Prepared" Ground Attacks (and Tactical Advances) Subphase -- and German Recovery from Dispersal (unless just Dispersed again in this phase) -- and Victory Determination. (Units used to attack are Spent status for the rest of the gameturn.)
Operational Movement and Attacks Phase
Allocation of Russian Air Unit Operations Subphase: Flown to target hex or held on Interception Alert
German Air Operations Subphase: German Interception of Russian Air Attacks, German Air Attacks (and Russian Interception), OR German (Supply) Airdrops.
Execution of (surviving) Russian Air Attacks Subphase.
German Operational Movement.
Operational Ground Attacks (followed by Tactical Advances) by German Units Still UnDispersed/UnSpent Subphase.
Isolated German Units' Status and Loss Determination.
Russian Operational Movement.
Operational Ground Attacks (followed by Tactical Advances) by Russian Units Still UnDispersed/UnSpent Subphase.
Isolated Russian Units' Status and Loss Determination.
Recovery of All Units from Spent Status.
NOTE: A unit may be OPERATIONALLY moved only once per
gameturn by the owning player. A unit may additionally be TACTICALLY moved as required after each combat. A ground unit may attack only once per gameturn (unless it gets one more Breakthrough attack upon a "BR" combat result). It may defend as many times as it is attacked. If a unit attacks during the "Prepared Attacks" Phase, it is considered Spent and may not move (or attack again) during the Operational Movement and Attacks Phase.
An air unit may go on two missions in each gameturn -- once during the "Prepared" phase and once during the operational movement and combat phase. It may be used for one of its missions: attack, interception, or airdrop; although Strategic Bombers may not
intercept and interceptors may only do that.
"STACKING" Limits:
There may be an unlimited number of units in a hex. HOWEVER, not more than 3 units in a hex may actively defend or attack.
(On defense, the other units in the hex suffer the fate of the active defenders. On attack, the other units do NOT suffer the fate of the active/attacking units.
Of these, not more than 2 may be corps level or higher.
Of these, not more than 1 may be an army.
Thus, there may be as many as an army, a corps, and a division in a hex (or 2 corps and a division, or 3 divisions).
Size: n. A = nth Army; n. K = nth Corps; n. RD or PzDiv = nth Division.
Unit Factors:
Unit Symbols: Armor/tank units have tanks on them. Infantry units have the X in the box. (Parachute) infantry units have a little birdie in the bottom of their box. Shock (infantry) have a cannon ball on the crosshairs of their box.
Charts and Tables Sheet 2
Beginning with Game turn 2., the Russians receive replacements of infantry armies whose total combat factors equal no more than 4. These replacement infantry points may be accumulated from turn to turn. Tank groups,parachute korps and infantry divisions may NOT be replaced. One replacement unit each may enter the game on any city or town in supply with a rail connection to the eastern mapboard edge They may enter on Moscow and Voronezh even if they are surrounded. Russian REINFORCEMENT units (listed on the game-turn table above), on the other hand, may appear on or adjacent to any other Russian unit in supply or on any Russian city or town in supply and not last occupied by a German unit. Reinforcements arrive Undispersed and ready to move/attack in that turn. During the Replacement, Reinforcement, and Rail Movement Phase, the Russian Player may voluntarily eliminate any of his units. (He might want an already-doomed infantry army unit for use as a replacement.) Reintroducing these voluntarily eliminated units does cost replacement factors, though.
Mud: German armies' movement = 2, all others' = 3. Only 1 German air unit. No Armor Overrun. Only Moscow-Smolensk highway gives movement bonus.
Hard Frost: Same as Good weather
Snow: German infantry units' movement = 2, all other German units = 3, Russians' unchanged. Only 1 German air unit. No German Armor Overrun. The combat odds of Russian ground attacks are raised by one column (which can be added to the bonus against Dispersed German units), unless the Germans are defending in any city or town. Rivers and lakes are frozen over and have no effect on movement or combat.
In Good or Hard Frost weather, a supply line is 5 hexes from a road or rail line (or any combination of the two) leading off a player's own side of the board-east or west, including along the north or south edge. For the Russians, Moscow is also a supply source hex as is Tula, for Russian units actually on the Tula hex.
In Mud or Snow weather the line is only 2 hexes for the Germans and 3 hexes for the Russians.
The die rolls of attacks by unsupplied units are reduced by 1. Attacks on unsupplied units are raised one combat odds column. The supply status is determined at the moment of the attack (or defense).
Isolated units are those with supply lines over twice their required lengths. 1 unit (of the owning player's choice) from each "group" of isolated units -- units that are at least able to trace a supply line to each other -- is lost during its owning player's isolation determination phase.
A German air unit may fly a resupply mission, unless it is intercepted. All units in the "airdrop" hex are supplied for the rest of the gameturn.
If German units occupy Smolensk, Bryansk, and Moscow in supply during their Victory Determination Phase the German Player wins. The Russian Player must hold those and Voronezh, to win. If playing only the Basic Game, turns 1-6, the Russian Player wins if the German Player doesn't.
German units' starting positions: M2 2. K, L1 23.K, K1 9.A, J1 6.K, I2 3.PzGp 56.PzK 7.PzDiv, H1 (Smolensk) 5.K 5.PzDiv, G2 4.A 7.K, F1 4.PzGp 46.PzK 6.PzDiv, E2 40.PzK 12.K, D1 2.A 13.K, C1 35.K, B1 47.PzK 34.K 17.PzDiv, A2 2.PzGp 24.PzK 4.PzDiv, off-board both German Luftwaffe units/Fliegerkorps
Russian units' starting positions: A3 Yermakov, B2 13.A, C2 3.A, D2 50.A, D3 Reiter, E3 43.A, E4 33.A, F2 24.A, G3 20.A, H2 16.A Boldin, H3 32.A, I3 19.A, I4 49.A, I7 (Moscow) Lelyushenko and 6. Interceptor Korpus, J2 30.A Dovator, J3 (Rzhev) 31.A, K2 29.A, L2 22.A, This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. |