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The support of Member Andy York for this list is gratefully acknowledged. Because the con list is now so long, cons are now listed only by weekend. All cons are not run on all days, so contact conventions in advance for their exact dates. February 1999 18-21 Andover, MA Total Confusion XIII POB 403; N Chelmsford MA 27438-8001; www.totalcon.com ; Billericay, Essex, UK Ramsdencon; 134 Ballards Walk; Lee Chapel North; Basildon, Essex SG15 5JP England; Jacksonville, FL F L Dogcon; 5865 Arlington Expy; Jacksonville FL 32207; St Paul, MN Con of the North; POB 18096; Minneapolis MN 55418; Baltimore, MD JohnCon; 122 Merryman Hall; John Hopkins Univ; 3400 N Charles St; Baltimore MD; Burton on Trent, UK DBM Doubles; 83 The Lawns; Rolleston on Dove; Burton on Trent; Staffs DE19 9DD UK; colin.marsden @virgin.net; St Louis, MO Barracks Battles; St Louis MO. rdstusse@aol. com; Southborough, UK Cavalier '99; Southborough UK. 0181 467 0512; 25-28 Rosemont, Ill. Winter Fantasy. Andon, POB 13500, Columbus, OH 43213 AndonEvts@aol.com; Toledo, Ohio. Bashcon 1999; UTBASH; ATTN Bashcon Coordinator; University of Toledo; 2801 W Bancroft; Toledo OH 43606-3390; Tjordan@pop3. utoledo.edu; PrezCon; Charlottesville VA. POB 4661; Charlottesville VA 22905; Warwick,UK MasterCon 313 Woodway; Walsgrave, Coventry CV2 2AP England March 5-6 Montreal, Quebec. Conjuration McGill's Gamer's Guild; 3480 McTavish St; Montreal PG H2A 1X9 Canada; Orlando, FL MegaCon. POB 3120; Winter Park FL 32790; Walsall, West Midlands, UK 22nd WMMS;. 01902 84700; Leesport, Pa Spring Offensive ‘99. Keith Eshelman email: rawar gamer@aol.com; Greeneville SC Battle of Cowpens Œ98 Tim Walker, 210 Riesling Way, Mauldin, SC 29662. 864-281-0488, WavemanWT@aol.com; Platteville, WI. Plattecon Mu. Jason Kivela, 305 Washington St. Platteville, WI 53818. gaming@uwplatt.edu; Hattiesburg, MS. M-S Fuzilier Muster Vince Clyant, 41 Beverly Hills Loop, Petal, MS 39465,; Walsall, West Midlands, England 22nd WMMSDave Jarman, Tel: 01902 84700. 14 The 1999 Battle Honours Show. Contact: Simon, Tel 01227 765807 (Day time only); TowerCon; Blackpool UK. 11 Priory Ln South Shore, Blackpool, Lancaster FY4 2QE UK; Burnaby, B. C. Canada Salute '99 Salute 99, Box 52039, North Vancouver, B.C., Canada, V7J 3T2. Email: vaubanent@aol.com, Ft Monmouth NJ Monmouth Campaign, 1778 Limited Registrat ion Miniatures campaign event. 19-21 Oklahoma City, Okla Twistercon VII Jeff Lawrence, 2806 Speedway Ave, Wichita Falls,TX 76308,jlawrence@mail.wichita-falls. isd.tenet.edu; New Jersey MonCon99 2025 Old Trenton Road Cranbury, NJ 08512 (609) 426-9339 voice (609) 426-9244 fax http://www.gamers realm.com/MonCon; Sheffield Triples '99. L.A. Powell,19 Chiltern Road, Sheffield, S6 4QX. Tel: 0114 220 6042; Marston Magna '99. Village Hall, Marston Magna near Yeovil, Somerset
25-28 College Station TX. AggieCon TAMU, MSC Student Programs,Box J-1, College Station TX 77840, aggiecon@msc.tamu.edu; Carbondale Ill Egyptian Campaign. 99 Joel Nadler ECGamCon@ ALO.com HTTP://www.siu.edu/~gamesoc; South Bend, In Seven years War Con Paul Petri, 1723 Ashford Lane, Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Ziethen@aol.com; Mendocino, CA MENDOCON 2 Dave Smith, 536 N. Whipple St., Ft Bragg, CA 95437 706-961-1937. dsmith @men.com
2-3 Clarksville, TN Chaos Con TJ Jensen bytoast@aol.com WEB: http://www.clarksville.com/gamemastersguild; Atlanta, GA CyberCon; 2700 Braselton Hwy #10-246; Dacula GA 30019; www.cybercon. org; Melbourne Australia Conquest. POB 1123, Mountain Gate Post Office, Mountain Gate, Vic 3156 Australia; Namur, Belgium. World Dip Con; Namur, Belgium. nukeall@geocities.com or bberken @colipa.be; Ft Monmouth NJ Lee Moves North, 1863 Limited Registration Miniatures campaign event. BearDenJim@aol.com>
8-11 Fort Leavenworth, KS Spring Maneuvers. Tom Day, 814 W. South Ave., Independence, MO 64050 LIMBERRIDER@webtv.net;
Student National Wargaming and Roleplaying Championships.
Paula Gurteen, 11 Ffordd Tegid, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1AW;
San Francisco, CA Celebrate History. Web: http://www.celebratehistory.com or email info@celebratehistory.com; Columbus, Ohio CAPCON XXI Guy Flora flora.1@osu.edu; Gwynedd, Wales. The Student National Wargaming and Roleplaying Championships. Stu Johnson, 9 Friars Avenue, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 1BB. Email: kesenv@btinternet.com; Loughborough University, UK. Battlemasters ‘99 Chris, 21 Auchinbaird, Sauchie, Clacks, Scotland,FK103 HB.Kaget@compuserve .com; Madison, WI Madison Games Con. 6640 Odana Rd; Madison WI 53719; Warfayre. Halesowen, Cornbow Hall. (UK?)
16-18 Steubenville, Ohio. Steel Valley Tournament. Franciscan University Campus, St. Joe's Center, Classrooms A and B AOR Mike Welker, Dept of Business Administration, Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH 43952; Lancaster, PA E Cold Wars ‘99 David Luff, POB 5094, Herndon, VA 20172-1966, dluff@erols.com; Rutherford, NJ. East Coast Game Faire Andon, POB 13500, Columbus, OH 43213 AndonEvts@aol.com; Fayetteville AR. Razorbattles 6. Info: rbqueen@webtv.net; members.xoom.com/razorbattles/
23-25 Independence, MO A Call To Arms 99. Todd Carter, 11711 E 55th St, Kansas City, MO 64133; London W8, UK Salute '99. John Merritt, Tel: 0181 301 4544 or Declan Canning, Tel: 0181 772 0099.
30-2 Tampa, FL RECON 99. HM. POC: Bryan Stroup, 2635 35th Pl Gainesville, FL 32608 bstroup@gainesville-garrison.com;
Pat Condray, 2225 S. Gulfwater Pt. Crystal River, FL 34429.
1 Schaumburg, IL Successor Con III SC3, 1638 Mulligan Dr., Napierville, IL 60536 successorcon@hotmail.com; Weymouth, UK Fisticuffs. Martin Goddard, Tel: 01305 760384;
8 Tysons Corner, VA Gamecon 12 John McConnell 8-9 Milton Keynes, U.K. Campaign 99. Neil Sutherland, stewart.ian@virgin.net.
http://freespace.virgin.net/stewart.ian/MKWGS/index.htm firstva@patriot.net http://homepages.infoseek.com/~novag/novag.html
14-15 Burton on Trent, Staffs, UK Beer & Pretzels. Spirit Games, Tel: 01283 511 293; Ayer, MA Havoc XV Peter Mancini , 200 Bedford Rd #17A Woburn, MA 01801 pmancini@yahoo.com Miniature Figure Collectors of America show, Valley Forge Convention Center, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
21-24 Conduit; Salt Lake City UT. POB 11745; Salt Lake City UT 84147
28-30 Nashville TN NASHCON 99 Baxter Key, 2929 Kraft Dr.,
Nashville, TN 37204, gaiser@worldnet.att.net ; Oklahoma City OK. ThunderCon. bcrumby@usa.net; Los Angeles CA. Gamex 122 S San Fernando Blvd; Burbank CA 90045; www.strategicon.com; Oakland, CA; GameCon 2 POB 730; Oakley CA 94561; dallman@dsp. com; www.epicast.com/gamecon; Hamburg Germany. Nordcon Kremper Str 6; 20251 Hamburg Germany; humpback@bigfoot.com; Leeds, UK. Riposte 99 Northern DBM Doubles League, Colin Betts, 24 Taylor Street, Hollingsworth, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 8PA. Tel. 01457 764471. Email 106464.430@compuserve.com ; Newark, Notts, UK. Partizan 99. www.soton.ac.uk/~drb2/partizan; laurence@innotts.co.uk
6 London E17, UK Broadsword. K.I. Brazier, 3 The Mile End, Walthamstow, London, E17 5QE; Newhaven Fort, East Sussex. A Fort Full of Models David Allen, Tel. 01293-523856.
10-13 The Corn Exchange, Devizes. Attack '99. Scoobie
Fisher, Tel: 01380 721 683; Farnborough, Hampshire. Valhalla 99. Barrie Tel. 01420 562328; Ft Monmouth NJ Napoleon Returns, 1815 Limited Registration Miniatures campaign event. 18-20 San Antonio TX BlisterCon. 15150 Nacogdoches #175; San Antonio TX 78247; Cincinnati, Ohio Tranquillity Base 1999 Tranquillity Base1999, 8216 Princeton-Glendale Road #303, West Chester, Ohio 45069-1675. http://www.skypacer.com/tranbase
1-4 Columbus, Ohio Origins 99/DipCon. Andon, POB 13500,
Columbus, OH 43213 614-856-3219 AndonEvts@aol.com
9-11 Scottsdale AZ; HexaCon.. POB 62613; Phoenix AZ 85082
16-19 Birmingham, UK ManorCon XVII. 14 Westover Road,
Handsworth Wood, Birmingham B20 1JG UK; info@manorcon. demon.co.uk
21-25 Lancaster, PA. East Historican. James Thomas Jr., 8314 Spra-gue Place, New Carrollton, MD 20784. EMail: KingJT@AOL. COM
27-1 Hunt Valley, MD National Boardgaming Championships
5-7 Gettysburg PA E Fall In Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043, ECWCaptain@aol.com; Milwaukee, WI GenCon '99; Milwaukee WI. POB 13500; Colubus OH 43213; AndonEvts@aol.com
13-16 Turku, Finland 1999 European Diplomacy Championship.
3-6 Los Angeles, Gateway '99 122 S San Fernando Blvd;
Burbank CA 90045; ctbrien@earthlink.net; www.strategicon.com18-19 Tyson's Corner VA Novagcon '99 John McConnell Email:
firstva@patriot.net Web page:
17-19 Dayton., Ohio GL Advance the Colors '99 garbee@aol.com www.erinet.com/bp/advcolor.html
2, 3 Omaha, NE NukeCon. 13115 Josephine Cir; Omaha NE 68138; nuke-con@synergy.net
8-10 St Louis, MO HoA Border Wars XI, HAHMGS, John T. Davis, 1116 S. 2nd St. #101, Nebraska City, NE 68410 jd51055@navix.net23-24 Bloomington, Indiana Hamster Con. Chris Engle, 313 Hickory Dr., Ellettsville, IN 47429
Matrixgamer@juno.com Or Hamster@io.com
22-24 Kennesaw, GA M-S Wargamers Reunion Susan Barnes Perry 770-528-9125. Comfort Inn 770-419-1530. Mention HMGS Mid-South for special rates.
5-7 Gettysburg, PA E Fall In Bob Giglio, 5732 Goldfinch Ct., Ellicott City, MD 21043 ECWCaptain@aol.com
14-15 Glendale, CA HMGS/PSW Fall Campaign , at the Verdugo Hills B.S.A. Service Center. 1325 Grandview Road,Glendale,CA.