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The product Zillions ($29) http://www.zillions-of-games.com is a general game-playing program, programmable for your choice of game, that allegedly will to your rules as input and play your choice of game reasonably well. Visit DocReason's Strategy HQ for free games, reviews, and support and opponent finding for obscure/orphan games at http://www. geocities.com/timessquare/fortress/7537/ For wildlife puzzles by Charlotte Firbank-King, check out http://www.smile-education.com/puzzles Star Traders is covered at http://oz.plymouth edu/~gaming/star Trader .html. The Mayfair site is http://www.coolgames.com/settlers.html. Gary's Wargaming Web Page at http://www.concen-tric.net/~wiggler/ features play by plays of Advanced Third Reich, Empire of the Rising Sun, Krieg!, etc. Rio Grand Games has a list of games and links to stores at http://www.riograndegames.com/http://www.midi games.com. Axis & Allies FAQ v1.4 can be found on http://www.war-gamer.com/axisandallies/misc.html. Axis&Allies Expansions are at http://www.kw. igs.net/~tacit/aanda/index.htm and soon - http://www. worldatwar.com. GRD (Game Research Design), has taken over the Europa games.Their web page is http://www.grdgames.com/ The Space and Fantasy Gamer’s Guide http://www.brainiac.com/micro/sfgg/ The guide is a comprehensive game index for the magazines Space Gamer, Fantasy Gamer, Ares, Interplay, Nexus and VIP of Gaming.The Farming Game web page is at http://www.farmgame.com/order/farmmart.htm A chess site which includes many studies and problems is said to be at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/2402/chess.html A homepage on game variants is at http://brettspielvarianten.joice.net. Leela: The Game of Self-Knowledge is listed at http://www.abwam.com/nalybi/sidelines/sidegames.shtml Kitchen Table Gamers website has game session recaps at http://home.neo.lrun.com/boardgames/. The Pyramid magazine web site is at http://www.io.com/sjgames/; it's an on-line magazine; subscription is $10 or $15 a year. "Games with Younger Children". A "Clue" website is at http://www. geocities.com/TimesSquare/Realm/2995/cindex.html BattleGroup Boston lists are at http://lynx.neu.edu/home/httpd/b/bgb/resources.htm. The Moments in History Web site is http://www.internesti.com/MIH/. Michael Svellov's site lists all articles in Rail Gamer issues 1-7 http://hjem.get2net.dk/Svellov/Magz.html. Greg J. Schloesser runs the The Westbank Gamers web pages at http://home.earthlink.net/schloesser/The Amazing Adventures of the Red Shadow are at http://www.warflag. com. Other interesting sites are reported on the net to be at Cordery's Colonial Wargaming Page http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~warden/colonial/colonial.htm. By Jingo, at http://members.spree.com/sip/byjin go/web/index.htm, is a monthly magazine dedicated primarily to Colonial and Imperialist campaigns. Trevor's Victorian Colonial Wargames Page is at http://home.earthlink.net/~cyberkiwi/soldiers/index.html. The Major Generals Page is at http://zeitcom.com/majgen/. Note also Flags for Wargamers at http://www.warflag.com. Local Stores: Games, Crafts, Hobbies and Stuff 9220 Lackland Overland, MO 423-2199. The Fantasy Shop (4 locations)2426 W. Clay St. Charles, MO 947-8330; 7525 N. Lindbergh Hazelwood, MO423-2199; 203 N. Kirkwood, Kirkwood, MO 965-3231; 7238 Manchester Maplewood, MO; 644-3070. Translations for Konig & Intrigant Player's Edition Cards http://www .gamecabinet.com/rulesText/ElGrande2.txt and http://www.gamecab inet.com/rules/KoenigAndIntrigant2.html. A web site for all things on Command Decision III is at http://www.primenet.com/%7Ebgeipel/cdmailer.html. Reno Contacts, as reported elsewhere Hobbies of Reno (826-6006) at 535 E. Moana Lane. Alpha Omega Games (323-5353) is located at 487 E. Plumb Lane. The Armory's west coast distribution center which has a small retail outlet. 1839 Demming Way in Sparks 356-1873. Battle Born Gamers Contact: David Chong 2925 Harding Circle Reno, NV 89503(702) 787-0988E-mail: battleborn@c3i.reno.nv.us WWW: http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/-blackhawk-/battle.htm Cons: Sierracon - Northern Nevada's only annual gaming convention. HMGS Sanctioned. http://www.freeyellow.com /members2/-blackhawk-/sierracon.htmMycenius's Military History Homepage is at http://members.xoom.com/mycenius/; Italian Military History Discussion Forum is at http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb107480. The Spearhead Website is now at http://www.hit thebeach.com/kovalic/spearhead/page1.html. Hat Industries has reissued the Airifx WWI figures - buy them at http://www.tccmweb.com/aja/figures.htm (plus lots of other figure sets for sale) Tony AJA Hobbies and Games http://www.tccmweb.com/aja.Wargamers Trading Post is said to have a web page at http://home.jiffynet.net/brantley/The Stuff of Legends F&SF miniatures archive website is back up after our outage and has been updated to add Metal Magic and more Citadel. Check it out: http://www.voodoostudios.com/Legends Little Wars '99 - The premier midwest convention for miniatures; web site at http//user.aol.com/littlewars/lwmain.htm Web Site for Perfume miniatures is at http://www.miniparfum.com make an educated purchase. http://www.edoc.com/zarf/werewolf.html does have the single drawback that it is really only good for an *odd number* of players. Quo Vadis was released in 1992 by Hans-im-Glück. Chris Lawson (chris.lawson@virgin.net) reports that he has a list of release dates for all of the Reiner Knizia games at http://freespace.virgin.net/chris.lawson/rk/. Reiner did give him a complete list of everything that Reiner had ever had published; the pager is to be updated with this information. Recently found www links include: Cliffhanger Serials, Boardgames, Videogames, and Red Baron I http://www.volcano.net/~themaverick; The Classic Microgames Museum http://www.angelfire.com/ca/themav/micind.html; The Macho Women with Guns Homage Page http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Lair/6747 Translations for either Sta edt und Ritter or MQ:The Black Rose are perhaps at http://www.neo nate.org/games/Siedler_Stadt_und_Ritter.html http://www.neonate.org/games/Mississippi_Queen_Black_Rose.html and at (Word 97 version) http://members.iquest.net/~jrh/StadteRitter.doc or (HTML version) http://members.iquest.net/~jrh/StadteRitter.html. Deer Valley Game Company, P.O. Box 31661, Mesa, Arizona 852 75-166, makers of SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game, apparently has a web site at http://www.getnet.com/~dvgc. They report that they are looking for "SQUARES - The Civil War Battle Game" email opponents, with signup at http://www.getnet.com/~dvgc/pbem. A listing of 2 player strategy games is on the Luding website http://SunSite.inform atik.rwth-aachen.de/luding at http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/luding/two_player_list.html. Stack4, an adaptation of Connect 4, is now available at http://www.itsyourturn.com. No Java required. http://www.itsyourturn.com reports that it is a turn-based gaming web site, where you enter moves when it's convenient for you. Games currently supported are said to include chess, checkers, reversi, and several variations thereof. A web site for AH Princess Ryan's Star Marines including a full review plus suggested variants is at the Westbank Gamers web-site http://home.earthlink.net/~gschloesser/ The Spiel des Jarhes is an annual award for outstanding board and card games published in Germany. Its web site is at |