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The Hangout Games Network is at htttp://www.nethangout.com. The North Houston Boardgame Group has a page at http://www.eden. com/~anvil/nhbg. 'Endgame of the day" is an eMail listserver for chess problems and endgames at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Peaks/2980/chess.htm . We hear: Spanish ASL, Star Fleet Battles, Machiavelli .... Visit us: Visitanos: http://www.gelf.cjb.net.. Seattle WA Autoduel Team Gaming Group (Car Wars, GURPS, Formula De) Car Wars Internet Newsletter Publisher SWAT Internet Headquarters http://www.serv.net/~owenmp/swathome.html City of Chaos, Monocle Games information at http://www.gamecabinet.com/reviews/CityOfChaos.html. Bay Area Games Day is a quarterly series of daylong open gaming sessions held in the San Francisco Bay Area. They play all sorts of strategy games: abstract boardgames, German games, wargames, and collectible and non-collectible cardgames. There is a Web page for Games Day at http://www.io.com/~dk2/gamesday or contact Dave Kohr (e-mail: kohr@sgi.com, daytime phone (650)933-8694, night/weekend phone (650)428-1398).. A moderator program for 18xx that is said to work very well for those who can read German is available from Matthias Kloses's ftp site, at ftp://ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de/pub/games/board/18xx/ It is reported that the german 18XX moderator does have an English mode but you have to wade through the german instructions to figure it out. Fractal Dimensions reports that it is gaining an On-Line News Section "Echoes From the Net" at http://www.fractal.mandarin.org/news/Four new quests were reportedly added to the HeroQuest webpage at http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Chasm/9223/ A merger of Fortress America and Axis and Allies is said to be at http://www.war gamer.com/axisandallies/axisworld.html. For information about the card game called Grass go to: http://www.wolfenet.com/~peter/tgr/tgr3/grass.html. At http://members.aol.com/landsrgameis said to be that website for the Landseer strategy board game. A translation of the Svea Rike expansion set Batalj is said to be at The Gaming Dumpster: http://www.neonate.org/listgames.hts. http://hjem.get2net.dk/Svellov/ says it is a danish site with english news on german games. Every month there is said to be a Scrabble Puzzle at http://members.aol.com/bob1w/bob/scrabble/index.htm. Listings of historical material on gaming magazines is at http://www.erols.com/mrboone/wg_home.html. A listing of the names of each property in the various international editions of Monopoly is at http://www.grout.demon.co.uk/Monopoly/monopoly.htm. Steffan O'Sullivan game reviews web page: SOS' Gameviews is http://www.io.com/~sos/gviews.html The Version 4 rulebook for 1849 is on the author’s website at http://freespace.virgin.net/chris.lawson/18xx/1849/1849.htm. An interesting article about different computer game genrés in the is at http://www.scott kim.com/thinkinggames/cgdc98.html. Mendocino Game Company web pages are at http://www.pirateer.com. Best Young Children's Games Recap III is now at http://www.missouri.edu/~cccathy/games/ for purposes of discussion. Car Wars gaming registries are at Access Denied http://www.access denied.net; The Autoduelist http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/2982/; High Velocity Dueling (HVD) Car Wars Opponent Finder (CWOF); and http://www.sjgames.com/HVD/list/index.html. For a comprehensive listing of active Car Wars gaming groups, seeWorld Autodueling Association Car Wars Gaming Groups Registry http://www. serv.net/~owenmp/JUMP/wadalist.html The Star Fleet Universe page (which handles all the "Star Trek" based games {Star Fleet Battles, Federation & Empire, Prime Directive Star Fleet, and Star Fleet Missions}) is: http://www.task-force-games.com/sfu/
More on "the Coalition always wins" is at the Federation and Empire unofficial Homepage at http://home.earthlink.net/~tzeentch666/ Supremacy web site At http://www.glinx.com/users/fish/supremacy/
THE SPACE AND FANTASY GAMER'S GUIDE at http://www.brain-iac.com/micro/sfgg/ is a comprehensive game index for the magazines Space Gamer, Fantasy Gamer, Ares, Interplay, Nexus and VIP of Gaming. In a terribly sleazy attempt to collect reviews under the guise of a game of the year poll, or so the original author claimed, interested parties may submit their favorite game of 1998 with supporting capsule review to http://www.neonate.org/admin.hts?proc=fav For wildlife puzzles by Charlotte Firbank-King, check out http://www.smile-education.com/puzzles Star Traders is covered at http://oz.plymouth edu/~gaming/startrader.html. The Mayfair site is http://www.coolgames. com/settlers.html. Gary's Wargaming Web Page at http://www.concen-tric.net/~wiggler/ features play by plays of Advanced Third Reich, Empire of the Rising Sun, Krieg!, etc. Rio Grand Games has a list of games and links to stores athttp://www.riograndegames.com/http://www.midi games.com. Axis & Allies FAQ v1.4 can be found on http://www.war-gamer.com/axisandallies/misc.html. Axis&Allies Expansions are at http://www.kw.igs.net/~tacit/aanda/index.htm and soon - http://www. worldatwar.com. BattleGroup Boston lists are at http://lynx.neu.edu/home/httpd/b/bgb/resources.htm. The Moments in History Web site is http://www.internesti.com/MIH/. Michael Svellov's site lists all articles in Rail Gamer issues 1-7 http://hjem.get2net.dk/Svellov/Magz.html
Brookhurst hobbies There are four adaptations of DBM for Napoleonics at the DBM Homepage: http://tetrad.stanford.edu/dbm.html. There's a 7 Years War adaptation of DBA at the DBA Resource page: www.erols.com/brant/DBA. The Official Piquet Gamers Site is at www.Piquet.org Piquet. Brass wire for lances and pikes is available from Model Expo Inc, PO Box 229140, Hollywood, FL 33022. 800-222-3876 or fax 954-925-6579.