by George Phillies
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Black Hole was a Metagaming microgame. You can see the cover art at: with morethan 4,500 members - Your HQ for Consim Chat.. The ConCim Discussion Board Interesting links on traditional abstract games include We carry your favorite games at our new site. Check us out at you don't see what you want ask! A site that is a list of spaceship games and miniatures both in and out of print/prodution html. Formula De': Get more information at
There is a new strategy games message board forum at www.delphi. com/strategem. German games, AH games, computer strategy games, you name it, we can discuss it. The British Go Association's page is at
Websites featuring Games Workshop'sTalisman include a good site with an old FAQ at A site with have pictures and some info (But it's the Swedish version!)
RoboRally Radioactive? I wrote a short review of it for See also
Chili (New York, I gather) CROKINOLE Club will be meeting in its regular location at Churchville-Chili High School Faculty room as of 9/29/98. We also play informally every Thurs. evening (approx. 6 - 8pm) at Borders in Henrietta. Chili CROKINOLE Club http://www. is a turn-based gaming web site, where you enter moves when it's convenient for you. Turn-based gaming is similar to playing by email, but instead of emailing text moves, you enter your moves via your browser (point and click on the pieces). Over 10,000 players have already signed up, and they're all waiting to crush you. The October tournaments for were chess, checkers, backgammon, Battleship, Connect4, reversi, go-moku, and several variations.
Baron Munchausen game was available from Leisure Games (Lon-don) at The Games Store web site has been updated. The address is "Koali-tion" from Hexagames is a card game on the theme of European elections. You can see the rules for the first edition in Ken Tidwell's Game Cabinet ADC2: visit to get more info on ADC2 or ?13@151.flKFZ4Ht^5@.ee6c576 for a good discussion on ADC2.
If you are at MIT, come by Walker Memorial (Bldg 50) Rm 316 on a Friday evening at 7. Almost every Friday Titan (usually multi-player but 2 as well) is played by very skilled players, but always willing to teach/play with newer players. See for more details. New plastic pieces for A&A and Risk; for information The Westbank Gamers webpage includes the Gaming Session Reports on Vikingatid, Serenissima, Quo Vadis, Get the Goods, Bluff & Settlers of Catan, Politika, and For Sale, and an Editorial on Poor Sportsmanship & Revenge....Greg J. Schloesser, The Westbank Gamers:
The 18xx PBeM players list. If you are looking for players, the list is at: To be added to the list write Alex Report your name, e-mail address, 18xx games you play and requested game turn-around time in hours. Sports Gaming Digest, an informal weekly email discussion group devoted to sports games and sport gaming, has previous digests at To join and contribute to the list just send an email message to Jim at the following address: All sports gaming topics and interests are welcome, game reviews, opinions, variant rules, expansion ideas, and buy/sell/trade ads.
Magalon review at I recently played a great strategy game called Bailiwick at a friend's house...The website for Bailiwick is for the Landseer strategy board game.
Imperium Romanum II web pages: go to for errata and clarifications. Strategy Gaming Group meets weekly, Wednesday nights at 7:30 PM in Arlington, Virginia at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington at the corner of Route 50 and George Mason. For more info, contact Mark Guttag mguttag (703) 549-5960.