by Mark L. Bakke
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While the market for the traditional boxed conflict simulation continues to shrink, the market for the Desk Top Published wargame and the European family game (a.k.a. German games) continues to grow. Stonewall at Cedar Mountain, Montcalm & Wolf, The Flowers of the Forest, Rough Riders, ¡Arriba España! and other DTP games continue to show that there is still innovation and creativity in wargaming. Euphrat & Tigris, Ursuppe, Mississippi Queen, El Grande and other German games (see page 2) continue to bring people to -- or back to board gaming. Avalon Hill's On to Richmond is the 6th game in their highly successful "Great Campaigns of the American Civil War" series. It recreates McClellan's brilliant but poorly executed campaign to take Richmond.... Atlantic Storm is a card game for 2-6 players covering the critical years of the Battle of the Atlantic... Successors — The Battles for Alexander’s Empires has the best-looking graphics of any American board game. Counters, mounted board, cards all first rate. System similar to We The People but the cards are used as bonuses, random events, etc. instead of for resolving battles.... Classic ASL is a collection of some of the best ASL articles and scenarios from The General.... Starship Troopers: the game is better than the movie.... Other recent games from The Hill include Titan the Arena, a non-collectible card game for 2 to 5 players that was a big hit at Avaloncon, Princess Ryan’s Star Marines and Age of Renaissance.... Next up: For the People (Our pre-pub pick for game of the year!) Moments in History's newest game, Turning the Tables covers the Axis defeat of the Soviet Spring '42 offensive.... White Ensign/ Rising Sun is Jack Greene's simulation of the 1942 Japanese raid on Ceylon.... Eastwall sims the 1943-44 fighting for the Dnepr using the Ring of Fire system. Like RoF, Eastwall is a tanker's dream. Brian Moore's Play Aids for The Gamers' SCS and OCS games and Avalanche Press' Red Parachutes and Red Steel are in stock. Most sell for $7.40, some a little more, EatG $14.80. Avalanche Press' Survival of the Witless is a card game of tenure politics.... Operation Cannibal covers the British '42-'43 Burma offensive using the same system as Blood on the Snow.... Red Steel covers the 1941 clash of armor at Kishinev using the the Invasion of Italy/Red Parachutes system.... The Great War at Sea, one of the three best wargames of '96 -- the other two being Krieg! and Rossyia 1917 -- is still selling well.... Next up: Airlines (not to be confused with the Alan Moon game of the same name) is a card game of airline competition. The Great War at Sea II will cover the North and Baltic Seas. Only a couple of years late and the game it supports is out of print, but GMT's SPQR Player’s Guide is in stock.... Jugurtha, an expansion module for SPQR and Caesar, and Phalanx, an expansion module for The Battles of Alexander the Great, are still selling well.... Next up from GMT: The Gallic Wars, Saratoga, Invasion: Sicily. GRD's March to Victory takes the Europa system to World War I. Contains 3,360 counters and claims the most extensive, complete and best available order of battle... Second Front uses 4,800 counters and 4 maps to cover the invasion of Italy and D-Day.... War in the Desert covers the struggle for North Africa and the Near East.... Europa Magazine #41-58 (50% off the cover price). SPW's The Schlieffen Plan covers the beginning of WWI in Belgium and France from August to November 1914. 20km/hex, 4 days/turn, division-brigade. OSG's Napoleon at Bay and Napoleon’s Jena-Auerstadt Campaign are way over-priced at suggested retails of $48 and $50. Western Carolina Historical Research's Pocotaligo1862 & 1864 is in stock. World in Flames VI Deluxe, WIF VI Classic, WIF VI Deluxe Update (Classic without the box), WIF VI Classic Deluxe Update, Planes in Flames, Ships in Flames, Asia Aflame, Africa Aflame, '93 WIF Annual, '95 WIF Annual, Line of Command. #2-3 and Days of Decision II are in stock. Simulaciones Tacticas' (The Better La Bataille) Rivoli should be shipping soon (That's right, we've been saying that for 6 months, now!) along with a restock of Alexandria 1801. Free Rival brochure upon request. Columbia's newest block game, Victory, is not an historical simulation, but it is a great game. While it comes from the American wargaming tradition, it has many features in common with the German games that are becoming so popular over here -- easy, fast-playing, great looking components, fun, lots-a-wood, etc. Four geomorphic maps, 100 hardwood units. Additional maps, units and historical scenarios will be published later. Azure Wish's La Revolution Francais, Rossyia 1917, Hispania, Europa Universalis) and the EU Expansion are all still in stock. Bradford & Fyvie Publication's Killer Katanas is a nice-looking set of miniatures rules for samurai warfare. Tokugawa’s Battles is the first expansion. Decision's newest game, Over the Top covers four WW1 battles: The Brusilov Offensive, Riga, St. Mihiel, and Damascus. It shares the system and name with S&T 186....The Sun Never Sets covers the Brit-ish campaigns in Peking, the Zulu War and the Sudan.... The Forgotten War: Korea, is a platoon level simulation of Naktong Bulge, Chosin and Chipyong-ni.... Next up: Nuts!: The Battle of the Bulge Card Game. Camelot Games' Clash of Eagles is a game of WWII English Channel aerial combat. Mechanics similar to Blue Max ... Malta and Sturmovik are expansions.... Peninsula Italica is similar to AH's Britannia and Azure Wish's Hispania (but not nearly as pretty). Covers Italy from 2,000 to 200 bce.... Barbarians is a grand strategic game covering the decline and fall of Rome. Vae Victis continues to sell well even without a translation (trans-lations of the game rules for most issues are available on the Internet). The counters are beautiful but you have to mount them yourself. In addition to the game, Vae Victis is the best wargaming magazine around (if you read French) and most issues contain 1 or 2 ASL scenarios that need no translation. The games: #1 Tunisie 1943, #3 Marignan 1515, #5 La Reconquete de Rome, #6 Fontenoy 1745, #7 Abbeville1940, #8 Gettysburg 1863, #9 Champs de Bataille, #10 Operation Apocalypse, #11 Rocroi 1643, #12 Vittoria 1813, #13 Arnhem 1944, #14 1870 La Campagne de la Loire, #15 Kadesh, #16 En Pointe Toujours!, #17 Les Croisades!, #18 Rivoli The games in Command #45 are Operation Sea Lion and Yarmuk. Command #46 ($23.80) contains The End of Empire. Command #47 covers the hypothetical invasion of England by Napoleon with Perfidious Albion and the Hunnish invasion of Europe with Attila: The Scourge of God. The game in Strategy & Tactics #187 is Risorgimento. S&T #188 contains Kiev & Rostov. S&T 189 covers the unification of western Europe during the Dark Ages with Charlemagne. Windcatcher Graphics' Woodens ($9.80 per box of 9 foot or 5 mounted) are in stock. These are two-sided, full color scale miniatures. This first batch is all French Foreign Legion and Arabs. The next batch will be American Civil War. New ASL products include Avalon Hill's Classic ASL, Critical Hit's Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works, Special Edition #2 and Shanley’s Hill, and Pete Phillipps' View from the Trenches and 17/18. For a complete listing of modules, scenario packs and magazines supporting Avalon Hill's Advanced Squad Leader, ask for our "ASL List".... Some of the most creative designs in wargaming today are coming from Desktop Publishers like Ivy Street Games, Sierra Madre, Simulations Workshop, Charles Vasey and Microgame Co-op. So, next time you're thinking of shelling out fifty or sixty bucks, consider that for the same money you can get five or six really good games from a DTP company. Randy Moorehead at Simulations Workshop keeps adding to his eclectic list of very good, inexpensive ziplocks: Rommel at the Meuse sims the 7th Panzer's part in the fall of France. Operation Dragon Rouge is yet another game covering the American/Belgium operation to free hostages during the Congolese Civil War.... In Legend of the Lost Dutchman 2 to 5 players brave the desert, Apaches, rattlers and each other to find the Lost Dutchman gold mine.... Ironman Football is a card game for 2 to 5 players who take the part of league franchise owners in the '20s.... In Mad Monks and Relics 3 to 5 players play the part of monks and scholars searching for the Holy Grail while avoiding the plague, bandits and the Inquisition.... Safe Return Doubtful is a card based game of the race to the North Pole.... Rough Riders is a tactical simulation of the July 1 1898 battle for San Juan Hill. Panzers at the Pyramids covers the hypothetical 1942 drive into Egypt by the Afrika Korps.... Next up: ¡Cuba Libre! Ivy Street Games' Stonewall at Cedar Mountain continues to generate good reviews and lots of appreciative comments from customers. This brigade level game features an innovative orders system that makes it an outstanding simulation and a chit pull system that increases chaos and enhances solitaire play. Nice looking 11 x 17 map, 134 counters that are mounted but must be cut out.... Williamsburg 1862 ($14.40) uses the same rules as Stonewall at Ce-Dar Mountain but adds "Mission Cards" which create victory conditions known only to one player. Free Ivy Street Games flyer upon request. All nine of Microgame Co-OP's new games include one 11x17 map, one 11x8½ sheet of counters, rules, and charts and sell for $8.60. The graphics are good, but you have to mount and cut the counters. ¡Ariba Espana! sims the Spanish Civil War using an area movement map, brigade and division units and BI-monthly turns.... Astromachia is starship combat. Land of the Free is yet another simulation of American politics during the Depression. 2 or 3 players represent extremist political parties struggling for power. Macarthur’s War (great cover art!) sims the Korean War, giving the players the ability to escalate it into an Asian war or even WWIII. 53k/hex, brigade and division, monthly turns. Smokejumpers is a solo game of forest fire fighting. The player is a fire boss who decides the most effective way of fighting a fire in terms of tactics used and value lost... The Final Frontier is a game of Solar System exploitation. Shining Path sims the ongoing conflict between Maoist guerrillas and the government of Peru. The Siege of Hong Kong covers the end of 1941 invasion of Hong Kong Island by the Japanese.... Ypres: 1915 is a brigade/regiment level sim of the Second Battle of Ypres. Rob Markham of Markham Designs has taken a huge step in closing the gap between "boxed" games and DTP games with his newest release, Montcalm and Wolfe -- it has great looking die cut counters. It sims French and Indian War at an operational level with emphasis on command.... Markham's other two DTP (before he got the counter cutter) are The Race for Space, an innovative game of the Soviet-American "war of space technology" and Game Auction, a satirical look at the wargame business. Sierra Madre Games' newest game, American Megafauna, is a game of biological domination with a scale that is truly vast -- 5 million years/turn, 1500 km/hex, 30 megatons of biomass/counter! Luftschiff is a solo or 2 player game of WWI zeppelin combat. Riesen is the expansion for Luftschiff.... ¡Pancho Villa! Dead or Alive is a 2 or 3 player sim of the 1916 American expedition to punish Pancho Villa.... Rocket Flight is a multiplayer game of exploration and exploitation of our solar system.... Burros & Bandidos is an historical role-playing game. Frontier is the expansion for Burros & Bandidos. Lords of the Renaissance is a war, empire building, economics game for 2 to 40 players.... Sierra Madre's non-DTP game, Lords of the Sierra Madre, wasn't a bad deal at our old price of $35.00 (suggested retail $50). Ray Freeman's Tigers in the Mists is a point-to-point movement Battle of the Bulge game that has generated customer comment and reviews that for the most part point out that while the graphics are "plain" the game is good. Triumph Games' By Force of Arms is three strategic level games -- Alexander the Great, Reconquista, The Hordes of Ghengis Khan. To Forge a Nation is three strategic level games -- American Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War. Back to Strategist Number 316 Table of Contents Back to Strategist List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1998 by SGS This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other articles from military history and related magazines are available at |