by Michael Dean
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There have been price increases announced by a number of publishers, but nothing radical. Osprey previously announced that their Campaign, Air Combat and Aircraft of the Aces series of books will now list at $17 each. One Small Step has announced a price increase effectively immediately though details are not yet available. United Parcel Service and USPS both announced price increases. UPS raises prices each year, so this is no surprise. While I'm still reviewing their new rates, the overall increase is 3.6%, with further bump to all deliveries to a residence. This latter increase, effective since last year but just now being implemented by UPS, raises average shipping costs by close to $1 per package, a significant amount for all business that ship via UPS. Its too early to determine whether price increases will be passed along, but this is a definite hit. USPS announced its intent (wish) to raise first class rates by a penny. When this might happen, and whether it will trickled down to priority mail rates, is unknown. But the future is taking shape pretty clearly. New Game Releases Critical Hit released its anticipated Dzherhezinsky Tractor Works. A small set of rules with a full sized color, professionally printed map covering the heart of industrial Stalingrad are included with this Platoon Leader v2 kit. Four firefight scenarios pit 3 German divisions against a reinforced Soviet division. Critical Hit takes pains to say that "[this game] is the result of extensive research and testing." We hope so. White Ensign/Rising Sun, a game of the Japanese raid into the Indian Ocean in 1942, is available in a limited press run of 1,000. Jack Greene, a veteran naval designer, created the game based on his earlier Norway 1940. Published by Moments in History after Spearhead withdrew from publishing. $24.50. Settlers of Catan was finally back in print just days before Xmas, too late to be a gift item. The 4th edition sports entirely revised box & rules art, plus yet another set of colors for the pieces. And yes, still $24.50 for one of the most deservedly popular strategy board game ever. Even significant others who don't like those damn *games* quickly come to love Settlers. Berlin: Red Vengeance: The first of two killer ASL releases is already out of print after all of about six weeks. Supplies of Berlin: Red Vengeance can no longer be replaced, and thus the price has changed. However, I have a good number of copies still in stock for those ASL'ers who absolutely, positively NEED a copy but inexplicably haven't picked up one already. Berlin should be reprinted after the publisher makes some changes to fend of the possibility of another Avalon Hill raid. Risorgimento #187 covers 3 different wars between the various Italian states and the Austrians in northern Italy from 1848 to 1866 at an operational level. Perfidious Albion / Attila, Scourge O'God #47 includes 2 games on widely different subjects by the same designer, R. Sandall. Perfidious is an intriguing game of the hypothetical situation were Napoleon to invade Britain in 1814. (Of course, Nelson lost at Trafalgar...) Division level covering all of southern England. Attila covers the Hun's invasion of Roman Europe, 451-2 AD, using an area move map of most of central and western Europe. 2. The last of the German die Siedler series is now readily available from stock. The 5-6 player expansion to the Seafarers expansion (to the die Siedler game; whew...) is now available. 3. The Formulae De expansions are proving to be so popular as to exceed distributor expectations -- and thus they're getting to hard to keep in stock. At the moment, All of the first four board expansions (3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 9/10), the pewter cars, plus the replacement dice, are all now in stock. There will be another *five* expansions coming out late in the Spring (Apr. - July). The repl. pads are *not* currently available; stay tuned. 4. Critical Hits latest release, ASL News Pak #2 (aka as Euro News) is out & expect in by Tuesday. 5. Mayfair employed the Easter Seals Society of Chicago to assemble the playing piece sets for their 4th edition Settlers. It appears this is proving problematic with many sets containing both too many and too few of particular pieces. I suggest you take an inventory of this edition as soon as you buy it to assure yourself that all necessary components are included. Mayfair is probably aware of the problem, and is very responsive to polite requests for replacement parts at Mayair@ or 800-432-4376. 6. The latest General, 31/6, is in stock. This issues seems to reflect the magazine once again finding its stride after its 2 year mid-life crisis. There is a good mix of articles on ASL, other AH games, the Zone of Control section of reviews, and an acceptable amount of computer game coverage. Fine Games, 1936 SE Tenino St, Portland, OR 97202 Fractal Dimensions Releases Breeders: The Assault (Cortland, NY) -- Fractal Dimensions, publishers of the Fractal Spectrum (FS) Magazine, are now shipping their first Gamelet product entitled Breeders: The Assault. Breeders: The Assault is a game of tactical science fiction combat taking place sometime in the next century, where interstellar travel is a lengthy but common process, and a militant alien race, known as the Bre'kada, have been discovered. Each player assumes the role of either a Terran force or a force of alien Breeders. Players will have an individual goal to accomplish defined by the scenario or campaign being played. Components include 13" x 10" game map, 189 full color counters, 12 page rule booklet, and 1 Quick Reference Sheet. Designed and written by Carl Forhan. Full color cover art by DJAR. Breeders: The Assault retails for $8.95. For mail orders - please include 80 cents for Postage and Handling. What is a Gamelet? It's Fractal Dimensions newest line of micro-games for the next millennium. Gamelets are designed for the retailers that sell comics, science fiction & fantasy books, and games. They are easily displayed and explained. The look and feel of a Gamelet is aimed at grabbing the new type of wargamer as well as being a touch nostalgic for the old. Why is it different from a traditional microgame? Gamelets are comic book-size. The board or gaming field is the middle 2 pages of the book. The counter set is printed on the back cover. A quick sheet is printed on the inside cover. To assemble the game, you take off the back cover (perforated), cut the counters, and pull out the playing board. The rules are left intact. The Gamelet is ready to be played. What about packaging? Gamelets are not shrink-wrapped like other games. The covers are made from sturdy card stock while the rules are printed on ultrabrite paper. The game board is printed on gloss. Customers can pick up a Gamelet and leaf through it much like a book or comic. When disassembled, Gamelets can be stored in regular mylar comic bags. The Fractal Dimensions Home Page at http:// Fractal Dimensions, 17-29 Main St., Suit 316, Cortland, NY 13045 | (607) 753-9246 Mancala Games While my book Mancala Games (originally published in 1984) is between editions, I'm making available a paperbound photocopy. The original book has 110 pages, and contains the rules for well over 100 different versions of mancala. Mancala is the generic name given to a class of board games played throughout the world (but mainly on the African continent). The games are generally played on wooden boards which have two, three, or four rows of holes carved into them. Each game begins with counters arranged in the holes according to the rules of the game being played. Rules for moves, captures, and winning also vary from game to game. If you're interested, please send $13.93 ($12+$1.93 for postage ($4 postage for overseas) ) to me at : Larry Russ, 613 Hudson Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030. And More News AHIKS (once the Avalon Hill Intercontinental Kriegspiel Society) has gained new officers, namely Chester Hendrix of Gridley, California as President and Ray Labarbera of Newark, CA as Vice President. Former President Roger Eastep resigned as President on 24 August 1997. Hendrix for a period of time was publisher of Strategist and made a variety of useful suggestions for improving its physical quality. Shannon Appel writes us with news from Chaosium: : Heralding the dawn of a new age for Glorantha is the brand new Issaries, Inc. sponsored Glorantha web page. You can find it at: http:// www.glorantha. com. This page includes tons of Glorantha background material, Issaries, Inc's plans for future Glorantha publications, columns by Greg Stafford - updated monthly, and more. If you've already browsed the Glorantha site, be sure to look for February's updates, now available. Chaosium Webpage Updates: Lots of cool stuff has appeared on the Chaosium web site in the last month too, including: Starry Wisdom #3, the most recent issue of the Chaosium periodical; our Call of Cthulhu submission guidelines, with info for writers and artists; and several updates to our Wizard's Attic catalog, including Cthulhu miniatures, Pendragon miniatures, out-of-print books, and more. Take a look at: The Andon RPGA is looking for scenarios for Call of Cthulhu 5th edition, to be run at conventions all over the country. They will pay $50.00 to the author of any adventure they choose once the scenario has been run. RPGA scenarios are typically 6-10 encounters long and expected to run within a standard 3 hour 45 minute convention round. If you have a scenario or two you would like to submit to them, contact Mark Jindra ( Check out the RPGA section of the Andon web page ( for more details. Good Luck! A list of forthcoming Chaosium releases includes Dead Reckonings, an anthology of three adventures set in Lovecraft Country. "Dust to Dust", by Kevin Ross, takes investigators across Lovecraft Country to solve a series of grave robberies. "The Dark Rivals", by J. Todd Kingrea, puts the investigators in the middle of a supernatural war in Arkham. "Behold the Mother", by Richard Watts, once more delves into the blasphemous secrets of Dunwich. This book contains numerous maps, including one of the decadent village of Martin's Beach. A Lovecraft Country release! The Complete Pegana. For the first time ever, the complete dream-cycle of Lord Dunsany is collected in one book. Lord Dunsany's work was the most significant influence upon H. P. Lovecraft's Dreamlands stories. The dream-cycle also influenced such authors as C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. The editor is S. T. Joshi, a respected Lovecraft scholar. The Innsmouth Cycle: The newest collection of classic Cthulhu Mythos tales is based on the city of Innsmouth, the unsavory seaside community where deep ones and humans mingle blasphemously. Innsmouth is one of the best known and most feared locations of the Mythos. The Innsmouth Cycle includes stories by H. P. Lovecraft, Lord Dunsany, Stephen Mark Rainey, andRobert W. Chambers. Bermuda Triangle. This 1990s sourcebook explores the haunted stretch of ocean known as the Bermuda Triangle. Includes a history of this region and its terrifying denizens, detailed maps, descriptions of all major islands, information on running Caribbean campaigns, and an adventure into the foreboding waters of the Triangle itself. For Call of Cthulhu: Day Of The Beast . In this 12-scenario 1920s campaign, players confront the ancient Brotherhood of the Beast to stop a 4,000 year old prophecy that threatens all of humanity. Investigators travel to San Francisco, Egypt, the Andes, Romania, and beyond to stop the coming of the Beast. Great campaign for players new to Call of Cthulhu. Call of Cthulhu Fiction: The Ithaqua Cycle.This chilling cycle book includes thirteen tales related to Ithaqua, the Wind-Walker, collected together for the first time. Ithaqua was created by August Derleth and is based upon the terrible winter spirits, or Wendigo, of Native North American mythology. Includes stories by August Derleth, Brian Lumley, Algernon Blackwood, Joseph Payne Brennan, and others. A perfect book for those cold winter nights. Edited by Robert Price. 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