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I have received several convention flyers and will list as much of the info as I can here. Be careful as they are not in any order: North America's Annual Diplomacy Convention DIPCON XXII San Diego, CA on July 28,29, & 30, 1989. This is an (IDTR) International Diplomacy Tournament Rating sanctioned event. Voting for the 1990 location will be held during the tournament and only those present are eligible to vote. StellarCon XIV is scheduled for Mar 31-Apr 2, 1989 and will be held in the Elliott university Center on the University of Norh Carolina campus in Greensboro, NC. At the convention will be Steve Jackson, owner of Steve Jackson games GURPS, OGRE, CAR WARS. Also Jean Lorrah, author of THE SAVAGE EMPIRE series and Star Trek novels, THE VULCAN ACADEMY MURDERS & IDIC EPIDEMIC. Also Allen Wold, author of THE EYE IN THE STONE. Highlights include, Tournament gaming, Panels & Workshops, Dealers' Room, Cabaret, Costume Contest & Films. Anyone interested, contact: StellatCon XIV: Registration, Box 4, Elliott University Center, UNCG, Greensboro, NC 27412. HMGS, Cold Wars '89. Friday 24 February 1989 from noon until Sunday, 26 February at 4PM. Turf Valley Country Club, in Ellicott City, Maryland. 9000 Square feet of gaming area, hundreds of games: air, land, & naval; microarmor, SYW, colonial, Marlborough, Napoleonics, ACW, pike & shot, WWs I, II, & III, sailing ships, predreadnoughts & modern naval. Over 50 dealers and 6000 feet of dealer space. SIMCON XI, March 2-4, 1989, Wilson Commons, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York. Scheduled events include: WRG Ancients Tournament (judged by Phil Barker), On to Richmond (Civil War), Charge Project, & Age of Sail. Contact: SIMCON XI, PO Box 29142, River Station, Rochester, NY 14627(They apparently have some Role Playing also as the sheet has a Role Playing Game Schedule listed but not mentioned.) Back to Strategist Number 202 Table of Contents Back to Strategist List of Issues Back to MagWeb Master Magazine List © Copyright 1989 by SGS This article appears in MagWeb (Magazine Web) on the Internet World Wide Web. Other military history articles and gaming articles are available at http://www.magweb.com |