Smite Me, I Dare You!

Chariot Lords Scenario Part 1


by Charles H. Vasey

2.0 The Three Player Scenario

The White team is removed from play

Yellow gets Hatti (140 possible points)

Red gets Nubia, Cimmeria and Judah (160 possible points)

Blue gets Elam (100 possible points).

No handicapping points at present. Elam is usually a pretty good territory scorer and I'm not sure Red is getting quite the bargain it looks (especially if Nubia succeeds and Assyria wants Memphis).

If a victory condition on the White Sheet involves the killing of the new owner's units (whether with or without other units) and this condition is not achieved by game's end then the point score is deducted. (Pour encourager les autres).

4.0 and 5.0
The First Five Turns Scenario
(to the end of the Middle Assyrian Empire)

Use the set-up in the rulebook and the arrival details given below. Victory Points are scored as usual, however use the relevant individual Victory Point Charts, or Mighty Warrior sheet.

4.1 First Five Turns Scenario Master Turn Arrival Chart

TURN ONE (1500 - 1410) Late Bronze Age: THE NEW KINGDOM "Egypt", "Sumer", "Mitanni", "Elam", "Hatti", "Kassites", and "Canaan" chits are placed in container, then draw chits and set-up on board as follows:

KASSITES: 8 foot and 4 chariots (Mari, Tigris, Akkad, Babylon, or Karduniash).

CANAAN: Ruler DARUSHA, 7 foot and 5 chariots (Kadesh, Ugarit, Aleppo, Phoenicia, Philistia, Judah or Syria). (End of movement phase stacking limits must be observed in set-up)

ELAM: 4 foot (South Zagros or Elam).

HATTI: 6 foot and 2 chariots (West Taurus, Pitassa, Zippasla, or Hatti) plus god counter.

SUMER: 5 foot (Sumer).

MITANNI: 6 foot and 5 chariots (Kizzuwatna, Hurri-land, Mitanni or Hanigalbat).

EGYPT: Ruler THUTMOSIS 111, 10 foot and 4 chariots (On, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Thebaid, or Naucratis) plus god counter


"Achaea" and "Assyria" chits are placed in container.

HATTI: Ruler SUPPILULIUMAS I, 6 foot and 5 chariots (West Taurus or Hattil

ASSYRIA: 4 foot and a Siege Marker (Assyria, Arrapha, or Zamua).

ACHAEA: 2 chariots (invade Wilusyia, Seha River Land, Assuwa, or Kos).


"Judah" chit is placed in container.

JUDAH: 4 foot plus THE CHOSEN PEOPLE (invade Sinai or Pelusium).

HATTI: Ruler MUWATALLIS (with any Hatti unit)

ASSYRIA: Ruler SHALAMANESEER I, 5 foot and 4 chariots (Assyria, Arrapha, or Zamua).

EGYPT: Ruler RAMESSES II, 3 chariots (On, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Thebaid, or Naucratis)


"Phrygia", "Sea Peoples", "Luvians", and "Libyans" chits are placed in container.

LUVIANS: 6 foot and 2 chariots (land Lukka, Kos, or Arzawa).

PHRYGIA: 6 foot (land Phrygia, Wilusyia, or Seha River Land).

SEA PEOPLES: 6 foot and 2 chariots (land any coastal Area or Areas from Arzawa to Naucratis, or Alasa).

ELAM: Ruler SHUTRUK-NAHUNTE, 4 foot and 3 chariots (South Zagros or Elam)

LIBYA: 4 foot (the Libyan Desert). See Section 13

ACHAEA: 6 foot (invade Wilusyia, Seha River Land, Assuwa, or Kos)

EGYPT: Ruler RAMESSES III (with any Egyptian unit)


"Chaldea" "Urartu" and "Arameans" chits are placed in container.

HALDEA: Ruler NEBUCHADNEZZAR 1, 2 chariots and 6 foot (Babylon or Akkad).

ASSYRIA: Ruler TIGLATH-PILESER I (with any Assyrian unit).

ARAMEANS: 3 foot and 4 cavalry (invade any Area adjacent to Arabian Desert).

URARTU: 4 foot (Mannai, Ashuguzai, Urartu and Van).

5.1 First Five Turns Scenario (Mighty Warriors)

Note: Mighty Warriors points can be scored only once in a game by their nation, cross off the relevant entry line below as soon as points are scored.

YELLOW TEAM (80 points)

KASSITES (20 points): In any one turn control six Areas, one of which is Mitanni.

CANAAN (20 points): Control at least one Area in their turn or Turn Four.

SEA PEOPLES (10 points): In any one turn control four Areas containing cities.

LUVIANS (10 points): In any one turn control four Areas, one of which must be Assuwa or Kizzuwatna.

PHRYGIA (10 points): In any one turn control four Areas.

CHALDEA (10 points): In any one turn control Five non-mountain Areas.

WHITE TEAM (80 points)

ELAM (25 points): In any one turn control five non-mountain Areas one of which must be Babylon.

HATTI (20 points): In any one turn control five Areas bordering the Mediterranean and south of Kizzuwatna.

HATTI (20 points): In any one turn control six hill Areas north of Ugarit.

JUDAH (10 points): Keep the Chosen People until game end.

RED TEAM (80 points)

SUMER (20 points): In any one turn control three Areas including Babylon.

MITANNI (20 points): In any one turn control six Areas including four Cities and one coastal Area.

ASSYRIA (20 points): In any one turn control ten Areas in one turn.

ASSYRIA (10 points): In any one turn control Babylon.

LIBYA (10 points): In any one turn control two non-desert Areas.

BLUE TEAM (80 points)

EGYPT (40 points): In any one turn control five non- desert Areas other than On, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Thebaid, or Naucratis.

ACHAEA (20 points): In any one turn control five Areas including Assuwa.

ARAMEANS (20 points): In any one turn control three non desert Areas.

BALANCE: (15 points) received at the end of the scenario.

6.0 and 7.0
The Middle Five Turns Scenario
(turns 4 to 8)

Master Turn Arrival Chart


"Phrygia", "Sea Peoples", "Luvians", and "Libyans" chits are placed in container.

LUVIANS: 6 foot and 2 chariots (land Lukka, Kos, or Arzawa).

PHRYGIA: 6 foot (land Phrygia, Wilusyia, or Seha River Land).

LIBYA: 4 foot (the Libyan Desert). See Section 13

ACHAEA: 6 foot (invade Wilusyia, Seha River Land, Assuwa, or Kos)

SEA PEOPLES: 6 foot and 2 chariots (land any coastal Area or Areas from Arzawa to Naucratis, or Alasa).

ELAM: Ruler SHUTRUK-NAHUNTE, 4 foot and 3 chariots (South Zagros or Elam)

EGYPT: Ruler RAMESSES III (with any Egyptian unit)


"Chaldea" "Urartu" and "Arameans" chits are placed in container.

CHALDEA: Ruler NEBUCHADNEZZAR 1, 2 chariots and 6 foot (Babylon or Akkad).

ASSYRIA: Ruler TIGLATH-PILESER I (with any Assyrian unit). Remove Gods Marker.

ARAMEANS: 3 foot and 4 cavalry (invade any Area adjacent to Arabian Desert).

URARTU: 4 foot (Urartu or Ashuguzai).

TURN SIX (1050-960) Iron Age: THE RISE OF ISRAEL

"Lydia" chit is placed in container.

JUDAH: Ruler SAUL, 2 chariots (Judah)

LYDIA: 6 foot (land Lukka, Kos, or Assuwa).

PHRYGIA: 3 foot (land Phrygia, Wilusyia, or Seha River Land)


JUDAH: Ruler SOLOMON, 2 Chariots (Judah or Philistia)

LIBYA: 4 foot (The Libyan Desert).

EGYPT: Ruler SHISHANK 1, 3 foot (On, Upper Egypt, Lower Egypt, Thebaid, or Naucratis)


"Nubia", and "Media" chits are placed in container.

PHRYGIA: Ruler MIDAS, 2 cavalry (Phrygia)

NUBIA: 8 foot and 2 Siege Markers (invade Thebaid).

ASSYRIA: Ruler ASHUR-NASIR-PAL II(first turn), 9 foot, 4 cavalry and a Terror Marker (Assyria, Arrapha, or Zamua).
Ruler SHALMANESER III (second turn) (with any Assyrian unit) BELOVED OF THE GODS. God Marker in Nineveh.

URARTU: Ruler SARDUR and 3 cavalry (Urartu).

MEDIA: 3 foot (Media, Hyrkania, North Zagros).

7.1 The Middle Five Turns Scenario (turns 4 to 8)

Set up nations as follows: (Ch= Chariot, F = Foot)

ACHAEA: Wilusyia (1 x Ch), Seha River Land (1 x Ch).

EGYPT: Thebaid (1 x F), Upper Egypt (1 x F), Lower Egypt (1 x F + god) Naucratis (1 x F), On (1 x F + Ch): Phillstia (1 x F), Phoenicia (2 x C ).

HATTI: Arzawa (1 x F), Phrygia 1 x F) Kaska (1 x F) Hatti (1 x F), West aurus (1 x F) Kizzuwatna (1 x F), Chalbyes (1 x F), Ugarit (2 x Ch), Aleppo (1 x Ch), Kadesh (1 x Ch), Mitanni (1 x Ch)

JUDAH: Judah (4 x F + Godly).

ELAM: Elam (1 x F), South Zagros (1 x F)

MITANNI: Hurri-land (2 x F).

ASSYRIA: Assyria (1 x Ch), Arrapha (2 x F + god + Terror), Euphrates (1 x F), Mari (1 x Ch), Akkad (1 x Ch), Tigris (1 x F).

SUMER: Sumer (1 x F).

CANAAN: Syria (2 x F), Hamath (2 x F)

KASSITES: Zamua (1 x Kassite F).

DEAD PILE (available for replacement):
Elam 2 x F
Hatti 2 x F, 1 x Ch
Egypt 1 x Ch, 2 x F
Sumer 2 x F
Mitanni 1 x Ch, 3 x F
Assyria 1 x Ch, 3 x F
Canaan 1 xCh
Kassites 2 x Ch, 3 x F

VPs at start:
Red: 110, White 110, Yellow 100, Blue 80

7.2 The Middle Five Turns Scenario (turns 4 to 8)


NOTE: Mighty Warriors points can be scored only once in a game by their nation, cross off the relevant entry line below as soon as points are scored.

YELLOW TEAM (100 points)

CANAAN (25 points): Control at least one of their starting Areas in their turn on Turn Four.

SEA PEOPLES (20 points): In any one turn control four Areas containing cities.

LUVIANS (20 points): In any one turn control four Areas, one of which must be Assuwa or Kizzuwatna.

CHALDEA (15 points): In any one turn control four Areas.

PHRYGIA (20 points): In any one turn control four Areas one of which must be Hatti.

WHITE TEAM (35 points)

ELAM (25 points): In any one turn control five non-mountain Areas one of which must be Babylon.

JUDAH (25 points): Keep the Chosen People until game end.

RED TEAM (90 points)

ASSYRIA (20 points): In any one turn control ten Areas in one turn

ASSYRIA (30 points): In any one turn control Memphis

LIBYA (20 points): In any one turn control two non-desert Areas

LYDIA (20 points): In any one turn control four Areas including Assuwa

BLUE TEAM (80 points)

ACHAEA (20 points): In any one turn control five Areas including Assuwa

ARAMEANS (30 points): In any one turn control four Areas including Babylon

URARTU (30 points): In any one turn control four non-mountain Areas including Nineveh

The Last Five Turns Scenario
(Turns 6 to 10)

Set up nations as follows: (Ca=Cavalry, F=Foot, Cam=Camel, Ch=Chariot)

ACHAEA: Wilusyia (1 x F), Seha River Land (1 x F), Assua (1 x F), Kos (1 x F), Zippasla (1 x Ch)

EGYPT: Thebaid (1 x F), Upper Egypt (1 x F), Lower Egypt (1 x F and Ch + god), Naucratis (1 x F), On (1 x F).

ARAMEANS: Mitanni (1 x Cam), Hanigalbat (1 x Cam), Euphrates (1 x Cav + F).

URARTU: Urartu (1 x F), Ashuguzai (1 x F), Van (1 x F)

CANAAN: Syria (1 x F)

LUVIANS: Lukka (1 x F), Alasa (1 x Ch), Arzawa (1 x F), Kizzuwatna (1 x F).

PHRYGIA: Phrygia (1 x F), Kaska (1 x F), Chalbyes (1 x F).

SEA PEOPLES: Philistia (1 x F + Ch), Phoenicia (I x F + Ch).

CHALDEA: Mari (2 x F), Akkad (1 x Ch), Tigris (2 x F), Babylon (1 x Ch).

KASSITES: Zamua (1 x F)

HATTI: Pittasa (1 x Ch), Hatti (2 x F + god), West Taurus (1 x F), Aleppo (1 x Ch).

JUDAH: Judah (2 x F + Ungodly).

ELAM: Karduniash (1 x F + Ch), Elam (1 x F), South Zagros (1 x F)

MITANNI: Hurri-land (2 x F)

LIBYANS: Libyan Desert (3 x F).

ASSYRIA: Assyria (1 x Ch), Arrapha (2 x F + god + Terror).

SUMER: Sumer (3 x F)

DEAD PILE (available for replacement):

Elam 2 x F, 1 x Ch
Hatti 3 x F, 2 Ch
Judah 1 x F
Egypt 2 x Ch
Achaea 2xF, 1 xCh
Arameans 2 x F, 1 x Cav
Assyria 1 xCh,2xF
Libya I x F
Luvians 2 x F, 1 x Ch
Phrygia 2 x F
Sea Peoples 2 x F
Kassites 1 x F
Canaan 2 x f
Chaldea 2xF, 1 xCh

Set Up Points; Red 160, White 200, Yellow 260, and Blue 180.

9.2 Last Five Turns Scenario


NOTE: Mighty Warriors points can be scored only once in a game by their nation, cross off the relevant entry line on the next column as soon as points are scored.

YELLOW TEAM (70 points)

SEA PEOPLES (20 points): In any one turn control four Areas containing cities.

PHRYGIA (20 points): In any one turn control four Areas one of which must be Hatti.

CHALDEA (30 points): In any one turn control five Areas, one of which must be Nineveh OR Arrapha.

WHITE TEAM (85 points)

JUDAH (25 points): Keep the Chosen People until game end.

NUBIA (30 points): Establish the Nubian Dynasty (see Rules).

CIMMERIA (30 points): In any one turn control five hill Areas and one of Hattusas and Nineveh.

BALANCE: 30 points at scenario end.

RED TEAM (90 points)

ASSYRIA (20 points): In any one turn control ten Areas in one tum.

ASSYRIA (30 points): In any one turn control Memphis.

LIBYA (20 points): In any one turn control two non-desert Areas.

LYDIA (20 points): In any one turn control four Areas including Assuwa.

BLUE TEAM (90 points)

ARAMEANS (30 points): In any one turn control four Areas including Babylon.

URARTU (30 points): In any one turn control four nonmountain Areas including Nineveh.

MEDIA (30 points): In any one turn control six Areas including Babylon, Nineveh or Ashur.

Victory Point Lists: The First Five Turns Scenario

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