Swabian Circle Military Organization

Imperial Circles

by John Henderson


The Holy Roman Empire was divided up for administrative and military purposes into ten Imperial Circles (Reichs-Kreise)

In order of seniority these were:

    1) The Austrian Circle (Der osterreichische Kreis)
    2) The Burgundian Circle (Der burgundische Kreis)
    3) The Fanconian Circle (Der frankische Kreis)
    4) The Bavarian Circle (Der bayrische Kreis)
    5) The Swabian Circle (Der schwabische Kreis)
    6) The Upper Rhenish Circle (Der ober-rheinische Kreis)
    7) The Electoral Rhenish Circle (Der kur-rheinische Kreis)
    8) The Westphalian Circle (Der westphalische Kreis)
    9) The Upper Saxon Circle (Der ober-sachsische Kreis)
    10) The Lower Saxon Circle (Der nieder-sachsische Kreis)

This order of seniority had been established by the Imperial Rescript of 14th July 1718.

The Swabian Circle was the most active of the Circles during the French Revolutionary wars. This was partly because it was in the 'front line', and partly because its most important prince, the Duke of Wurttemberg, was committed to the Imperial System.


The military affairs of the Swabian Circle were administered by the Circle Convention, which was a select committee of the Circle Diet, presided over by the two Circle Directors, the chief executives of the Circle, who were always the current Duke of Wurttemburg and the current Bishop of Constance.

In peacetime the Swabian Circle managed its military affairs without much interference from the Imperial authorities, but when an Imperial War (Reich-Krieg) was proclaimed, as on 22nd March 1793, an Imperial Army (Reichs-Armee) was formed from the Circle troops, amd a Reich-General-Feldmarschall was appointed to command it.

The military command of the Swabian troops was vested in the Kreis-GeneralFeldmarschall, an hereditory office belonging to the Dukes of Wurttemberg. For the 1793 campaign, the Swabian troops were actually commanded in the field by Kreis-General-Lieutenant von Stain, assisted by his two brigade commanders, Kreis-General-Major von Zaigerand Kreis-General-Major von Mylius.

The generals were assisted by a 20 strong staff.

2 General A.D.Cs
2 General Staff A.D.Cs
2 Brigade Staff A.D.Cs
2 War Commissaries
1 Field War Commissariat Officer
1 Chief Legal Officer
1 Chief Chaplain (Catholic)

1 Chief Chaplain (Protestant
2 Physicians
1 Hospital Commissary
2 Staff Surgeons
2 Staff Quartermasters
1 Staff Provost

1) Kreis-Kurassier-Regiment Hohenzollern
2) Kreis-Dragoner-Regiment Wurttemberg
3) Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Wurttemberg
4) Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Baden
5) Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Furstenberg
6) Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Wolfegg


Each infantry regiment had a wartime strength of 1,707, made up of:

Regimental Staff
1 Colonel-in-Chief (Oberst-Regiments Chef)
1 Colonel commanding (Oberst-Commandant)
1 Lieutenant-Colonel (Oberst-Lieutenant)
1 First Major (Premier-Major)
1 Second Major (Second-Major)
1 Captain-Lieutenant (Capitan Lieutant)
1 Adjutant (Adjutant)
1 Regimental Quartermaster (Regiments-Qaurtiermeister)
1 Legal officer (Auditor)
2 Chaplains (Feld-Prediger)
1 Regimental Surgeon (Regiments-Feldscherer)
4 Standard Bearers (Fahnenjunker)
1 Wagonmaster (Wagenmeister)
1 Regimental Drum-Major (Regiments-Tambour)
1 Provost (Profoss)
8 Musicians (Hautboisten)

Two GRENADIER Companies - each of
1 Captain (Hauptmann)
1 First Lieutenant (Ober-Lieutenant)
1 Second Lieutenant (Unter-Lieutenant)
1 Over Sergeant (Ober-Feldwebel)
1 Under Sergeant (Unter-Feldwebel)
1 Quartermaster (Furier)
1 Surgeon (Feldscherer)
4 Corporals (Corporals)
1 Assistant Q.M (Furierschutz)
2 Drummers (Tambours)
2 Fifers (Pfeifer)
8 Lance Corporals (Gefreite)
76 Grenadiers (Grenadiere)

Two Battalions, each of five FUSILIER companies. each of
1 Captain (Hauptmann)
1 First Lieutenant (Ober-Lieutenant)
1 Second Lieutenant (Unter-Lieutenant)
1 Over Sergeant (Ober-Feldwebel)
1 Under Sergeant (Unter-Feldwebel)
1 Quartermaster (Furier)
1 Surgeon (Feldscherer)
8 Corporals (Corporals)
1 Assistant Q.M (Furierschutz)
4 Drummers (Tambours)
2 Fifers (Pfeifer)
12 Lance Corporals (Gefreite)
2 Pioneers (Zimmerleute)
114 Musketeers (Musketiere) ftluskeleer, Kreieis-In/anlerie-Regimen/ Wiirllernbeig- 1793 Blue coal with yellow collar, ruffs, lapels and shoulder strays, red turn backs and brass builorzs. Black cocked hat, trimmed with yellow lace with a black over while plume. Yellow waistcoat. White breeches, shirt and bells. Black .shoes, gaiters, stock and cartridge pouch. Brass-pilled sabre with red sword-knot, in black scabbard.


Each cavalry regiment had a wartime stregth of 606, comprising

Regimental Staff
1 Colonel-in-Chief (Oberst-Regiments Chef)
1 Colonel commanding (Oberst-Commandant)
1 Lieutenant-Colonel (Oberst-Lieutenant)
1 First Major (Premier-Major)
1 Second Major (Second-Major)
1 Adjutant (Adjutant)
1 Regimental Quartermaster (Regiments-Quartiermeister)
1 Legal officer (Auditor)
2 Chaplains (Feld-Prediger)
1 Regimental Surgeon (Regimen ts-Feldscherer)
4 Standard Bearers (Standarten junker)
1 Wagonmaster (Wagenmeister)
4 Saddlers (Sattler)
1 Provost (Profoss)
1 Kettledrummer (Packer)

1 Captain (Hauptmann)
1 First Lieutenant (Ober-Lieutenant)
1 Second Lieutenant (Unter-Lieutenant)
1 Sergeant (Wachmeister)
1 Quartermaster (Quartermeister)
1 Surgeon (Feldscherer)
3 Corporals (Corporals)
1 Trumpeter (Trompeter)
1 Farrier (Fahnenschmeid)
62 Troopers (Reiter)

These strengths were established by vote of the Circle Diet on 22nd March 1793. Dragoon, Kreis Dragoner-Regiment Wurttemberg 1793

Blue coat with red collar, cuffs and lapels.
Yellow turn backs with red lace trim.
Brass shoulder scales and brass buttons.
Black cocked hat, trimmed with white lace with a white plume.
White breeches, shirt and belts.
Black boots, stock and cartridge pouch.
Brass-hilted sabre with red sword-knot in brown scabbard.


The personnel of the Circle regiments was provided by contingents from each of the 104 states of the Swabian Circle that were legally bound to contribute to the defence of the Empire (some states were exempt from this).

As a general rule, the Catholic states provided the men for the Catholic regimentsHohenzollern-Kurassiere; FurstenbergInfanterie and Wolfegg-Infanterie. The Protestant sates provided the men for the Protestant regiments Wurttemberg Dragoner, Wurttemberg-Infanterie and Baden Infanterie.


The Circle artillery was provided by the Imperial Cities of Rottweil (Catholic) and Esslingen (Protestant). The Circle arsenals were also established in these cities. On the proclamation of the Imperial War on 22nd March 1793, the Circle artillery was found to he in too poor a condition to take the field, so seven 12 pdrs and five 6 pdrs were hired from the Duke of Wurttemberg until new guns could be made.

1 Commandant (Commandant)
1 Staff Captain (Stabs-Hauptmann)
2 First Lieutenants (Premier-Lieutenants)
2 Second Lieutenants (Second-Lieutenant
2 Ensigns (Junker)
1 Chief Arsenal Attendant (Ober-Zeugwart)
4 Armourers (Feuerwerker)
1 Quartermaster (Quartiermeister)
1 Under Arsenal Attendant (Unter Zeugwart)
I Assistant Quartermaster (Furierschutz)
1 Surgeon (Feldscherer)
1 Wagonmaster (Wagenmeister)
1 Saddler (Sattler)
1 Provost (Profoss)
1 Smith (Schmeid)
12 Corporals (Corporals)
40 Senior Gunners (Alt-Canonier)
80 Junior Gunners (Jung-Canonier)
36 Waggoners (Fuhrknechte)


Field Commander: Kreis-General-Lieutenant von Stain

1st Brigade Commander: Kreis-General-Major von Zaiger
Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Furstenberg
Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Baden
Kreis-Grenadier-Bataillon von Hovel
Kreis-Dragoner-Regiment Wurttemberg

2nd Brigade Commander: Kreis-General-Major von Mylius
Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Wolfegg
Kreis-Infanterie-Regiment Wurttemberg
Kreis-HGrenadier Bataillon von Fugger
Kreis-Kurassier-Regiment Hohenzollern


Aretin, K O F Von Heilige romisches Reich 1776 his 1806 (Wiesbaden, 1967)
Borck, H G Der schwabische Reichskreis im Zeitalter der revolution (Kohlhammer Verlag, Stuttgart., 1979)
Gumpelzhaimer, H S G Die Reichs-Matricel aller Kreise (Stettin, Ulm 1796)
Stadlinger, L von Geschichte des wurttembergerischen Kriegswesens (Guttenberg, STuttgart 1856)

Swabian Circle Military Organization

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