7YWA Newsletter

New Products of Interest

by Jim Purky

4. Kolin, Frederick's First Defeat Clash of Arms Games has just released their long awaited boardgame for the battle of Kolin. The game includes a new historical commentary by Christopher Duffy that is the most detailed English text on the battle in existence.

I would recommend the purchase of the game just to get a copy of Professor Duffy's commentary, but in addition, there is a beautiful three-section color map that would be perfect as a terrain template for setting up a wargame table for Kolin, plus the cardboard counters depict regimental colors and facings (accurately) for each Austrian, Saxon and Prussian regiment in the game. The rule booklet includes numerous examples of play to assist the novice in learning the game. This is obviously a well-researched boardgame that also serves as an excellent source of reference material on the battle of Kolin. The game can be purchased from Emperor's Headquarters and other leading boardgame dealers.

5. Old Glory 15mm Croats and Prussian Horse Artillery and Jagers. are now available from Emperor's Headquarters (see their advertisement on the back cover of this issue). The Prussian Horse artillery and Jagers are mixed into the same bag, which is actually OK since one does not normally include a lot of either in a Prussian army. The bag of Croats includes seven different poses: standing and kneeling firing; two advancing poses; one loading musket; one falling wounded, and one officer in cape. These are highly animated figures that are bound to give Frederick a lot of trouble on the wargame table.

6. Russia's Military Way to the West, by Christopher Duffy has been reprinted and is available from "On Military Matters" in the USA and from Caliver Books in the UK. Now's your chance to get a copy of this highly informative account of 18th century Russian military history. I also understand that Duffy's The Military Life of Frederick the Great has been reprinted in paperback form. l've seen copies of the same at EHQ. If I were stranded on a desert island and could only have one book about the SYW, then this would be my first book choice.

7. Dragona Magazine Emperor's Headquarters will now be stocking copies of this magazine of Spanish military history, edited by our own Juan Sanchez Martin. Recent issues have covered the battle of Camposanto, fought in Italy during the War of Austrian Succession.

8. SYWA Journal Moves to Lexington, Kentucky. That's right, your editor is pulling up his stakes and moving south to the Bluegrass country, effective probably the end of June 1994. I'll be opening up an 18th Century-style Bed and Breakfast country inn this fall and will also be hosting wargame weeks and weekends during the summer of 1995.. Look for more information about this and my new address in the next issue, Vol 7 Issue No. 4 in June or July.

7YWA Newsletter

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© Copyright 1994 by James E. Purky
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