Hessian Army of the 7 Years War


by Mark Henry


Each line regimant carried one regimental flag called a Lieb Standard. All Lieb flags were white with the gold interwoven cypher of Landgrave Wilhelm (WL) topped with a crown and framed in a green wreath. A red and silver pennant and brass head. Aside from the Lieb standard, company and squadron colors were carried, but there was no regimental standard. With the change of rulers in 1760, indications are that the Lieb standard may have been changed to the Prussian style with a rampant Hessian lion in place of the eagle.

Flag and spontoon poles were colored differently in each regiment. Four infantry regiments carried white poles: Furstenburg/Gilsa, Toll/Bartheld, Kanitz/Malsburg, and Prinz Hanau. Yellow poles were used by the various guard regiments. All other regiments used black poles. The cavalry used red poles, except for the hussars who probably carried no standard. The dragoons' lieb may have been swallowtailed. Reiters and Cuirassiers seem to have carried both a white Lieb standard and a regimental flag (facing color) with the same cypher. [Editor: see Dan Schorr's article in this issue for more details about Hessian flags and standards]

Wargaming the Hessians

The simplest way to determine how to rate these troops is to use Prussian values. Using the rating of Elite/Average/Green/Militia, I would rate the whole Hessian Army as follows:

Line Infantry (75% average, 25% green); Grenadiers and Guards (Elite); Garrison regiments (25% green, 75% militia); Jagers and Hussars (Average); Dragoons (1 @ Average and 1 @ Elite); Reiters and Cuirassiers (3 @ Elite and 1 @ Average); and Artillery (Average)


C.A. Norman, "Hessian Uniforms of the SYW", Military Modeler magazine (USA) June-August 1977.
John Mollo, Uniforms of the SYW, Blandford Press
Funken, Lace Wars, Ward Lock 1977
George Nafziger's Army Lists and Orders of Battle
Broom and Boadle, "The Battle of Sanderhausen" Wargames Illustrated (UK)

Hessian Army of the 7 Years War

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