The Fever Islands

The Game (Part 1)

Monsieur Le Comte,
Duke of York's Chasseurs

by Peter Lawson

C.O., York Rangers (Chasseurs) PORT ROYALE February 1803

You are Monsieur Le Comte of the Duke of York's Chasseurs. After almost seven years in the fever-ridden West Indies, you have watched your once proud battalion of eight hundred French Royalist and German gentlemen (all veterans of the Flanders campaign) reduced to a mere handful of terrified wretches: poorly clothed, badly victualled and totally forgotten by their 'patron' the Duke.

The arrogant English oafs who can return to their homeland and the arms of their loved ones whenever they desire rank second only to your disgust and hatred of the so-called Republicans and their partners in genocide.

This inconclusive peace sickens you, as the only joy left to you and your loyal men is the prospect of dispatching as many of the jackals as possible who have laid waste your homelands; despite years of illness and other hardships, your Riflemen have performed with great distiction in the many expeditions against the French-held islands (as well as sojourns into the Jamaican interior); it rankles you that this worthless Peace of Amiens has made a mockery of your men's sacrifice by resuming the hard-fought gains of recent years back to the Republicans.

The present Governor of Jamaica is totally unsympathetic to your plight, only calling upon your battalion (now scarcely at company strength) with the mounting of a fresh expedition. If you could only convince a higher authority (or someone with the requisite 'influence' to reach the Court) that a return to Europe would not be unjust.

If this is not possible, then nothing but an honourable death should be sought, in this grim land so far away from home.


(with defererence to Patrick O'Brien et al)

Fever Islands Part 2: The Game

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