On the 18th April 1800 General Bessieres led the Garde des Consuls
on their first Campaign, which culminated in the Battle of Marengo 14th
June 1800. The Garde covered its self in glory and a total of Seventy-Nine
Armes d'Honneur were awarded. Below is a list of all recipients of this award.
Armes d'Honneur won at Marengo
Grenadiers a Pied.
Denain (Jean-Pierre)
Tambour awarded a Pair de
Baguettes d'Honneur, 6th August
Citation reads: For his distin-guished
conduct at the Battle of
Marengo in beating the charge whilst
under enemy fire.
Doubette (Joseph)
Grenadier awarded a Fusil
d'Honneur, 20th December 1801
Citation reads: For the capture of
an enemy Standard at the Battle of
Megand (Claude-Jean)
Grenadier awarded a Fusil
d'Honneur, 3th May 1803.
Citation reads: For his distin-guished
conduct during many Bayonet
charges at the Battle of Marengo.
Mirabel (Magloire)
Sergeant awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his brilliant
valour during the three days of Maren-go.
Noel (Francois-Augustin)
Grenadier awarded a Fusil
d'Honeur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his distin-guished
conduct during numerous
Bayonet charges at Marengo.
Noel (Pierre-Francois)
Caporal awarded Fusil d'Honneur,
8th August 1802.
Citation reads: For his distin-guished
conduct during the Battle of
Ritell (?)
Caporal awarded Fusil d'Honneur,
9th July 1800.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct during numerous Bayonet
Charges at the Battle of Marengo
Sayer (Jean)
Tambour awarded Pair de Baguettes
d'Honneur, 27th July 1800.
Citation reads: For his valorous
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Soules (Jerome)
Chef de Bataillon awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 6th August 1801.
Citation reads: For his brilliant
valour with the Army Gatto-Batave
and in Italy, notably at the battle of
Wentin (Jean-Louis)
Tambour awarded Paire de
Baguettes d'Honneur, 30th May 1803.
Citation reads: For his noticeable
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Chasseurs a Pied
Avoine (Catelin)
Tambour awarded Pair de Ba-guettes
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his distin-guished
conduct at the Battle of
Baure ou Beaure (Bernard)
Sergeant awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 30th May 1803.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Boucher (Augustin)
Brigadier awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Cambon (Etienne)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 6th August 1801.
Citation reads: For his brilliant
conduct during an engagement and at
the Battle of Marengo.
Carlin (Jean)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his brilliant
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Couturier (Pierre)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 21st January 1802.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct during numerous Bayonet
charges at Marengo.
Decres (Jean-Claude)
Chasseur awarded a Fusil
d'Honneur, 11th October 1802.
Citation reads: For his conduct at
the Battle of Marengo, although
wounded at the commencement of the
battle he remained on the battlefield
amongst the combatants.
Delcloque (Louis)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 15th September 1802.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct and intrepidness during
numerous Bayonet charges and having
taken two prisoners at the Battle of
Demangeon (Joseph)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 28th February 1802.
Citation reads: For notable conduct
at the Battle of Marengo.
Desgres (?)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 25th January 1801.
Citation reads: For taking five
prisoners at the Battle of Marengo.
Emmanelly (Jean-Baptiste)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 7th September 1802.
Citation reads: For having charged
the enemy with the Bayonet numerous
times at Marengo.
Fillion (Claude)
Caporal awarded Fusil d'Honneur,
18th December 1802.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct at the Battle of
Geay (Blaise)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 19th March 1802.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Grand (?)
Sergeant awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 15th September 1802.
Citation reads: For notable conduct
at the Battle of Marengo.
Legrand (Gilbert)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 1st December 1802
Citation reads: For his singular
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Levy (?)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 30th May 1803.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct during numerous Bayonet
charges at the Battle of Marengo.
Linage (Antione)
Caporal awarded Fusil d'Honneur,
18th December 1802.
Citation reads: For his singular
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Grenadiers a Cheval
Barbanegre (Jean-Baptiste)
Capitaine awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
service from the first campaigns
of the Revolution, Egypt and
Syria and his conduct at the Battle of
Blanchet (Toussaint)
Grenadier awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For the brilliant
valour he displayed at the Battle of
Carisch (Jean-Pierre)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Sabre d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his intrepid
charge on an enemy square.
Chevay (Joseph-Bernard)
Sergeant awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 15th September 1802.
Citation reads: For his brilliant
conduct during the Battle of Marengo.
Christen (Jean) dit Christian
Grenadier awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 24th January 1803.
Citation reads: For taking prisoner
an enemy Officer and being grievously
wounded at the Battle of Marengo.
Gency (?)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Sabre d'Honneur, 15th September
1802. Citation reads: For his signal
conduct during a charge against an
enemy battery at the Battle of Marengo.
Grosselin (Robert)
Grenadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct at the Battle of
Guibert (Joseph)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Sabre d'Honneur, 8th February 1803.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct at the Battle of
Marengo and preceding Campaigns.
Hochard (Pierre-Phillipe)
Grenadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his contribution
at Abou Kir and the removal of an
enemy Cannon at the Battle of Marengo.
Jeancy (Paul)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Carbine d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his signal
conduct during the Battle of Marengo,
during a charge in which he killed
three Austrians and took one Officer prisoner.
Lanceleur (Pierre)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Carbine d'Honneur, 20th October
Citation reads: For having taken
seven enemy prisoners during the
Battle of Marengo.
Langlade (Jean)
Grenadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1802.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct during the Battle of Marengo.
Leroy (Charles)
Grenadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 18th April 1801.
Citation reads: During a cavalry
charge captured five Austrian prisoners
and took a Standard at the Battle of
Mercier (Louis)
Brigadier awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 15th September 1802.
Citation reads: For his rare
intrepidness during many cavalry
charges, during the Battle of Marengo.
Millet (Jean-Francois)
Grenadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1802.
Citation reads: For having taken
three prisoners and removing an
enemy standard at the Battle of
Ochard (?)
Grenadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 30th May 1803.
Citation reads: For his bravery
and intrepidness at the Battle of
Picard (Louis)
Brigadier awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 27th July 1800.
Citation reads: For his contributions
in Egypt and the capture of an
enemy battery at the Battle of Marengo.
Raulet (Jean)
Sous-Lieutenant awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1801.
Citation reads: For his good
conduct with the Army of the Orient
and the Army of Italy, notably at the
Battle of Marengo.
Rousseau (Jacques-Louis)
Grenadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For taking many
prisoners and an enemy Cannon during
a charge against enemy cavalry at the
Battle of Marengo.
Roux (?)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Sabre d'Honneur, 15th September
Citation reads: For taking many
prisoners at Marengo during a charge
against Austrian Cavalry.
Chasseurs a Cheval
Battu dit Vignot
Trompette awarded Trompette
d'Honneur, 27th November 1802
Citation reads: Captured two
Austrian prisoners at the Battle of
Bocheux (Augustin)
Brigadier awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 12th November 1802.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct at the Battle of
Boutarel (Antione)
Fourrier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 18th July 1800.
Citation reads: Distinguished
conduct during a cavalry charge at the
Battle of Marengo.
Charel ( Mathurine)
Chasseur awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For charging
Austrian battery at the Battle of
Chretian (Claude)
Chasseur awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 3rd September 1801.
Citation reads: For taking many
prisoners whilst gravely wounded at
the Battle of Marengo.
Garnier (Jean-Joseph)
Chasseur awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 21st October 1800.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Gillet (Jean-Baptiste)
Brigadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1802.
Citation reads: For charging a
cannon single handed and killing three
artillerymen at the Battle of Marengo.
Giradot (Jean)
Brigadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1802.
Citation Reads: ?
Huguenin (Henri)
Brigadier awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 24th January 1803.
Citation reads: For taking three
prisoners at the Battle of Marengo.
Jouane (Romaine)
Brigadier awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 18th July 1800.
Citation reads: Distinguished
conduct during several cavalry charges
at the Battle of Marengo.
Krettly (Elie)
Brigadier Trompette awarded
Sabre d'Honneur, 18th April 1801.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct in Egypt and at the
Battle of Marengo.
Lacaze (Pierre)
Chasseur awarded Sabre
d'Honneur, 30th May 1802.
Citation reads: Distinguished
conduct during a cavalry charge
against an enemy battery killing two
Lafize-Monguinet (Pierre)
Brigadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1802.
Citation reads: Distinguished
conduct taking three men and one
Officer prisoner at the Battle of
Laroche (Francois-Augustin)
Brigadier awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1802.
Citation reads: Distinguished
conduct during many cavalry charges
and taking many prisoners at the
Battle of Marengo.
Legros (Nicolas)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Carbine d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his notable
feats during the Battle of Marengo.
Louis (Joseph)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Carbine d'Honneur, 30th April 1802.
Citation reads: For his brilliant
conduct during a cavalry charge
against an Infantry Square at the Battle
of Marengo.
Luette (Dominique-Joseph)
Chasseur awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 15th September 1802.
Citation reads: for taking many
prisoners during a cavalry charge at
the Battle of Marengo.
Norberg dit Schmidt (?)
Trompette awarded Trompette
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For signal conduct
at the Battle of Marengo.
Pibout (Henri)
Sous-Lieutenant awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th September 1802.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct in Egypt and at the
Battle of Marengo.
Robert (Joseph)
Chasseur awarded Carbine
d'Honneur, 20th October 1802.
Citation reads: For taking many
prisoners during cavalry charges at the
Battle of Marengo.
Roederer (George)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Carbine d'Honneur, 20th October
Citation reads: For having charged
with twelve of his men and defeating a
squadron of one hundred and fifty
enemy cavalry at the Battle of Marengo.
Simon (Jean-Marie)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Carbine d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For taking many
prisoners during cavalry charges at the
Battle of Marengo.
Souchon (Joseph)
Chasseur awarded Mousqeton
d'Honneur, 24th January 1803.
Citation reads: For having great
courage at the Battle of Marengo.
Artillery Legere
Bizet (Antoine)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Grenade d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct at the battle of Marengo.
Habout (Michel)
Brigadier awarded Grenade
d'Honneur, 27th November 1802.
Citation reads: For his distin-guished
manner during the campaigns
in Italy 1799-1800.
Henry (Jean)
Brigadier awarded Grenade
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct during many engagements.
Lebrun (Joseph-Marie)
Cannonier awarded Fusil
d'Honneur, 27th November 1800.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct at the Battle of
Marengo by his bravery and the
accuracy of his shooting.
Marchand (Denis-Jean)
Marechal-des-Logis awarded
Grenade d'Honneur, 15th September
Citation reads: For his signal
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Marchand (Jean-Baptiste)
Cannonier awarded Grenade
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct, his bravery and the accuracy
of his shooting at the Battle of Marengo.
Martin (Louis)
Cannonier awarded Grenade
d'Honneur, 27th November 1800.
Citation reads: For his distinguished
conduct and valour at the
Battle of Marengo.
Numerot (?)
Brigadier awarded Grenade
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his notable
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Petit (?)
Brigadier awarded Grenade
d'Honneur, 22nd July 1800.
Citation reads: For his signal
conduct at the Battle of Marengo.
Please note: The above names, dates and citations come from the
publication entitled - Gazette Nationale ou le Moniteur Universal, published in 1810.
There is conjecture as to whether the above recipients actually served in
the Gardes des Consuls at the time of the Battle of Marengo.It is my firm
belief that they were indeed in the Garde and at Marengo. The majority
of publications only name the people who received their award on or before
the 22nd July 1800. It can be seen from other publications, i.e. Regimental
Histories that many awards were given at a later date. There are other
members of the Garde des Consuls who won Armes d'Honneur but I have
only used those where it specifically states the Battle of Marengo, apologies
to any person omitted! As a point of interest the number of awards on
certain dates are as follow:
9th July - 1 man.
18th July - 2 men.
22nd July - 21 men.
27th July - 2 men.
21st October - 1 man.
27th November - 2 men.
25th January - 1 man.
18th April - 2 men.
6th August - 3 men.
3rd September - 1 man.
20th October - 1 man.
20th December - 1 man.
21st January - 1 man.
28th February - 1 man.
19th March - 1 man.
30th April - 1 man.
30th May - 1 man.
8th August - 1 man.
7th September - 1 man.
15th September - 8 men.
20th September - 1 man.
11th October - 1 man.
20th October - 8 men.
12th November - 1 man.
20th November - 1 man.
27th November - 2 men.
1st December - 1 man.
18th December - 2 men.
24th January - 3 men.
8th February - 1 man.
3rd May - 1 man.
30th May - 4 men.
On all of the above dates awards were also being made to men from other Regiments.
End of 1800
With the conclusion of the battle Napoleon and the Garde returned to
Paris as heroes, to be feted by the population of Paris and France. The
Garde had covered its self in glory in a short space of time.
It should now be possible to follow the various Officers and men
and their careers in the Guard.
Sources used:
Brown Anne S.K.- The Anatomy of Glory. Pub 1962,revised edition.
Brunon Jean - Grenadiers de Napoleon, La Garde des Consuls, La Garde Imperiale du Premiere Empire, La Garde Imperiale du Second Empire. Pub 1955.
Dupont Marcel - Guides de Bonaparte et Chasseur a Cheval de la Garde Imperiale Pub 1946
Fallou Louis - La Garde Imperial 1804-1815. Pub 1901.
Fieffe Eugene - Napoleon 1er et la Garde Imperiale. Pub 1859.
Lachouque Henry - Napoleon et la Garde Imperiale. Pub 1957.
Saint-Hilaire Marco de - Histoire, anecdotique, politique et militaire
de la Garde Imperial. Pub 1846, 2 Volume edition.
Nafziger George - The Consular and Imperial Guard.
This article originally appeared in a shortened form at www.napoleonseries.org. My thanks to Robert Burnham for permission to reproduce. Editor.
Napoleon's Imperial Guard 1800-1815
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