Hohenlinden 1800:
The Forgotten Battle

The Austro-Bavarian Army

by Guenter Schneider, Germany

60,850 men, more than 100 guns, 64 2 /3 bat., 101 1/2 squadrons

Commander in chief: Erzherzog Johann
Feldzeugmeister von Lauer
Chief of staff: Oberst von Weyrother

Avant-garde (4 bat . 4 comp. / 10 squadrons )
Generalmajor von Löppert 5,300

    3. Gradiscaner Grenzinfanteriebataillon (5 comp.)
    3. Peter wardeiner Grenzinfanteriebataillon (5 comp.)
    Benjovsky-infantery Nr. 31 (3)
    Vecsey-Hussars (6)
    Slawonian hussars (4)

Right wing (21 bat./ 24 squadrons)
Feldmarschall-Leutnant Kienmayer 16,250
Feldmarschall-Leutnant Erzhzg. Ferdinand 8,250
Generalmajor Erzhzg. Ferdinand

    Wenkheim-infantery Nr. 35 ( 3)
    Stain-infantery Nr. 50 (3)

Generalmajor Vincent

    13. regiment of dragoons (6)

Generalmajor Weeber

    Kaiser- cuirassiers (6)

Feldmarschall-Leutnant Fürst zu Schwarzenberg 8,000
Generalmajor Fresnel

    Mack-cuirassiers (6)
    Koburg-dragoons (6)

Generalmajor Gavassini

    infantery Nr. 21 (2)
    Clerfayt-infantery Nr. 9 (2)
    Beaulieu-infantery Nr. 58 (2)
    de Ligne-infantery Nr. 30 (2)
    Murray-infantery Nr. 55 (2 )

Generalmajor Candiani Erzhzg.-Ferdinand-infantery Nr. 2 (3)

    Württemberg-infantery Nr. 38 (2)

Halfright wing (10 bat./ 18 squadrons)
Feldmarschall-Leutnant de Baillet-Latour 11,000
Feldmarschall-Leutnant Hohenlohe
General Esterhazy Neuharting

    Zeschwitz-cuirassiers (6)
      2 - Loipfing,
      4 - Neuharting [Latour-dragoons (6) Ampfing]

Generalmajor Maiteny Kronacker

    Brechainville- infantery Nr. 25 (2)
      1- Niederkaging

    de Vins-infantery Nr. 37 (2)
      1 - Niederkaging
      1 - Kronacker

Feldmarschall-Leutnant Hessen-Homburg
Generalmajor Roschkowsky

    Erzhzg.-Ferdinand-dragoons (6) Mittbach

Generalmajor Dinnersberg

    Nassau-cuirassiers (6)
      4 - Schnaupping,
      1 - Kronacker,
      1 - Mittbach

Generalmajor O´Donel

    Lasky-infantery Nr. 2 2 (3 )
    Olivier-Wallis-infantery Nr. 29 (3) Mittbach

Main column (17 bat./ 25 1/2 squadrons)
Feldmarschall-Leutnant Graf Kolowrat 15,000
Generalmajor Spannocchi

    Sebottendorf *

Generalmajor Bayer

    Egger dees de Ligne*

Generalleutnant Zweibrücken ( Bayern)

    Pfalz-bavarian sharpshooters (2 comp.)

Generalmajor Deroy

    Infantery batts.
    Grenadierbat. Reuß*,
    Feldjägerbat. Metzen*

Generalmajor Wrede

    infantery batts.
    Dallwigk (2 Komp.)
    Feldjägerbat. Preysing

Generalleutnant Fürst Liechtenstein
Generalmajor Wolfskehl

    Lothringen-cuirassiers (6)
    Albert-cuirassiers (6 )

Generalmajor Grüne

    [Hohenzollern-cuirassiers (6) Haag]
    Erzhzg.-Ferdinand-hussars (8)*
    Oberst von Dorth (Bayern) (5 1/2)
    Chevauxlegers Churfürst-Bretzenheim-Leiningen-and Fugger -

Left wing (12 bat./ 24 squadrons)
Feldmarschall-Leutnant Graf Riesch 13,300
Feldmarschall-Leutnant Gyulai

    Generalmajor Leuwen Manfredini-infantery Nr. 12 (3)
    Kaunitz-infantery Nr. 20 (3)

Generalmajor Stahl

    Kinsky-dragoons (6)
    Modena-cuirassiers (6) 5 - Albaching

Feldmarschall-Leutnant Meerveld (Albaching)
Generalmajor Görger

    Waldeck-dragoons (6) Albaching
    Anspach-cuirassiers (6) Albaching

Generalmajor Klein

    Erzhzg. -Karl-infantery Nr. 3 (3) 1 - Albaching
    Wenzel-Colloredo-infantery Nr. 60 (3 ) 2 - Albaching

Structure of this unit during the battle:

Generalmajor Stahl

    Manfredini-infantery Nr. 12 (2 Komp.)
    Kaunitz-infantery Nr. 20 (2 Komp.)
    Kinsky-dragoons (4)

Feldmarschall-Leutnant Gyulai

    Manfredini- infantery Nr. 12 (2)
    Kinsky-dragoons (2)

Oberst Richter

    Kaunitz-infantery Nr. 20 (2 Bat. 4 Komp.)
    Erzhzg.-Karl-infantery Nr. 3 (2)

Generalstabsmajor Baron Rothkirch

    regiment of infantery Nr. 60 (1)

Oberst Bojakovsky

    Manfredini-infantery Nr. 12 (4 Komp.)
    Modena-cuirassiers (1)

Note from Dave Hollins:

Gunter Schneider's book "Hohenlinden 1800: Die Vergess ene Schlacht" will be available at the end of April 2002 with a printed English translation by me. The book runs to 151pp with 10 maps and extensive OBs. It is lavishly illustrated with 13 contemporary prints of French troops by Adam and 3 of troops from both sides by Kobell, alongside 32 photos of the battlefield all in colour. Some more Kobell pictures and many personalities along with other illustrations (a total of 40) are in b/w. Essential reading for anyone interested in the Revol ut io nary wars or French uniforms of the period. So, E30 (£20) or USD30 will cover it including p/p. As cheque exchange charges can be steep, send well-hidden cash to: Gunter Schneider at Rolandstrasse 29, 52223 STOLBERG, Germany.

* These troops were send as reinforcement to Löppert´s avant-garde

Hohenlinden 1800 The Forgotten Battle

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