French Commanders Study Group

Napoleonic News Desk

by Paul Chamberlain

Terry Senior has submitted this news item.

Over the past twelve months the activity of the Group has really taken off in a big way. It all really started with the setting up of a web site under the auspices of Dave Watkins at First Empire who hosts the site. The first offering of some 14 pages of text covering a variety of subjects; some serious, one in particular a little less so, producing brilliant results. I currently have some 80+ officers under review and havereceived enquiries from Tasmania, Japan, Hong Kong, New Mexico, Canada,the Republic of Ireland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and the USA (at least 14 from here), and of course, the UK. I guess I must be helping around eight authors with their planned new books.

The second offering for the site was sent in on floppy disc some 3 to 4 weeks ago, but as I complete this missive the site has still to be added to. Dave assures me that it will be on line very soon (Ed. it has been online for a month now!). I am working on Part III and anticipate this being completed within the next two to three weeks. To ensure that enthusiasts are not kept waiting I plan to update every 5 to 6 weeks. Dave tells me that we are averaging a very healthy hit rate and are receiving a number of compliments, which is very flattering. One improvement I am keen to introduce is the use of graphics and pictures but in this respect I am entirely in FE’s hands as I do not have the technical expertise necessary.

I am in constant communication with descendants of some of the Generals and other figures across Europe, and receive pictures and details on almost a daily basis. For example, today I received some photographs from Fougeres of the new equestrian statue of the artillery commander General Lariboisiere, whose 21 year old son Ferdinand Bonaventure was killed while leading the Carabiniers in the storming the Grand Redoubt at Borodino on 7th Sept 1812.

My files on Generals has now increased to something in the region of 700 and are constantly being updated. If you have any questions concerning any of the Commanders, be they Generals (or Colonels) please do not hesitate to contact me at 4 Parc-an-Pons, Green Lane, Marazion, Cornwall TR17 0HQ, England. Email: Website


Terry has performed wonders with this Study Group and it is certainly a very useful and well-received research tool, aided by the inclusion of material on the First Empire website. If any other Study Groups want to avail themselves of this facility and promote their field of research, please contact Dave Watkins who will gladly put their details and text onto the site. It does not have to be the actual Study Group Co-ordinators who take up this offer. If a member of any Group wishes to take responsibility for providing information on their area of research, then this will be more than welcome. There are many Study Groups out there whose membership is based very much around this magazine, and who would surely benefit by closer liaison with First Empire.

Napoleonic News Desk

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