Lannes' Battle in the Mud

Pultusk 1806
Order of Battle and Tactical Map

by Patrick E. Wilson, UK


5th Corps D'Armée:

Marshal Jean Lannes

1st Division: General Louis Gabriel Suchet

    1st Brigade: General M. Claparede
      17th Legere 3bns

    2nd Brigade: General H. Reille

      34th Ligne 4bns
      40th Ligne 3bns

    3rd Brigade: General D. Vedel

      64th and 88th Ligne 3bns ea.


      1 foot and 1 horse battery.

2nd Division: General Honore Theodore Gazan

    1st Brigade: General J. Graindorge
      21st and 28th Legere 2bns ea.

    2nd Brigade: General F. Campana

      100th and 103rd Ligne 3bns ea.


      2 foot batteries.

Corps Cavalry: General Anne Francois Treilhard

    9th Hussars 3 sqdns
    10th Hussars 3 sqdns
    21st Chasseurs a cheval 3 sqdns
    Attached Dragoons: General Becker
    13th, 15th and 20th Dragoons 4 sqdns ea.

Corps Artillery: General Foucher de Careil

    1 heavy foot battery and 1 light horse battery.

3rd Division of Marshal Davoust's Corps: General Marquis d'Aultanne

    1st Brigade: General C. Petit
      12th Ligne 2bns
      21st Ligne 3bns

    2nd Brigade: General N.H. Gautier

      25th and 85th Ligne 2bns ea.


      1 foot and 1 horse battery


      1 Co. each of Chasseurs a cheval and Dragoons.


2nd Russian Army

General of Cavalry Levin August Benningsen.

2nd Division: General Ostermann-Tolstoi

3rd Division: General Baron D.O. Sacken (-detachments at Golymin)

4th Division: General Prince Gallitzin (-detachments at Golymin)

6th Division: General Sedmaratski

Total Russian forces present on 26th December 1806 were 66 battalions of infantry (or 22 regiments, a mixture of Grenadier, Jäger and Musketeer), 55 Squadrons of cavalry Uhlans, Cuirassiers, Dragoons and Hussars), 7 x Field Artillery batteries and 2½ x Horse batteries.

Sources and Further Reading

Chandler, David G., The Campaigns of Napoleon (London: Wiedenfeld and Nicolson, 1987 Reprint of 1966 edition).
Esposito, Vincent J., and Elting, John R., A Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars (London: Arms and Armour, 1980 Reprint of 1964 edition).
Hayman, Sir Peter, Soult: Napoleon's Maligned Marshal (London: Arms and Armour Press, 1990).
Petre, F. Loraine, Napoleon's Campaign in Poland 1806-07 (London: Greenhill Books, 1989 Reprint of 1907 edition).
Wilson, Sir Robert, Campaigns in Poland 1806 and 1807 (Felling, Worley Publications, 1995 Reprint of 1810 edition).

Jumbo Pultusk Tactical Map (slow: 158K)

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