The Operations of the
9th Corps in 1812

Part 1
Order of Battle

by Michaël Comte, France

Russian 1st Corps:

(After Boutourlin on the 28th of October, strength calculated after the strength given for the 16th of October. Where there are 3 battalions in a regiment, the 3rd one is formed of depot troops or St Petersburg opolchenie).
Commander in chief: General count Wittgenstein.
Chief of staff: General-major D'Auvray.
General quarter-master: General Diebitsh.

Advance guard: Lieutenant-General Prince Jachwill (6,500 inf., 2,000 cav., 28 guns).

    Grodno hussars (8 squadrons).
    Consolidated hussars (2 squadrons each of the Isum and Elizabethgrad hussars).
    Consolidated dragoons (1 depot squadron each of the Moscow, Pskow, Ingria and Kargapol dragoons).
    Radionow 2nd and Platow Cossack regiments.
    2nd, 3rd, 23rd and 25th Chasseurs regiments (7 battalions).
    Mohilew, Podolia and Nawaguinsk infantry regiments (8 battalions).
    Position artillery company no. 14 (6 guns).
    Horse artillery company no. 1 (10 guns).
    Light artillery company no. 26 (12 guns).

Right wing: Lieutenant-General Count Steingell (7400 inf., 1000 cav., 24 guns).

    First line: Lieutenant-General Sazonoff.
      Mittau dragoons (4 squadrons).
      26th Chasseur (2 battalions).
      Tenguinsk, Tula, Woronege and Esthonia infantry regiments (11 battalions).
      Position artillery company no. 6.

    Second line: General-major Adadourow.

      Riga dragoons (4 squadrons).
      Newa, Petrowsk and Lithuania infantry regiments (6 battalions).
      Light artillery company no. 11 (12 guns).

Left wing: Lieutenant-General Berg (4600 men, 1000 cav., 31 guns).

    First line: Private adviser Bibikow.
      Consolidated guards (1 depot squadron each of hussars, Lancers and Dragoons of the guard).
      Consolidated Chasseurs (3 battalions).
      Perm and Sewsk infantry regiments (6 battalions).
      Position artillery company no. 5 (12 guns).
      Light artillery company no. 9 (7 guns).

    Second line: General-major Koulneff.

      Yambourg dragoons (3 squadrons).
      Kaluga and Azof infantry regiments (5 battalions).
      Light artillery company no. 27 (12 guns).

Reserve: General-major Fock (7200 men, 500 cav., 34 guns).

    Right reserve: General-major Rakhmanof.
      Nisov infantry regiment (2 battalions).
      1st regiment reserve grenadiers (2 battalions).
      Consolidated grenadiers of the 5th and 14th divisions (4 battalions).
      Position artillery company no. 21 (12 guns).
      Horse artillery company no. 23 (4 guns).

    Left reserve: General-major Prince of Siberia.

      Consolidated Cuirassiers (1 depot squadron each of the Chevalier-gardes, Horse-guard, Emperor's and Empress's Cuirassiers regiments).
      1st marine regiment (2 battalions).
      2nd and 3rd regiments reserve grenadiers (4 battalions).
      Position artillery company no. 14 (6 guns).
      Horse artillery company no. 3 (12 guns).

Detachment: General-major Wlastof (1,850 inf., 350 cav., 12 guns).

    23rd and 24th Chasseurs (5 battalions).
    1st and 2nd combined infantry regiments (8 battalions).
    Finland dragoons regiment (3 squadrons).
    Lotchilin Cossacks.
    Position artillery company no. 28 (4 guns).
    Horse artillery company no. 23 (8 guns).

French 9th Corps

('états de situation' on the 10th of October. Composition of Brigades in a division changed throughout the campaign, especially for the cavalry and 12th division).

Commander in chief: Marshal Victor.

12th Infantry Division: General Partouneaux (9,500 men).

    1st Brigade: General Billiard.
      IV,10th light (1 battalion).
      I,II,III,IV,29th light (4 battalions).

    2nd Brigade: General Blanmont.

      Provisional regiment (4th battalions of the 36th, 51st and 55th line).
      I,II,III,125th line (3 battalions).

    3rd Brigade: General Camus.

      III,IV,44th line (2 battalions).
      I,II,III,IV,126th line (4 battalions).

    Artillery: Sibille.

      6th company, 1st regiment of horse artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 6pdr howitzers).
      20th company, 5th regiment of foot artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 6pdr howitzers).
      2nd and 6th companies, 14th train battalion.

26th Infantry Division: General Daendels (6,500 men).

    Baden Brigade: General Count Hocheberg.
      1st and 3rd Bade line regiment (4 battalions).
      Baden light infantry battalion (1battalion).

    Berg Brigade: General Damas.

      1st, 2nd and 4th Berg regiments (6 battalions).
      3rd Berg regiment (1 battalion).

    Artillery: Lieutenant-Colonel Bogaert.

      Baden and Berg foot and horse artillery (18 x 6pdr guns, 4 x 6pdr howitzers).

28th Infantry Division: General Girard (4,600 men).

    Polish Brigade: General Soyez (this General arrived at Smolensk on the 9th of November and returned to Vilna the day after!).
      4th, 7th and 9th regiments (6 battalions).

    Saxon Brigade (joined the 9th Corps between Smolensk and Senno): General Klengel.

      Von Low and Von Rechten regiments (4 battalions).


      6 x 3pdr guns of Polish regimental artillery.

Cavalry division: General Fournier (1,600 men).

    30th Light Cavalry Brigade: General Fournier.
      Berg lancers (4 squadrons).
      Hesse-Darmstadt Cheveaux-legers (4 squadrons).

    31st Light Cavalry Brigade: General Delaitre.

      Saxon regiment Prince Johann (4 squadrons).
      Baden hussars (4 squadrons).

Artillery reserve: Colonel Caron.

    Two batteries of 12 pdr guns of the guard taken in Smolensk and served by men of the 8th regiment of artillery.

French 2nd Corps:

(Strengths estimated by Victor on the 28th of October, after General Lorencz the 2nd Corps still had 60 guns on the 20th of November, the lost guns were mainly regimental guns).

Commander in chief: Marshal Oudinot.
Chief of staff: General Lorencz.

6th Infantry Division: General Legrand (4 000 men).

    1st Brigade: General Albert.
      26th light (4 battalions).

    2nd Brigade: General Moreau.

      56th line (4 battalions).
      19th line (4 battalions).

    3rd Brigade: General Pamplona.

      128th line (4 battalions).

    Artillery:Chef de battalion Bogaert.

      11th company, 5th regiment of foot artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24 pdr howitzers).
      6th company, 3rd regiment of horse artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24 pdr howitzers).
      1st (detachment) and 3rd companies, 3rd bis train battalion.
      17th company, artillery workers.
      4th company, 3rd battalion of pioneers
      8 x 3pdr guns of regimental artillery.

8th Infantry Division: General Verdier (3,000 men).

    1st Brigade: General Raymond-Vivis.
      11th light (4 battalions).
      2nd line (5 battalions).

    2nd Brigade: General Pouget.

      37th line (4 battalions).
      124th line (3 battalions).

    Artillery:Chef de battalion Levis.

      15th company, 5th regiment of foot artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24 pdr howitzers).
      1st company, 3rd regiment of horse artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24 pdr howitzers).
      1st and 5th companies, 3rd bis train battalion.
      17th company, artillery workers.
      3rd company, 3rd battalion of pioneers.
      14 x 3pdr guns of regimental artillery.

9th Infantry Division: General Merle (3,000 men).

    1st Brigade: General Amey.
      3th Croat (2 battalions).
      4th Swiss (3 battalions).

    2nd Brigade: General Candras.

      1st Swiss (2 battalions).
      2nd Swiss (3 battalions).

    3rd Brigade: General Coutard.

      123rd line (3 battalions).
      3rd Swiss (3 battalions).

    Artillery:Chef de battalion Chateaubrun.

      4th company, 7th regiment of foot artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24 pdr howitzers).
      5th company, 2nd regiment of horse artillery (5 x 6pdr guns, 2 x 24 pdr howitzers).
      3rd and 5th companies, 8th bis train battalion.
      17th company, artillery workers.
      5th company, 1st battalion of pioneers.
      12 x 3pdr guns of regimental artillery.

Cavalry division:

    5th Light Cavalry Brigade: General Castex (400 men).
      23rd and 24th Chasseurs á Cheval (4 squadrons each).

    6th Light Cavalry Brigade: General Corbineau (detached to the 6th Corps).

      7th and 20th Chasseurs á Cheval (4 squadrons each).
      8th Cheveaux-légers (3 squadrons).

3rd Heavy Cavalry division: General Doumerc (1,400 men).

    1st Brigade: General Berkheim.
      4th Cuirassiers (4 squadrons).

    2nd Brigade: General L'Héritier.

      7th Cuirassiers (4 squadrons).

    3rd Brigade: General Doullembourg.

      14th Cuirassiers (4 squadrons).
      3rd Cheveaux-légers lanciers (1st squadron).

    Artillery: Chef de battalion Norguet.

      1st and 3rd companies, 6th regiment of horse artillery (8 x 6pdr guns, 4 x 24pdr howitzers).
      1st company, 8th bis train battalion.
      2nd and 6th companies, 11th bis train battalion.

Artillery reserve: Major Lavoy.

    21st and 22nd companies, 9th regiment of foot artillery (12 x 12pdr guns, 4 x 6pdr howitzers).
    1st and 3rd companies, 3rd bis train battalion.
    1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th companies, 8th bis train battalion.
    2nd and 6th companies, 11th bis train battalion.
    17th company, artillery workers.
    4th company, 3rd pioneer battalion.
    11th company, 1st 'pontonniers'.

    Artillery parc: Colonel Levasseur.

      1st and 15th companies, 1st regiment of foot artillery (no guns).
      1st and 5th companies, 8th bis train battalion.
      17th company, artillery workers.

Note about the way Russian names have been translated into the Latin alphabet:

The way chosen to write Russian names is the Polish one. It enables you to write as few letters as possible without using any other letter than those used in English; this is the system adopted by General Guillaume de Vaudoncourt in his relation of the campaign. Except for 4 letters, there is no problem of pro-nunciation. Here's a table of correlation between the Russian letter, the way it is written on actual maps of Russia, our translation, and the way it has to be pronounced: -" X " = "ch"= "kh" = German "ch". -" u, " = "c" = "cz" = English "tsh". -" w " = "s" = "sz" = English "sh". -" w, " = "sc"="szcz" = English "shtsh"

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