Swedish Military Flags
during the 18th Century

Part III

by Gunnar Brolin

Part II

In the previous two parts have I mainly dealt with indelta regiments and will now move over to recruited and provisional units. In this, the third part, I will discuss regiments raised prior to or during the Great Northern War. As I have already mentioned in the first part the information about these units is scarce and in several cases rather unreliable. When it comes to units raised only for wartime uses the information is very much so. Recruited cavalry and dragoon regiments of greater permanence (ie they existed in peacetime as well) has already been covered in part 1. The guards which were recruited have been covered in part II.

The artillery, one regiment until 1794 when divided into four regiments of which one was disbanded in 1810, was also recruited but will not be dealt with. Throughout the period the artillery seems to have not had any colours except a kettledrum-colour known from the Great Northern War. The artillery standard described by Terry Wise in "Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (3)" was an honorific standard recieved by Wendes artilleriregemente in 1815 due to its performance in the German campaign of 1813-14.


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