The Uniforms of the
State of the Church Army
in 1708-1709

Illustrations (slow: 105K)

by G.C. Boeri
Drawings by M. Brandani

Figure 1 shows a Grenadier of the Serlupi regiment. The cap is black-brown bear fur and blue bag with embroided the Pope's arms; yellow tassel. Grenadiers wore smaller cuffs with flap lapels. Buttons are yellow metal. All belts are natural leather. The coat was white, while cuffs, lining, vest, trousers and stockings were blue.

Figure 2 shows a Dragoon and a cuirassier. Dragoons of the Albani regiment wore a red coat and blue cuffs, lining, vest and trousers. Yellow metal buttons. The cords at the shoulders were white with yellow metal points. The cap had a blue front with the Pope's arms in embrodery and a red bad, all piped white. Belts were natural leather.

The riding gaiters were of black leather. The horse furniture is blue with white lace. The neck tie is white linen. Tanned leather gloves. The detail shows the take sleeves of the drummers (infantry drummers were similarly equipped). The lace is golden.

The Cuirassier (Autanne's) wears a blue coat faced with red, red vest and trousers. Black riding boots. The cuirass is plain iron. The hat is laced gold. The buttons are of white metal and the buttons holes are laced silver. Silver cords at the shoulder. The cockade is blue alternated with yellow. Horse furniture is blue laced silver. The detail shows the cloak that was blue with silver lace at the button holes.


More Church Uniforms 1708-1709

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