27 Search results

For the term "battle spearhead".

Battle for Dezful, 8 October 1980

This page contains a skeleton scenario for Modern Spearhead. The basis comes from the book “The Iran-Iraq war”, by Pierre Razoux. I have not found any other details so far. A huge help came...

Spearhead Normandy, 6 June 1944

Today I had a very enjoyable game, using my 6mm British and German models and playing the first Spearhead scenario from the White Star Rising Supplement. The commentary below: In order to win, the...


Progetto WWII Spearhead

Con il nuovo anno inizio il progetto di costruire eserciti per Spearhead. Ho gia’ qualcosa di dipinto e molto vecchio. Case Un link con le foto dei pezzi Heroics: http://mojobob.com/wargaming/images/micros/fitzheroicsandros/fitzheroicsandros.html Colori Britannici: fondo firefly...


Modern Spearhead

Modern rules designed mainly for 1/300 models. I believe that they are much more realistic respect to other rulesets, like Cold War Commander. Official site: http://modernspearhead.net Home rules These rules have been written after...


Spearhead WW2 mini-campaign, part 3 of 3

On to La Houssiere and St. Die’ Tue US 7th Army was 75 km from the Westwall. Americanlines bad been consolidated by tbe end of October, but lossesbad been beavy on both sides. Generai...


Spearhead WW2 mini-campaign, part 2 of 3

Rescuing the 141st The Vosges mountains, France 28th October 1944 By late October, the US was pushing toward the Westwall. Anaggressive advance by the 36th Infantry Division began tobreach the German’s defensive line. On...


Spearhead WW2 mini-campaign, part 1 of 3

Liberation of Bruyeres AARs Bruyeres, prima parte Bruyeres, seconda parte Bruyeres, terza parte Vosges Mountains, France, 16th October 1944 Prior to their winter offensive, the German High Commanddetermined to hold the line in the...


Battle of the Bridges, part three

Back to Battle of the Bridges, part two. At 1:30 pm, the Kuwaiti Brigade commander decides to change orders to his troops, aware of being caught between the Hammurabi and Medina Divisions. His logistic...


Battle of the Bridges, Kuwait 1991

Scenario related information here. This game is being played using Modern Spearhead rules. A Unit Sheet has been prepared for the Kuwaitis, while the standard Sheet has been used for iraqis. Both armies troops...


Battle for Fiume, Cold War 1986

Cold war scenario liberally shaped around Sir John Hackett Third World War book. First clash of US vs Soviet troops in former Jugoslavia, city of Fiume (Rijeka). Here is a map of the city...