Honours of War Siege rules
From DinTheDin, Lead adventures Forum:
Quick rules for the final assault during a siege. Please note that they are not meant for a siege taking days to make trenches etc.
Creating a breach on the wall:
You decide how many cannon hits the wall must take to collapse and make a breach.
Every time you bring a 5 you have a hit on the wall.
You may also use indirect howitzer or bombard fire for hitting the defenders on or behind the walls, as per the rules.Scaling the walls with ladders:
A group carrying a ladder stops at the base of the wall to set the ladders (in the meanwhile receiving hits).
When the defenders are exactly under the walls, cannon fire over the wall (not enfilading fire) hits only with 5.
The ladder is set successfully if they dice for 3,4,5,6Next round, before they attempt to climb, the defenders have a saving throw.
With 5 or 6 the ladder is repulsed and the attackers may make an attempt next round.
If not, the attackers manage to climb the wall. They are received with fire.
If they survive, melee where the attackers have a -2 factor.
If they win, they take the place of the defenders.It looks normal that the defenders in this portion of the wall are a smaller group than the attackers, so give them a -1 for shooting and melee. If shooting at the attackers with the ladders while they are coming but are being shot at the same time by another enemy group, give them an extra -1 for shooting while trying to take cover.
That’s all.
Feel free to modify any factors at your will.Eagerly waiting to receive news from your battle! Cheers!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2023, 06:16:32 PM by DintheDin »
The author used this rules in a game were Turk units featured. A good example of how Turks may be rated in Honours of War.