Seven Years War French
Here is the list of units done and to be completed of a French Army which may be played also for the War of Austrian Succession.
- One battalion of Swiss Grenadiers
- One battalion of Grenadiers de France
- One battalion of French Infantry (La Reine)
- One battalion of French Infantry (Artois)
- One battalion of French Infantry (Bearne)
- One battalion of French Infantry (Royal Roussillon)
- One battalion of Irish Infantry
- Seven battalion guns for the above infantry
- One Heavy Artillery Battery
- One Heavy Artillery Battery
- One Medium Artillery Battery
- Army General (3 Officers on Horse)
- General on Horse
- Colonel on Horse
- One small light infantry unit, Clermont prince. (I have enough models to complete a standard size unit)
- One small light infantry unit (Chasseurs de Fischer).
- One Hussars Regiment, mounted and dismounted (Hussards de Bercheny)
- One Clermont Prince Horse unit.
- One Heavy Horse Regiment, Maison du Roi
- One Dragoon Regiment.