South Lebanese Army 1980-2000
Piccolo progetto in 1/300 sulle truppe dell’esercito sud libanese.
Un sito di rifrimento:
I colori dei veicoli sono molto divertenti, grigio azzurro, con (gli sherman) o senza (il resto dei veicoli) macchie grigio piu’ scuro e azzurro cielo.Penso di fare:
- Un comando di brigata
- un battaglione di super Sherman, 6 + 1HQ,
- un battaglione di fanteria meccanizzata su M113 standard, 9 +1 HQ + M113+81mm.
- una compagnia su M113 con corazzatura addizionale Kalman.
- una base di AML90 da ricognizione
Veicoli aggiuntivi potranno essere presi dai modelli che ho fatto per Israeli, dal momento che alcuni veicoli erano rimasti del colore della IDF.Anche le fanterie usavano equipaggiamento israeliano e non c’e’ bisogno di fare nulla. Credo che come armi anticarro di fanteria abbiano avuto solo RPG7.
Qualche dettaglio su Wikipedia o preso da internet, su un sito aggiornato al 2000.
The Military Structure (1999)
The SLA is similar to other armies in its administrative and military structure. The “regular army” is deployed on the fronts and in the barracks. Special services are responsible for internal security. Like the Israeli military structure, the SLA relies on the system of regions and sectors established by Gen. David Agmon, a former Israeli chief liaison officer, who was in charge of training and equipping the militia members, using a specialized team from the Israeli Army.
The military sectors are the following:
1. The Western Sector: Its headquarters is in Bint Jubayl. It is under the command of former Lebanese Army Sergeant ‘Aql Hashim, who was promoted by the occupation forces to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He is considered the strongest candidate to succeed Antoine Lahd. The operational area of the western sector extends from the coastal town of al-Naqurah to the outskirts of Marj ‘Uyun.
2. The Eastern Sector: Its headquarters is in Marj ‘Uyun, where the headquarters of the SLA and Lahd is also located. This sector is under the command of Karamallah Sa’id.
3. The Jazzin Sector: Its headquarters is in Jazzin and is under the command of Emil Nasr.
4. The Hasbayya Sector: Its headquarters is in Hasbayya and is directly subordinate to the Israeli intelligence.
Each sector consists of eight battalions; each battalion consists of three companies; and each company consists of three platoons. There are only two battalions in Marj ‘Uyun and Hasbayya.
The SLA’s armament is a mixture of weapons left over from Arab-Israeli wars. Military observers say that the militia is unable to absorb all the Israeli-supplied military equipment.
However, the militia has no advanced weapons. Most of them are remnants of Arab-Israeli wars and weapons no longer in use by the Israeli Army. The weapons in the SLA’s possession include the following: American Sherman M-48 tanks; Soviet T-54 tanks captured from some pro-Soviet parties during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982; M-30 half-track troop carriers; M-113 armored vehicles; “Command Car” vehicles; 155-mm and 122-mm howitzer field artillery; Korean-made 107-mm launchers; all types of mortar guns; light, medium, and heavy machine guns, including MAC, B.K.C, M-16 [last three abbreviations in English], and the Israeli-made Galilee.