Tagged: xviii secolo


Dicembre 2023

Mi e’ arrivato il rubberised horsehair, per fare gli alberi e i cespugli. Ho trovato un italiano che vende fogliame che potrei usare, qui https://www.dioramapresepe.com. Da fare questo mese, nell’ordine: Per il prossimo anno...


Honours of War India

Text below has been written very recently by SteveJ, on the Honours of War Forum. I made a copy here for my convenience, to remember that rules were made available, with no intention to...


Erzherzog Carl Infantry

Before shifting to napoleonic, I think I should prepare one Seven Years War infantry battalion. Here is what I chose, details here, models will be from Front Rank.


Baranyay Hussars

My last Seven Years War unit painted. It is from Front Rank, twelve wonderful figures at the gallop. They are being painted as described here. They are very elegant in their apple green uniform....


Louis Nicolas van Blarenberghe

Searching for the colour of the French artillery during the Seven Years War, I have found this painter, who portrayed mainly the French Army during those years. The information found on his paintings is...



Next unit to be completed will be the Bosniak lancers. I have a 12 figures unit, by Front Rank. I have bought from Front Rank also the lance pennants. I will paint them as...


French Battalion guns

I am starting to prime my first french battalion guns. I have ordered some figures from RSM during the summer. Some figures were gunners and battalion guns for French and British battalions, since I...


Seven Years War Hanoverians

Just placed an order for a small contingent of Hanoverians. It will be composed of: All models bought by RSM, apart from officers and ensigns, which were bought from Crann Tara.

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