Maggio 2021
Manca solo di imbasettare due unita’ della guardia a cavallo britanniche, LifeGuards e Household. Un link con uniformi austriache di epoca rivoluzionaria, tra le altre. Ed ora ho rimesso a posto il 10th Light...
Manca solo di imbasettare due unita’ della guardia a cavallo britanniche, LifeGuards e Household. Un link con uniformi austriache di epoca rivoluzionaria, tra le altre. Ed ora ho rimesso a posto il 10th Light...
Need to think about the Warrior miniatures army packs, for a future project: AWI C. British Northern CampaignBand of 20 IroquoisTwo Battalions of 20 British Infantry of the lineBattalion of 20 British Light InfantryBattalion...
Ho comprato due di questi libretti ad un prezzo scontato, ne sto ritagliando uno. Ho preparato una fattoria ed un villaggio, montati su basi di circa 15 cm x 20 cm. C’e’ lo spazio...
An artillery bombardment starts the battle of the Bormida bridge. The artillery causes some disorder to the Brigade Victor, defending the bridge. The Piedmontese troops under Brempt watch the bombardment, grenadiers fix bayonets and...
This is the account of the first battle in our Dego 1796 BBB campaign. During the first two days Napoleon has ordered his troops to rush to Voltri and attack the austrians. The austrians...
The scenario offered here comes from the Bloody Big Battles site, devoted to the excellent rules from Chris Pringle, called Bloody Big Battles (BBB). It covers the first six dramatic days of the...
Prussian infantry for my Lobositz little battle project. One base equals around 1000 men, very roughly two battalions. Please tell me which ones are Prussian Grenadiers. It is soo easy to find out. Test...
Just finished basing other villages I inherited by my friends in Rome, adding to the ones already prepared.
Il forte di Vauban in 15mm che avevamo all’ARSM. E’ qui: