Tagged: xvii secolo


Never Mind the Matchlocks, action in Moëns

Here some photos of the great game we had yesterday, Robert and I. The rules from Andy Callan are rather nice, they feel like playing a large skirmish game. The command system and cards...


French Thirty Years war

Some French flags to decorate my Thirty Years’s War units. Some artillerymen waiting for hardware. All figures are Hinchliffe, ECW range. They have a lot of character to me, much better than the new...


Febbraio 2025

Ho iniziato questo mese di febbraio con il restauro dei pezzi tardo antichi in 6mm di Francesco. Qui qualche dettaglio sull’esercito Sasanide, ho anche iniziato l’esercito tardo romano. Ho poi preparato un po’ di...



I do not know exactly how old are these models. They were really battered, I managed to fix and repair and repaint, but they are still a bit fragile. A movement tray will save...


Dicembre 2024

I miei piano per questi giorni prima i Natale sono: Devo ricordarmi di preparare i battalion guns per i miei battaglioni britannici. In questo sito leggo che alcuni battalion guns potevano essere montati su...



Just started refurbishing these Minifigs figures, found on eBay. Painting is not bad but very basic, so I am doing all the horse harness and details. These figures are good for the last part...