La vie en rose, 7me Chasseurs
Here my second regiment of French Chasseurs. Also in these case Officer, trumpeter and standard are missing. I will need to dig again in my lead pile to see if I can better complete...
Here my second regiment of French Chasseurs. Also in these case Officer, trumpeter and standard are missing. I will need to dig again in my lead pile to see if I can better complete...
My first unit of Cahsseurs is ready. I am missing, officers, standard and trumpeter. Need to check if I have them in my lead pile. I would then do another two bases.
Mi e’ arrivato il rubberised horsehair, per fare gli alberi e i cespugli. Ho trovato un italiano che vende fogliame che potrei usare, qui Da fare questo mese, nell’ordine: Per il prossimo anno...
Just finished a brand new scenery element, well suited with my napoleonic 25 vintage armies. The kit was a present, received many years ago, by my good friend Nicola. I still need to paint...
Maurizio and I are going to play this scenario, from the Battle of Roliça, taken from the “Over the Hills” supplement and adapted to Shadow fo the Eagles. We are going to test the...
On this day the French troops assaulted the small village of Bard, just below the fortress, and conquered the place. The fortress garrison, Austrian, did not surrender and fired at the French entering the...
Francesco and Marco organised a great campaign at ARSM, in ’90s. Many friends appear in this old video. Game rules were “On To Richmond”. The campaign was based on the boardgame “Autumn Of Glory”...
Something I had found in a bring and buy in Tuscany many years ago, to which I added a few elements. Now I need to start painting fortress and siege artillery and find a...
Inizio il mese con la costruzione di case di carta. Quattro fatte finora, sono qui. Ho completato anche una chiesa di Peter Dennis. Tutte le basi sono fatte di quadrati 10.5×10.5 cm2 o multipli....
Just started mounting my paper model houses, bought from a german railway models firm. Here are the first ones, enough to have two built-up-areas on the table. Another twelve to go. I found and...