Tagged: xix secolo


Minifigs Napoleonic French cuirassiers

Just based some magnificent 25mm Minifigs French cuirassiers. I just did a minimal refurbish, gloss paint coat and basing. I have some unpainted models, to add an ensign and another officer figure, to complete...


Gennaio 2024

Mi serviva un villaggio 3mm per il gioco ACW, ne ho fatti dodici! Eccoli qui. Inizio il 2024 con una piccola lista di pezzi da preparare, per i miei tre (ben tre!) progetti correnti:...


Second Manassas BBB

On the 6th we played the ACW scenario of 2nd Manassas, the one which may be found on the BBB GroupIO page. I have so far played with a labelling script, which has produced...


Last French draftees of ’23

Maurizio just sold me some nice Foundry French, based singly, which I will speedily draft into my vintage napoleonic army. These Foundry figures have been designed by the Perry Brothers between 2005 and 2012,...


Vitoria 1813

A very enjoyable game organised by Maurizio, with Marco playing the Perfida Albione and me as French. The game scenario was built by Maurizio, fully based on the original battle (The battle plan shown...


Scots Greys

Some very old models arrived recently. I decided to leave them as is, they were painted Old School, very good and not too damaged. Horses are in many shades of grey, I did not...


2eme et 4eme Dragons

Photos here for my latest refurbishing of 25mm Minifigs Dragoons. I had to do micro holes on their bases, to put steel wires which would hold horse legs. The original owner had cut all...


Vintage Massena? Nooo

I just restored a bit this magnificent model, painted very professionally long ago by some italian wargamer. Is it Massena? Please let me know. Nooo M. is right!! This is just a French Guard...

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