Tagged: xix secolo


BBB Vimeiro

Today I had a great game with Robert. We have played the Battle of Vimerio using the BBB rules frommChris Pringle. The figures we used were superbly pained by Robert, 6mm from Baccus. Overall...


Curtatore e Montanara

Tutto merito di Marco il resoconto della battaglia, organizzata appositamente mentre ero oltralpe. Sabato 11 Gennaio Curtatone e Montanara 1848 Regolamento: Neil Thomas (One-hour Wargames: Practical Tabletop Battles) Contrariamente alla successiva retorica patriottarda lo scontro...


Minifigs French Field Artillery

I have just finished five bases of French artillerymen, four bases are made of Minifigs French artillerymen, with the 1806 uniform. One base is a Guard Artillery one, hosting four not yet identified figures....


BBB Albuera

Today Robert and I played a nice BBB scenario on the battle of Albuera. We chose to play the full-size scenario available on the Group site. The French decided to attack from the south,...



Two days ago I visited this museum. Since I had been last time, many years ago, it has been completely renovated and has become a very interesting place to visit, for people with general...


Luglio 2024

Non ho tempo a Giugno per preparare altri pezzi, quindi scrivo i miei propositi per luglio.


Maggio 2024

Questo mese prevedo di portare avanti due progetti, Trent’anni 25mm e Prima Guerra Mondiale in 6mm: TODO Mi sono accorto preparando lo scenario di Osma, che ho bisogno di Generali francesi e Britannici Napoleonici,...


Combat at Osma

Solo game based on the “Victoria” scenario book from TooFatLardies. I decided to test my amended Shadows of the Eagles rules. The amendments are in fact fully based on the new rules that the...