Tagged: wwii


1/3000 WWII naval

Just found a box full of 1/3000 WWII ships. They are mainly German and British, for the Atlantic theatre. They have been based two-three years ago, immediately after I prepared the models for the...


Ultracombat Normandy

Abbiamo appena provato questo nuovo regolamento skirmish WW2, scritto dallo stesso gruppo che ha creato Skirmish Sangin. Molto divertente! Abbiamo giocato con una squadra per parte, i meccanismi di attivazione e di morale rendono...


Air recognitions markings WW2

Looking for air recognition markings and positions on top of vehicles. Aiming at finishing with decals my 1/300 Spearhead units. First photo is from the Italian campaign, New Zealanders at Sora, where British roundels...


My new vintage WW2 American Spearhead Army

Here the beginning of my effort to build a Spearhead US WW2 Army. The figures are vintage infantry figures from Heroics and Ros. I have added support weapon and command strips which you may...


Bloody Bocage

We just played the second scenario from the “White Star” supplement for Spearhead. Quite fun! The scenario The scenario takes place in Normandy, the day right after D-Day. Two British infantry regiments start to...


Il pittore di Heroics and Ros

Mark Hides dipinge per Heroics and Ros. Ecco una galleria di pezzi, le basi sono molto interessanti: Un altro pittore alle prese con i paracadutisti russi.


Pensando a Mario

Oggi pensando a Mario ho preparato un sacco di pezzi 1/300 britannici, seconda guerra mondiale. Tutti pezzi che non avrebbe mai dipinto. Eccoli: 1 Comando divisionale 2 Comandi di brigata 2 Comandi di battaglione...


Gennaio 2019

New year is starting with a short list of models being painted: Iranian tanks and APCs are coming next: Chieftains, Scorpions, M113, some AA and Command vehicles. Here some Gulf War Saudi, mostly a...


Spearhead Greek Army 1940-1941.

I am currently trying to organise a World War Two Greek Army in 6mm, starting from H&R catalogue. Infantry figures might be from the Italian range, having used the same helmet and some captured...