Tagged: ww2


Lorioly’s flight over Germany

Game played using our World war Two Air Combat rules, 1/600 model planes from the collection of Vittorio. A B17 box is flying over Germany to deliver its bumbled over a weapon factory. An...


Bolt kids Action

One of the best games ever I had last sunday with my son M. A Bolt action Normandy scenario hosting very nice houses built by a master craftsman from Rome. The game


St Donat, Normandia 1944

Skirmish 28mm, seconda guerra mondiale. Regolamento rate of Fire. Scenario Siamo in Normandia, luglio ’44. I tedeschi si preparano a sferrare un contrattacco locale corazzato, di una compagnia carri, su una stradina secondaria del...


Paracadutisti USA Seconda Guerra Mondiale

Guida alla pittura I’ll make a list of the colours used for my models, unless otherwise noted I used balck or dark browns for shadows and white, light sand, ivory etc for the highlights....