Tagged: vlb


Castiglione 1796

History of the battle from the Castiglione Wikipedia Page. This battle is played using V&B rules and 2mm armies from Stefano. Battle Roster follows: The initial troop dispositions must follow the historical settings, but...


VLB test battle 3

29th June 2012. Yesterday we played the third test battle using my computerized version of the rules. This version of the program has a graphical interface to handle the battle, and additional computers, if...


Variable Length Bound wargaming

News I have started preparing for the third test battle, a small campaign.The armies are taken from the very good Castiglione 1796 book from Voykovitsch.I will use the sam program to make initial campaign...


VLB First Remote Battle

For instructions on how to remotely play this battle, follow this link. Battle of Lonato, Part One Let us assume you managed to login and you started the program. We need to load the...

Remote VLB GUI 0

Remote VLB GUI

Dear playtesters, let us try to run the program without a local install. Windows will have to fly across the ocean, they will be slow, but it is a lot easier for me to...

Battle of Lonato, Part Two 0

Battle of Lonato, Part Two

Let us start now to assign orders to units. We assume here that orders are given in the middle of the night. Couriers rush to units bivouacking, so that all units will be ready...


VLB with modern Babbage machine test battle

Yesterday night some courageous friends and I tested a mechanized version of the Variable Length Bound game model. Playtesters were Alessandro, Marco, Maurizio, Pino. many thanks. The game scenario was a stand of a...

VLB test battle 2 0

VLB test battle 2

Yesterday night we had a second test of the Napoleonic VLB using a computer program handling the chain of events produced by orders, melees and others. I have introduced the modifications proper in the...



Modifications proposed Dear all, here I will post a list of bug solved and modification proposals coming from play testers for next version. What I would like to introduce is the following: Introduce Changes...