Tagged: spearhead


Spearhead WW2 mini-campaign, part 1 of 3

Liberation of Bruyeres AARs Bruyeres, prima parte Bruyeres, seconda parte Bruyeres, terza parte Vosges Mountains, France, 16th October 1944 Prior to their winter offensive, the German High Commanddetermined to hold the line in the...


Bruyeres, seconda parte

Alle ore 11 del 29 ottobre 1944, un evento inaspettato colpisce il comando del reggimento Nisei. Un raro attacco aereo tedesco colpisce in pieno la tenda dove erano raccolti i comandanti di battaglione, chiamati...


Bruyeres, prima parte

Le prime tre ore di battaglia Ottobre 1944, regione dei Vosgi. L’alto comando tedesco ha deciso di tenere questa regione, prima di lanciare l’offensiva nell Ardenne. Le forze alleate avanzano lentamente. Ancora uno sforzo...


Logistica in Spearhead e Modern Spearhead

Rules on logistics are applied as they have been written by Mike Reese. Our single modification is that units can be characterised by the rule Poor Fire discipline, which will cause special expenditure of...


Battle of the Bridges, part two

Back to Battle of the Bridges, Kuwait 1991, Part One. Second part of the game starts at 9:30 am, with Iraqi mechanised infantry battalions occupying most of Jahra, the tank battalion of the Medina...


Battle of the Bridges, Kuwait 1991

Scenario related information here. This game is being played using Modern Spearhead rules. A Unit Sheet has been prepared for the Kuwaitis, while the standard Sheet has been used for iraqis. Both armies troops...


Battaglia dei ponti

Battle really happened during Kuwait invasion in 1991. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Bridges I have prepared all miniatures in 1/300 using H&R and Scotia models. An account of the battle below: Scenario Gioco sull’invasione del Kuwait. Giocato con...


Modern Italian

Republican Italy MSH Italy 1985 Sheet.xlsx Italy has presented an interesting modern military history. From complete defeat in 1943, it was rebuilt by the Allies in 1943 to fight the Germans. Even in the...


Al Mansour, Lebanon, 11th June1982

Game duration: 4:45 am (dawn) to 12 am (UN ceasefire), variable length turns. First turn(s) is dawn. Sunrise at 5:15. Turn hour calculated end of each turn: 1 = l’ora non cambia, 2-5 =...