Tagged: spearhead


WWI Jagers

Just finished all Jagers needed to play Eastern Front scenarios for Great War Spearhead II called “All Fine Men“: I use this page as a reminder. In order to complete my Russian civil war...


6mm WWI trenches

I am preparing a set of WWI trenches, meant to be used for my Eastern Front project. I am using the many models from Irregular which Francesco prepared. I am mounting them on 9×3...


Additional WWI Russians

Here the additional troops I have based, with the idea to have enough troops for all the scenarios present in the Spearhead supplements for the East front.


Luglio 2024

Non ho tempo a Giugno per preparare altri pezzi, quindi scrivo i miei propositi per luglio.


Giugno 2024

All troops ready for Degesen, here they are. On these two boxes more than one Russian infantry division, five regiments, with supports. Also half a division of German infantry. I have now completed the...


Action around Degesen, 17 August 1914

This scenario features the northern flank of General von François’ I Corps, centredaround Degesen (modern day Babushkino). Elements of the German 1st Division (General Richard Von Conta) have to hold this flank against the...


Aprile 2024

Hot news are my new guns for playing Warre. Three bases done using old Minifigs figures from the Renaissance range, more late XVII century than Thirty Years’ War.. Completed now: three additional gun bases,...


“All fine men” GWSH: head count

I have just collected the full list, what is needed to play all scenarios of “All Fine Men”, Easter front First World War scenarios for Great War Spearhead. In Bold what I have already...