BBB Vimeiro
Today I had a great game with Robert. We have played the Battle of Vimerio using the BBB rules frommChris Pringle. The figures we used were superbly pained by Robert, 6mm from Baccus. Overall...
Today I had a great game with Robert. We have played the Battle of Vimerio using the BBB rules frommChris Pringle. The figures we used were superbly pained by Robert, 6mm from Baccus. Overall...
Today we played a wonderfully crafted game, by Mauro, who prepared a Shako 2 scenario depicting the Battle of Saltanovka, a difficult engagement for the Russians, who needed to attack the French by crossing...
My first unit of Cahsseurs is ready. I am missing, officers, standard and trumpeter. Need to check if I have them in my lead pile. I would then do another two bases.
Just based figures from Minifigs and Hinchliffe. I did very little restoration of these very nice figures, unbasing and cleaning, plus some touches of paint. These are Horse Guard Grenadiers. There are enough figures...
In questa pagina descrivo i miei pezzi in 25mm da restaurare o dipingere. I pezzi sono prevalentemente Hinchliffe, Mirliton e Minifigs, da ritoccare, da dipingere o da sverniciare e ridipingere da capo.
Ho finalmente trovato una unita’ da dipingere con i pezzi che ho. Sono pezzi Hinchliffe, quasi dei 28mm. Ho gia’ tre battaglioni francesi e non volevo dipingere altri Grenadiers! Ecco alcune foto da cui...
Appena imbasettati dei pezzi Foundry, ussari austriaci, trovati su eBay a poco piu’ del prezzo del piombo.
last year I had found on eBay eighteen painted Minifigs Light Dragoons at a cheap price, without horses. Later I placed an order to Caliver and bought twelve horses, enough to make large unit....
Two units of french Dragoons. They have been bought on eBay and restored by me. I added a Standard Bearer to complete the two units. All Hinchliffe.
Questo mese continuerò a preparare i pezzi Sette Anni di Alessandro, cominciando da un battaglione di granatieri prussiani. Informazioni sui converged grenadier battalions. Devo decidere se mettere le bandiere ai battaglioni di granatieri. Su...