Tagged: battle


Bloody Bocage

We just played the second scenario from the “White Star” supplement for Spearhead. Quite fun! The scenario The scenario takes place in Normandy, the day right after D-Day. Two British infantry regiments start to...


Battle for Dezful, 8 October 1980

This page contains a skeleton scenario for Modern Spearhead. The basis comes from the book “The Iran-Iraq war”, by Pierre Razoux. I have not found any other details so far. A huge help came...


Battle for Shush, Khuzestan, 1 October 1980

Situation The game lasts one day (24 turns). The Iraqi 1st Mechanised Division aims to capture the city of Shush, eventually by forcing surrender by encircling it. The Iraqi have crossed at the main...


Chain of Command in the Pacific

First Chain of Command game from Too Fat Lardies, hosting a platoon of Japanese against US Marines. We use a standard 120 X 180 cm2 table. Terrain is divided into six 60 cm side...


Assedio di Agliana 1276

La battaglia del famoso assedio di Agliana, fortezza fiorentina che controllava il commercio tessile con la Cina sin dall’alto medioevo. L’esercito fiorentino arriva sotto le mura della fortezza per ingaggiare le truppe imperiali in...


The Lilin fortress

This battle is a fortress relief scenario. Mongols are sieging a russian wooden fortress. A russian army comes to save it. The main objective of the game is the mongol camp. Siege machines must...


Table setup for Agliana

The idea Porta San Paolo as it stands today. The game idea came when we decided to prepare a table for Agliana with some scenario very close to our Club in Rome. We decided...

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