Tagged: battaglia


Good Evening Vietnaaam !!

Provincia di Ap Bac. Un battlegroup americano di appresta a compiere una missione di ricerca di una cache di denaro Vietcong, ottenuto da una capillare attivita’ di esattori delle tasse ribelli. Una soffiata ha...


Battaglia di Digione

Il Visconte de La Moutarde, comandante borgognone delle armate cattoliche della regione, ha deciso di riconquistare il centro manifatturiero dei suoi avi. Due eserciti si incontrano quindi nelle vicinanze della capitale della Borgogna, in...


Danube 1809

Grand Piquet 2 game, played using vintage 2mm (1mm actually) figures by P. Dennis and I. Knight. Maurizio B. is our referee. Subunits definitions: Infantry: two adjacent bases, either in line (4cm or 5cm...


Salve Crucesignato

Hail Caesar game for Ayyubid Egyptians fighting Crusaders. Desert battle, with few (three) broken ground elements and (three) low hills. Table size is 180X540 cm2. Armies Scenario Both sides have camp on table. Who...


Deep thrust on german soil

Scenario about an american heavy bomber formation, escorted by P47 fighters, attacking German mainland. It’s early 1944. Five players, Vittorio refereeing. Rules basic have been found on the internet, we have heavily modified them,...


Alla conquista di Tolomeo

Battaglia antica tra un esercito romano repubblicano ed uno dei successori di Tolomeo. Ehm, leggermente anacronistica, mi interessava provare il combattimento tra una legione ed una falange ellenistica con il regolemanto Hail Caesar. Regolamento...


War Of Desperation

Lebanon 1982 game, using Cold War Commander and 1/300 models. Lists Scenario Encounter game. Road running on a hill crest, with villages on crest and on valley bottom. Played along long edge. It lasts...


Treasures from the silk road, the armies

The french archeologists Three cars full of french and american archeologists and mongol bodyguards. Car Car Truck Improvised armoured car with LMG, may fire forward arc only. One unit of four archeologists, one rifle,...


Treasures from the Silk Road

Back of Beyond battle using Triumph and Tragedy rules and 28mm figures from Copplestone. The Story A french-american expedition from the Sin Kiang deserts has hired chinese smugglers to bring a recent excavated treasure...


The Euphrates

Sixth century Persian Wars battle, played with vintage 25mm models from Minifigs and Garrrison,I believe, using Comitatus rules. The enemies The battle Romans are advancing along the Euphrates with their fleet. They have now...